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Nov 2021 · 104
oh, love
Mikey Nov 2021
"Oh, love is a journey with water and stars,
with drowning air and storms of flour;
love is a clash of lightnings,
two bodies subdued by one honey."

– Pablo Neruda, "Sonnet 12"
this is one of my favorite poems, so i will share it with you
Nov 2021 · 114
i am nothing
Mikey Nov 2021
and once again i fell into a pile on the floor
crumbled into the lack of person i am
i have lost everything
i am nothing,
but a pile of ***** clothes on my bathroom floor.
Oct 2021 · 359
Mikey Oct 2021
you left me surrounded.
surrounded by the lies you filled my pretty little head with.
surrounded by broken promises you swore to keep.
surrounded by the harsh words you played off as love.
i’m surrounded, yet i still apologized.
i still think you’re good..
Oct 2021 · 183
Mikey Oct 2021
yellow days seem to turn into black sluggish tears.
the sun seems to fade away into the black oblivion inside of my skull.
the feelings i have manifest into screaming and betrayal.
i have no end, no life.
everything’s dark and there’s no one here to save me.
Oct 2021 · 105
main character
Mikey Oct 2021
i’m going to stop trying to be the main character in your love story.
i was merely a side character,
or maybe a comic relief.
but you were always my main.
goodbye lover,
continue your story without me.
Oct 2021 · 102
Mikey Oct 2021
i dreamt of you last night.
i thought it was real,
thought you were real.
but i know youll never want me.
stupid little dreams.
Oct 2021 · 215
Mikey Oct 2021
i always feared you.
your strong arms, and harsh hands
the way you towered over me and seemed to not care.
im not sure why i was scared,
if im being honest.
but i dove into you, i watched your fear and your anger
your sadness and heart ache.
and i soothed every aching muscle to reveal the most beautiful
guy i have ever known.
i now no longer fear you,
yet i fear what youll become
youre worth more than what you give yourself credit for
Oct 2021 · 112
Mikey Oct 2021
i hope im a good enough second choice for you.
Oct 2021 · 85
Mikey Oct 2021
why is it,
that i can sit and waste my days staring at my walls.
allowing myself to be overcome by the sea of sadness i have within me.
why is it,
that my favorite song is silence.
that my head screams at me to listen.
why is it,
that whenever im with you, im some how okay.
but in the long run,
i can even make you ******* stay.
why is that?

you tell me
Oct 2021 · 110
violence caused by anger
Mikey Oct 2021
i hope you fall.
not in love.
not for someone.
not for anything.
i hope you fall.
i hope you hurt.
i hope you bleed.
i hope you suffer.
i hope you fall,
for a person that treats you the way you treated me.
Oct 2021 · 109
toxic traits of mine
Mikey Oct 2021
i will always have a piece of you.
a piece that comes running back.
i will always have a way to make you crave my lips melting with yours.
to make you long to be tangled up with me in the middle of the night.
to make you need me.
every night
until you some how forget me
which you wont.
so go ahead, run on to the next one. and the next one. and the next one.
but i will always be here,
and you will always come back to me.
Mikey Oct 2021
i refuse to believe you.
i refuse to believe that you have laid your hands upon someone elses skin.
i refuse to believe that the treads that touch your skin have also touched hers.
i refuse to believe that your pillow soft lips have made hers fall apart into a melting *** of love.
i refuse to believe that your gentle voice has cooed her to sleep.
i refuse to believe you, for if i did
i fear i would go mad
Oct 2021 · 74
star shopping
Mikey Oct 2021
we laid in my bed until the early hours of the morning,
tracing the constellations of our love on to my ceiling.
but now i sit, staring endlessly at a ceiling full of constellations,
and no one to trace them with.
Oct 2021 · 58
shooting stars
Mikey Oct 2021
i have wished upon many shooting stars in my lifetime
waiting for the proper one to come.
i wished and wished until i fell upon you,
the most brilliant star in my little galaxy.
but like all shooting stars, many people wished upon you as well
and fell captive to your wondering gaze.
if only i was a shooting star,
then maybe youll wish upon me.
Sep 2021 · 332
Mikey Sep 2021
but youre the only one that kept me together.
Mikey Sep 2021
you left again.
leaving throw about memories and open wounds upon my skin
you scratched my insecurities into my chest
you tore the air from my lungs
you pushed my into my knees and laughed at my tears.
even after all this
you still expected me to cater to your aching heart.
and i ******* did
Sep 2021 · 337
sore muscles, aching wounds
Mikey Sep 2021
my knees are bloodied
my eyes are sore
my throat is raw.
im tired of begging
allowing you to drag me along
just tell me what i am

