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134 · May 2021
my hopes
Mikey May 2021
i hope she slow dances with you, in the kitchen to the humming of the air conditioning
i hope she kisses you, with passion ran deep within her veins
i hope she sings to you, with angels in her voice and a sweet hum in her throat
i hope she loves you, with all she has

like you used to let me
134 · Aug 2021
leech boy
Mikey Aug 2021
ill take all you can give and leave you empty.
ill **** all the blood out of your heart and break you apart.
im just a leech boy.
133 · Aug 2021
Mikey Aug 2021
you put our song
in a playlist
you made for her
133 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
even with all these voices in my head,
im still lonely without you.
132 · Mar 2021
Mikey Mar 2021
i stand in the bustling enviroment.
surrounded by people whoes stroies ive never heard,
never will hear.
rolling wheels and harsh voices fill the filtered air.
hushing mothers, and their crying children.
i stand in an airport, surrounded by crowds ive never known.
wishing to hear a simple story, a little tale.
to know the place i stand
132 · Aug 2020
because of you.
Mikey Aug 2020
these days have reminded me of young lovers
of whispered secrets in candle light
of slow dances in the rain
a feeling of endless liveliness.
a feeling i hope to never shake.
all because of you.
131 · Apr 2022
Mikey Apr 2022
the world may turn again
the breeze may whisper sweet nothings into my ears again
the flowers my bloom again
but the world will forever be dark without you holding my hand
i will never see
not without you guiding me

but life is full of goodbyes, and i guess this is mine

so long partner
till the next sunrise
129 · Mar 2021
Mikey Mar 2021
my head is pounding sorrowful rythems in the back of my head.
my heart is knocking against my ribs.
my blood is clotting in my veins.
i can feel myself dying.
but ill keep it inside
128 · Aug 2021
pitiful me
Mikey Aug 2021
goodnight pitiful world
goodnight to the one that dreaded my existence
goodnight to the one that wished me unbroken
goodnight to the one that shamed me into hiding
goodnight pitiful me,
you deserve the rest.
128 · Sep 2020
Mikey Sep 2020
let’s run away to a faraway land where train tracks meet the stars
where flowers bloom in the moonlight
where trees are evergreen
where the skyline is painted pink and yellow.
let’s run away.
let’s leave behind this world full of forced smiles and fake laughs,
let’s leave the world that’s polluted with corrupt governments and unlawful laws.
let’s run away.
a place we can be free.
to be you and me.
125 · Jan 2021
Mikey Jan 2021
my heart will forever have a you-shaped hole.
where only you will ever be able to fill it.
123 · Nov 2021
i am nothing
Mikey Nov 2021
and once again i fell into a pile on the floor
crumbled into the lack of person i am
i have lost everything
i am nothing,
but a pile of ***** clothes on my bathroom floor.
123 · Feb 2021
i love you
Mikey Feb 2021
i love you.
and all your broken parts,
all your missing pieces.
i love you for you.
so please let me heal you
123 · Apr 2022
monsters n shit
Mikey Apr 2022
my parents always told me of monsters under my bed
or the ones that waited in the dark of my closet

but maybe it was me who was the monster after all
122 · Jul 2021
Mikey Jul 2021
i long to feel what the people feel.
i want to feel the love,
the joy,
the excitement.
i want to feel the flood of emotions running through everyone’s veins.
everything but the pain,
for i already feel pain.
where did i go wrong
119 · Dec 2020
alcoholic parents
Mikey Dec 2020
the thing about having
an alcoholic parent
is an alcoholic parent
does not exist

