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Ryan Bowdish Nov 2021
Rivers rising to the middle distance
Skylines sunken in sea-salted prisons
An endless ocean, the bottomless blue
Venomous, choking, a sacrifice for you

I've buried my head, but never to hide
I've broken my fingers just to provide
I've taken a throne, but lost all my pride
And here I sit empty, my love cast aside

The sky has broken in an instant
Memory serves to torture, insistent
A constant reminder of poor decisions
No number of wraps will sate this incision

Now let the blackness swallow it all
A shining beacon on the other side
Now see your actions be your downfall
You are the cause for the surmounting tide

I've buried my head, but never to hide
I've broken my fingers just to provide
I've taken a throne, but lost all my pride
And here I sit empty, my love cast aside
Ryan Bowdish Oct 2021
Historically speaking, I am evil.
I used, I hated, I hurt, I cheated.
I lied, I drank, I wanted to die
But history is history.

I can't sit still while my world crumbles.
I can't stop trying to facilitate health.
You would that I made no mistakes
You would that I crucified myself.

My foundation is frozen in purgatory now
But humanity insists that I'll make it somehow
And when your record is littered with lies
The truth will always be clouded with doubt

I don't want to give up, but I want to give in
To the conceptual bliss of not having to be
I don't want to die, but I want the pain to end
I wonder what world waits for spirits set free.

Sometimes I wish that I never chose fatherhood
So I didn't have anyone to hurt, left behind
But I have to believe that this life will get better
Even when suicide strangles my mind.
"Speaking words of wisdom...
Let it be."
Ryan Bowdish Sep 2021
When will this end
When will I fly
Will I ever see the world I idealized?

When will it change
When will I cease
Dreaming of dying, of endless release?

When will I cry
When will I feel
Will I ever know what it means to be real?

When will I learn
When will I grow
Sometimes I think of just closing the show
Ryan Bowdish Aug 2021
I have a burning hatred within me
And I spend my whole life in constant fear
That I'll spend an eternity wondering
If I'll ever expel this or simply let it fester

Have you ever wished to ****?
That regret you know you'll feel later
It doesn't matter then.
It's all about that moment.

Do you want to understand true mindfulness?

Extinguish the life of another.
Ryan Bowdish Aug 2021
The crimes justified by a dogma
Were inherent to the self-righteous creed.
Where our fathers have cast aside karma,
Soon the souls of posterity bleed.
The whipping boy is always an innocent:
His blood tells the story of labor.
Hands holding flogs are all gilded,
A penance for his misbehavior.

Blessed be those who lie broken
Under clouds of the toxic command!
The tides of tears wax for the chosen;
Behold the lines left in the sand!
If they all prey for their saviour,
They will bear witness our wrath!
Revel in the screams of the slavers
Diplomacy ends in bloodbaths!

Dismemberment, a cacophonous chorus.
Our chains lay foundations for war.
Chieftains of false hope ignored us;
Our trust is torn!
Clawing our way to the zenith
Has left our empathy to rot.
Upon the world's back, you ascended;
Did you think we all ******* forgot?

Blessed be the bodies lying broken
By hypocrisy's unwavering hand!
The tides of sweat swell for the chosen;
Behold the lines left in the sand!
When they all prey for their saviour,
They will bear witness our wrath!
Revel in the screams of the slavers
Diplomacy ends in bloodbaths!

Love is dying
**** our masters
Rage justified
Wash it off us
His eye has left us
I think we're alone now
Shrouded with impatience
Break you with envy.
Is it work? I think it's just supposed to be super metal. But actually it very likely could be a hatred for upper management.
Ryan Bowdish Apr 2020
I fantasize about other lives
Fantastical dragons and werewolf cries
Ready to renounce my given name
No longer committed to the game
Ready to join the opposing side
Ready to revel in suicide
Prepare to die a million times
This existence is penance for your crimes.
Ryan Bowdish Jan 2020
Set it all on fire
And douse it with crocodile's tears
No one will ever listen
This is how it is now.

Decisions, decisions.

Set it all on fire
And douse it with your darkest fears
It isn't going to change.
This is how we go down.

Such beauty in this eternal sadness
Eternal sadness
Eternal madness

No reflection

Phoenix feathers and mountain's breath
Crocodile tears and a timely death
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