Sep 2021 · 74
Mikey Sep 2021
"you cant love someone until you love yourself"
i loved you more than ive ever thought to even love myself.
and god you made it seem so easy to love someone like me, so i started.
and now im in love with two people, you and me.
what a beautiful life it is
Sep 2021 · 64
maybe not forever
Mikey Sep 2021
no we weren't forever.
the promises faded,
the smiles disappeared into sorrowful glances,
the laughing eyes turned into glossed over stares.
no we weren't forever,
but you made me feel like we would be.
so thanks for the hope i guess
Sep 2021 · 476
Mikey Sep 2021
and you left,
after endless promises of staying.
that yet again, you broke.
but its okay, because when you get tired of the next person ill be here for you to love again :')
Sep 2021 · 739
Mikey Sep 2021
i will never love one the way i loved you.
Sep 2021 · 753
Mikey Sep 2021
just the very though of you
has my legs spread
like an easel with a canvas
begging for art
Sep 2021 · 87
Mikey Sep 2021
i will love you
until i disappear into the ever growing darkness
yet it’s taking me over.
and soon i will not be able to love you
Aug 2021 · 2.2k
moon phases
Mikey Aug 2021
i’m just a phase.
to you i am the moon
the gentle light that caresses your cheek in the darkness
the one that revolves around you.
but as the moon is known to do, i’m just a phase
a phase of your love i fight to earn
i’m slowly fading,
and you’re doing nothing to stop it.
i’m soon to be a new moon.
Aug 2021 · 79
Mikey Aug 2021
i’m not sure who you love
who you give your light to
who your eyes shine for
but i know it’s not me
Aug 2021 · 130
Mikey Aug 2021
you put our song
in a playlist
you made for her
Aug 2021 · 111
i am from.
Mikey Aug 2021
I am from empty wine glasses
From jack and coke
I am from the forgotten house on the cove
(broken down, empty, but only on the inside rather than out)
I am from great oak trees
Growing towards the sun, shading me from the harshest words
Im from Christmas dinners and alcohol scented sheets
From mom and dad
Im from the broken promises and the smashed plates
From “get out of my face” and “you need to be fixed”
Im from forced catholism and torn easter prayers
Im from the sweltering heat of the south, and the glistening waters of Italy
From pasta and fried chicken
From the harsh voice of my mother
The lack of care from my dad
From the ripped photos off the wall
From the loving arms, I always wished to receive.
Aug 2021 · 959
emotional motion sickness
Mikey Aug 2021
i miss you just like a little kid,
a little kid with no sense of direction
no sense of new found love
no sense of the world around them.
i miss you like a sailor misses the ocean
lost without the sea
i miss you.
i miss you mom,
please love me
i need you
Aug 2021 · 369
Mikey Aug 2021
one day ill die
and the world will continue to turn
it will not halt
it will not stop
it will turn
so when i do
i hope you look to the sky
and know its alright
Aug 2021 · 164
a wish
Mikey Aug 2021
i wish to be yours
the way you are mine
Aug 2021 · 131
w Or m B io Ys
Mikey Aug 2021
i asked you if you would still love me as a worm.
with the most hopeful of orbs in my eyes
and the hardest patter of my heart.
i asked if youd still love me as a worm.
and you only said
"i mean i guess"
this is a joke of course ****
Aug 2021 · 192
you <3
Mikey Aug 2021
through rouge storms
and the darkest of clouds
through mighty waves
and broken wings
your light shines through to me
and makes my float into a dream.
Aug 2021 · 124
pitiful me
Mikey Aug 2021
goodnight pitiful world
goodnight to the one that dreaded my existence
goodnight to the one that wished me unbroken
goodnight to the one that shamed me into hiding
goodnight pitiful me,
you deserve the rest.
Mikey Aug 2021
im falling
deeper and deeper
into this hole that is reality.

