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Ryan Cenzon Jan 2013
You are now as cold to me

as the solstice of winter

I am bothered so,

like my soul punctured by a splinter.

Talk to me forever,

my ears shall listen to your trouble.

If in your heart a city burns,

I will help you clean the rubble.

I apologize for everything,

that sets off your days,

I apologize for my burden,

and my apologetic ways.
Ryan Cenzon Jan 2013
My bleeding head on a platter,

Stands in it's rightful place.

I see them rejoice as they stare,

at the fear frozen in my face.

Terror given, be terror received,

the universe's rhythm unspoken.

throw a stone, it will shoot back,

crack a life, and yours be broken.

No matter how fast, how far I ran,

I was found to pay my lifetime debt.

The pain I had caused has bounced back to me,

through bleeding pain, I regret.
Ryan Cenzon Jan 2013
I thought I was done,

With the suffering, and pain,

The day I thought was brightening,

Immediately slammed the ground with rain.

I had seen hope,

I had seen the beauty of light.

But what I hoped was a happy day,

was just a dream in this endless night.

I don't understand,

how this pain is aborning,

I want to cry all through the night,

and just die in the morning.
Ryan Cenzon Jan 2013
I journey through life's desert,

as did the ancient Jewish slaves.

Each step I take,

feels like I swim against the waves.

I seek the immaculate oasis,

the one sought out for ages.

in her hands lie a promise, to cleanse my wounds,

and to free me from my cages.

The oasis is an illusion.

Corrupt oaths, and stolen dreams.

She will drive you desperately mad,

'till you break your own seams

I accept the desert's truth,

That no rescue lies in the void,

Alone I cleanse the screaming wounds,

on my face, the sands destroyed.
Ryan Cenzon Jan 2013
Share with me the secrets,

clasped between the walls of your fortress.

The secrets that shall bring light unto me.

Join me in my journey,

as we gently embark

towards moments of imperfection and perfection alike.

Together we shall walk,

along the shores of the deadly seas, we will not fear,

for we will be together.

The warmth of your presence,

and the joy of your love,

gives me refuge from the painful world.

Pain may come,

but dear, I fear not.

Infinite, we are,

Ryan Cenzon Jan 2013
We will destroy ourselves, ironically,

for the reason will be the search for peace.

The heralds will sing songs of harmony,

and they will echo through the seas.

So desperate for order,

this tattered world, they try to mend.

Opposing nations with hostility,

they try so hard to blend.

Through the thick forest mists,

I spot with both my jaundiced eyes,

the silhouette of impending chaos,

and I already hear the desperate cries.

The soldiers all prepare,

to fight each other's deadly waves,

digging trenches in the soil,

that will soon become their graves.

Never is it too late to accept,

that Death will always write the page,

all history begins,

with the doom that we wage.
Ryan Cenzon Jan 2013
Any challenge, shall I meet,

for you and I to be together.

Horned demons,godlike sorcerers,

I fear not time, I fear not weather.

Travel, will I, through hills and urban plains,

through freezing snow, and scorching heat,

through the far African rains.

I assure you, fair lady, as I genuflect my knee,

I will be faster than the vultures, in the sky,

Faster than the eagle, with wings spread free.

So, patience, glorious woman,

the day, soon we'll see.

When Apollo's Golden afternoon is blazing,

Together, our souls will be.
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