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Ryan Cenzon Jan 2013
I want to be with you my dear,

'till the winds cast me away.

To give you so much screaming love,

And we shall never fray.

We will never leave our paradise dreams,

The sand crumbling beneath our feet.

Euphoria, always, You and I,

Happiness shall never fleet.

As I clasp your hands so tightly,

Our life will never bane.

As the skies stay bright, at the break of dusk,

the Moon will never wane.

The pastures dance with the southern winds,

as the Tulips seek the water flow.

Don't ask me to say anything, dear,

for 'I love you' is all I know.
Ryan Cenzon Jan 2013
Floating like Dandelion,

like lucid dreams, dragged by the wind.

Floating so ecstatically,

painful memories we rescind.

The land once deserted,

now heavily inhabited and teeming.

The stained fabrics of our history,

slowly we are cleaning.

Afternoons so peaceful,

spent in the windy meadows of our mask.

Finally, in the sky, I see the light,

in it, forever shall I bask.

— The End —