the walls are screaming
the falls are spinning
the trees are de-rooting.

im falling
deeper and deeper
into this broken conscious

but its okay, i wouldnt remember me either.
Aug 2021 · 130
leech boy
Mikey Aug 2021
ill take all you can give and leave you empty.
ill **** all the blood out of your heart and break you apart.
im just a leech boy.
Aug 2021 · 415
esc key
Mikey Aug 2021
i wish there was a key, for life of course.
that could take all your pain away,
erase you from humanity.
i wish there was a key for me to press,
to make you forget me.
i need a key,
an escape.
Aug 2021 · 266
Mikey Aug 2021
you’re beautifully written.
the perfect story made of angelic construction.
you’re the greatest story i’ve ever heard.
god you’re beautifully written.
Jul 2021 · 183
Mikey Jul 2021
you can come home to me,
when you’re ready.
i left the gate unlocked for you
i’m sending out smoke signals
Jul 2021 · 180
Mikey Jul 2021
i’m flooded in love.
surrounded in promises that have made a blanket around my heart.
brought into a home made of the strongest arms.
i’m flooded in love.
and he taught me how to swim.
Jul 2021 · 237
Mikey Jul 2021
i’ve memorized your heartbeat,
i’ve let it’s sickly sweet beat flow through my ears and stick to the inside of my head.
i’ve memorized your hands,
how the creases and curves folds upon the strongest hands i’ve ever held.
i’ve memorized your lips,
the way they slowly curl and settle as you fall asleep each night.
i’ve memorized your taste,
that addicting taste that lingers on my tongue and leaves me begging for more of you.
i’ve memorized you,
and the song that is your life.
Jul 2021 · 118
Mikey Jul 2021
i long to feel what the people feel.
i want to feel the love,
the joy,
the excitement.
i want to feel the flood of emotions running through everyone’s veins.
everything but the pain,
for i already feel pain.
where did i go wrong
Jul 2021 · 613
Mikey Jul 2021
i find myself longing to remember the day you fell in love with me,
rather than the day you fell out of it.
Jul 2021 · 106
special loving.
Mikey Jul 2021
it was a special kind of love.
the kind where they know the ends of your sentences,
they know they way your lungs expand,
they know the way you sleep,
the way your lips curl.
but it was tainted,
in old loves and broken promises.
it was a special kind of love,
that will sadly never be.
no matter how much i wish.
Jun 2021 · 63
you scare me
Mikey Jun 2021
it scares me.
the way the world beats me down, pulverizing my hope and dreams.
the way the air smothers me,
no matter how smooth the oxygen is i fail to breath.
it scares me.
how you can make the worlds fists halt.
how you can make my lungs expand with ease.
you scare me baby, but i love it.
May 2021 · 339
Mikey May 2021
what happened to us
what happend to the late night walks and the cookies made at 2 am
that happened to the stolen kisses and secrets whispered in the moon light
what happened to us
we are shells of people trying our hardest to love
what happened my love.. where did we go
May 2021 · 73
Mikey May 2021
sometimes i feel that im no where near good enough
that no matter what i do ill never be enough for you
my body always will be
my wandering hands always will be
but **** my heart i guess
itll never matter
ill never matter
a vent tbh
May 2021 · 73
Mikey May 2021
butterflies in my head
my stomach
my arms
all around me.
you leave me with the fluttering feeling of their wings
their overwhelming colors
their need to be around you.
you leave me with butterflies in my tummy
flipping whenever they see you
and for some reason i cant get them to stop.
those **** butterflies
May 2021 · 132
the sea
Mikey May 2021
and yet again,
my tears have become a sea
May 2021 · 419
Mikey May 2021
and to think i would never break my own heart.
May 2021 · 98
Mikey May 2021
You leave me gasping for air, gripping at the teathered ropes that lead behind you.
I fell into your trap just as you wanted me to.
I fell for you and into your love.
Your air restricting love.
But its all worth it for you my dear
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