an alcoholic
who could not stay sober
long enough to rise their own kids
- Rupi Kaur
119 · Apr 2021
i need a hug
Mikey Apr 2021
i need a hug
the embrace of ones strong arms
the caress of ones gentle hands
the lock of ones shoulders around me
before i crumble upon your floor
into a puddle of nothingness
i need a hug, just one
117 · Dec 2020
stars in your eyes
Mikey Dec 2020
i want to be the only star in your night sky,
but im just not.
117 · Aug 2021
i am from.
Mikey Aug 2021
I am from empty wine glasses
From jack and coke
I am from the forgotten house on the cove
(broken down, empty, but only on the inside rather than out)
I am from great oak trees
Growing towards the sun, shading me from the harshest words
Im from Christmas dinners and alcohol scented sheets
From mom and dad
Im from the broken promises and the smashed plates
From “get out of my face” and “you need to be fixed”
Im from forced catholism and torn easter prayers
Im from the sweltering heat of the south, and the glistening waters of Italy
From pasta and fried chicken
From the harsh voice of my mother
The lack of care from my dad
From the ripped photos off the wall
From the loving arms, I always wished to receive.
117 · Oct 2021
violence caused by anger
Mikey Oct 2021
i hope you fall.
not in love.
not for someone.
not for anything.
i hope you fall.
i hope you hurt.
i hope you bleed.
i hope you suffer.
i hope you fall,
for a person that treats you the way you treated me.
116 · Oct 2021
Mikey Oct 2021
i hope im a good enough second choice for you.
116 · Jul 2022
idk what to title this
Mikey Jul 2022
every twist within my dna seems to be overruled with the unwanted thought of failure
every breath that expands my lungs reminds me of the mush and metal stitched into them
every word, every phrase, every epithet reminds me that i am nothing
i will not say everything is okay
when it is not.
115 · Dec 2020
im still tired
Mikey Dec 2020
im tired of waking up with tears streaming down my face.
im tired of the dull eyes,
im tired of the red rivers running through them.
im tried of crying.
i wish i could do something else, i wish the pain was easy to handle.
im so tired.
i wish i could go to sleep, maybe even never wake up.
115 · Oct 2021
toxic traits of mine
Mikey Oct 2021
i will always have a piece of you.
a piece that comes running back.
i will always have a way to make you crave my lips melting with yours.
to make you long to be tangled up with me in the middle of the night.
to make you need me.
every night
until you some how forget me
which you wont.
so go ahead, run on to the next one. and the next one. and the next one.
but i will always be here,
and you will always come back to me.
114 · Jan 2021
Mikey Jan 2021
he set fire to the world around him,
but never let a flame touch her.
112 · Apr 2021
Mikey Apr 2021
yet ill continue to spill my reservoir of love for you.
ill dump it in your darkest places,
spill it in your brightest
ill make heeping piles of hearts, broken and mended.
all for you.
111 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
what do i do if im the only person on my deathnote?
yes this is based off an anime shh
109 · Jul 2021
special loving.
Mikey Jul 2021
it was a special kind of love.
the kind where they know the ends of your sentences,
they know they way your lungs expand,
they know the way you sleep,
the way your lips curl.
but it was tainted,
in old loves and broken promises.
it was a special kind of love,
that will sadly never be.
no matter how much i wish.
109 · Nov 2021
oh, love
Mikey Nov 2021
"Oh, love is a journey with water and stars,
with drowning air and storms of flour;
love is a clash of lightnings,
two bodies subdued by one honey."

