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 Mar 2014 Ryan Cenzon
someday i'll
fall asleep
to the sound
of your heartbeat.
Bad at following
even God's laws,
I've broken
 Feb 2014 Ryan Cenzon
my patience is growing weak and thin
and i'm getting sick and tired of everything

nothing makes sense; it's all a blur in my head
words do nothing but hang stale in the air
and i don't know how to start from here

i can try to pull myself together
but is it even worth it
when i keep falling apart?

my efforts keep getting wasted on
the never-ending and unrelenting
struggle to be free

my feet are chained
my mind's a cage

i don't know where to go,
or how to begin

i feel so numb

i've really tried keeping it together this week
but i'm falling apart at the seams

it's starting to smell like giving up in here

it's starting to smell a lot like fear.
 Feb 2014 Ryan Cenzon
(10 w)
 Feb 2014 Ryan Cenzon
seven billion people in this world;
i still feel alone.
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