– Pablo Neruda, "Sonnet 12"
this is one of my favorite poems, so i will share it with you
109 · Aug 2022
Mikey Aug 2022
i forgot how to write,
how to stuff my thoughts into tiny stanzas and hope for a release.
i forgot,
not because the act of writing dissipated from my wake
but rather i had no feelings to write
108 · Oct 2021
main character
Mikey Oct 2021
i’m going to stop trying to be the main character in your love story.
i was merely a side character,
or maybe a comic relief.
but you were always my main.
goodbye lover,
continue your story without me.
108 · Mar 2021
i long for you
Mikey Mar 2021
i long to feel you.
not sexually, but i long to feel your chest rise and fall aganist my back
i long to feel your eyes captivate mine
i long to feel your hands grasp mine
i long for you in the most innocent of ways
i long for the late night talks
and the drowsy kisses
i long for the way you say my name in the morning
i long for you, the way you long for me.
107 · Jan 2021
letting go
Mikey Jan 2021
i let go.
because i knew i would break you in the most beautiful of ways.
i would treat you like a princess and make everything you see around you become your castle only to rip it away from you.
i know myself more than anyone out there, so for me to sit here and say i’ll treat you okay.
is merely nothing but a lie.
107 · Jan 2021
i want to say.
Mikey Jan 2021
i want to say i got better.
i want to say i can look at a bottle and think of only the dosage.
i want to say i can eat a meal without puking until my lungs lack air.
i want to say my arms and legs are clear.
but whats the point in lying anymore.
everyone knows im lying, they just dont care.
or maybe im to good at hiding it.
106 · Dec 2020
love me gently
Mikey Dec 2020
pick me up and cater to my swollen lungs.
kiss my scraped knees, and hold my shaky hands.
make me yours and heal my heart so i can heal yours.
105 · Mar 2021
Mikey Mar 2021
why must the rain be so beautifully poetic?
why must the cuts across my wrist be so metaphoric?
why must the clouds be so sadly broken?
why must the world be so cruel to us beautiful people?
105 · Oct 2021
Mikey Oct 2021
i dreamt of you last night.
i thought it was real,
thought you were real.
but i know youll never want me.
stupid little dreams.
103 · Jan 2021
Mikey Jan 2021
ill stand in the middle of the road and scream your name at passing cars.
ill climb the highest of mountains to find you again.
my soul string belongs to you.
whyd you cut yours.
101 · Sep 2022
Mikey Sep 2022
why wont you listen
why wont you care to hear that youre wrong
everything i say is locked away
blocked out of your memory
you wont even hear me
see me
feel me
101 · May 2021
Mikey May 2021
You leave me gasping for air, gripping at the teathered ropes that lead behind you.
I fell into your trap just as you wanted me to.
I fell for you and into your love.
Your air restricting love.
But its all worth it for you my dear
100 · Jan 2021
till the good days
Mikey Jan 2021
till the days i dont have to feel sad songs in the pit of my stomach.
till the days i can look outside and see the world as something other than withered.
till the days i can breath without the wheeze.
i will continue to tell you im okay,
cause thats all im allowed to be.
99 · Jan 2023
Mikey Jan 2023
ive never been one to feel
but when your arms wrapped around me i saw the whole universe in my eyes
i saw the stars collide
i saw the oceans currents fold into one another
i saw the planets orbit
i saw the world in its pure and most beautiful form
thank you
98 · Sep 2020
Mikey Sep 2020
sometimes we fall onto our knees and bleed to the ones around us.
sometimes we expand our lungs with poison, for the ones we love.
sometimes we knock our own teeth out, and force a different smile.
sometimes we're human.
and thats okay.
98 · Mar 2021
Mikey Mar 2021
now days whiskey has seemed to be my holy water.
leaving my lips slurred across your body.
my fingers trailing every self inflicted etch in your pillow skin.
my need for you coursing through my veins and digging into my bones.
my body longs for you, needs you.
i want to breath against your skin, feeling the goosebumps arise on your back.
i need you.
this is a draft and ***
97 · Jan 2021
Mikey Jan 2021
i’ll never know what’s going on in the back of your head.
i’ll never be able to look into you and realize what you’re thinking.
sometimes i wonder if when you look at me you imagine another.
i wonder if you’re waiting for me to give up so you can run back.
i hate that fact that i wonder.
that i doubt.
but sometimes that’s all i can do..
96 · Apr 2022
Mikey Apr 2022
i will drown myself in grief
heavy rocks weighting me down to the ocean floor
i will drown
in the knowledge that i am no longer what you want
96 · Apr 2021
holding on
Mikey Apr 2021
youll pull me along, through the dust, the heat, the cold, through the world
and no matter the pain, the blood spilling down my arms
the rope burns across my fingers
ill hold on.
ill always hold on
96 · Dec 2020
Mikey Dec 2020
for it wasnt you who broke me.
the only fault found is on my own hands.
i broke myself trying to love you, not the other way around. and i do greatly apologize.
96 · Oct 2023
cannibalistic tendencies
Mikey Oct 2023
i love like a cannibal,
allowing myself to swallow people whole
encompassing them in my being.
i let them sit in the curves of my ribs and and rest their head against my lungs.
maybe i love to hard
93 · Apr 2021
Mikey Apr 2021
youre drifiting
through a timeline in space, dotting the lines with your love for me, for him, for them, for her.
youre drifiting
leaving remnants of your lovers fingerprints within you
youre drifting,
just promise me you wont leave me stranded in the stars
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