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Mar 2015 · 494
In Transit
Roseanna H Mar 2015
I never cry anymore. Maybe it's the pills, maybe it's my indifference to pain.

But yesterday I cried in your bed.

And it was not because you made me sad, but because you made me feel.

Your hands questioned the ice in my heart,

Your voice thawing it with your words.

I do not know what to write about you,

except to say,

You fill the gaps where emptiness creeps in.
Feb 2015 · 507
Honesty and Secret Rivers
Roseanna H Feb 2015
And if  I were being honest with myself,
I'd say how much I miss him,
Draw his fingers on my notebook.

If I were feeling brave enough,
I'd tell you about the colour of his bare skin,
tell you how beautiful he was when the light poured in.

If I could bear to think about it,
I'd crawl through the spaces in my head, where love leaked in,
And stay a while.

If I were being honest with myself,
I'd admit how
I was actually on the brink
of giving him my love


that i did.

I'd paint his picture,
late at night in my room
he sitting in the sunlight facing me like god.

But --

I'm working a lot these days, trying to save for a car,
and there's no time for this sadness,
or so i tell myself.

and I'm filling my nights with grey smoke
and big groups of people,

or quiet reading.

And if i were being honest with myself,
beyond the layers of love,
I'd tell you about how underneath,
there is a tired heart,
and how it's little rivers of gold

are slowly fading.
Jan 2015 · 358
Roseanna H Jan 2015
waking up today,
remembering my great loss
I go back to sleep.
Dec 2014 · 570
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Roseanna H Dec 2014
He is my rock,
my calm blue sea.
He is the lighthouse
who's light guides me.
But my element is fire,
hot to the touch,
and I need somebody,
who burns just as much.
Sep 2014 · 495
Roseanna H Sep 2014
I could not afford
your love -
it came with anxiety
feeling small.

And even though
it came with the promise of
(shooting stars)
It was
not enough
compared to the love
I was yet to give myself

and for it
I had to be

Roseanna H Sep 2014
And the way the sun
shines through the treetops
makes me cry.
And you hold me, and say,
'There, There'
and I smile
and we dance,
not slow,
but like madmen tasting the rain.
And the sun goes down,
but we don't stop
our legs give way
and we collapse
in love bundles and watch the
pinpricks in the sky
dance for us.
This gift
A Quiet Place Together (We Go)
Will never run out
even if
We Do.
Roseanna H Sep 2014
Why -
I am without.
has no personal reason
nor does
that leaves.
And nobody
is punishing me
And nobody
is watching over me -
we do not get
what we deserve
we just have to make the best
of what we are given
and what we
(And I am not a failure.)
(It is in these moments that I choose to be happy).

(It is, after all, a constant choice).

Do not love me, I will love myself.
Jul 2014 · 702
Roseanna H Jul 2014
A great sadness creeps into my room each morning
A sadness propelled forward by my waking to your silence.
I lay there,
though I'm never sure for what
until I remember -
once in this house lived another.

And I pad softly down the hallway
making my breakfast routinely -
porridge on the stove top, kettle boiling for tea.
Feeding my dog,
sitting down to watch t.v.

When did my mornings commence to be this?
When did I stop waking
to the smell of burnt toast
or to the sound of a running tap?
When did my mornings become so hollow

and so picturesquely lonely?

In every morning making breakfast
when the kettle boils and i don't offer you tea
a great sadness comes upon me
and I sit at the table in silence,
listening to the tap

and nobody comes down the stairs.
Apr 2014 · 698
Diamonds and rocks
Roseanna H Apr 2014
I know many boys,
of whom I am fond.

Like a diamond that's been smashed and scattered over fields
They all have
something special.

But you were

The Philosopher's Stone.
Apr 2014 · 430
Maybe this was our goodbye.
Roseanna H Apr 2014
Last night I dreamt of you
and we made love for the last time.
And keeping true to your habit
of making me feel like I was a sacred creature of nature
you looked into my eyes
and exclaimed

And it awoke in me
those aching and burning edges in my chest
where you used to be
And so I know that today
no matter the weather the world will feel grey.

And maybe this is our goodbye.

So I’ll go to that place
where you and I are frozen in time
where the sun sets
and I smile
because you’re holding my hand
and the warmth
is like God.

Maybe this is our goodbye.
Dec 2013 · 450
White beds
Roseanna H Dec 2013
I should have sat with you, holding your hand,
robbed of life, it turned cold.
Because now in my dreams,
I see you always,
your yellow broken body wrapped in a white sheet...
cold, pale, and alone.
And when I was 11 and sick
you stayed with me always,
sleeping on the linoleum floor on a makeshift bed.
And when I was 4 you would hold me in the mornings
because you never wanted another,
to feel as alone as you.
I should have sat with you, holding your hand,
robbed of life, it turned cold.
Because now in my dreams,
I see you always,
and the irregular hear monitor goes on.
Dec 2013 · 531
Roseanna H Dec 2013
He who burns
Lets; me shine| as bright as he
Fury, Justice, Passion,
Devastation, Euphoria
through rocky, unkempt seasons
Will live under starlight| And
kissing the sun,
scream life into he
And Knowing now
candle flames| two
when put together burn brilliance
And brightly Fiercely
There is no other image I
will live in.
He who burns, brightly; will
catch his flame on mine -
He will find me.
Dec 2013 · 767
in the Land of Nowhere
Roseanna H Dec 2013
I sleep
Climbing rocks
and mountains
Endlessly searching....
Watching the sun rise,
and set,
while I,
my heart,
remains stationary.
I am looking for you
In the Land of Nowhere
where the water
is so blue
the lavender so fragrant
I can almost remember happiness.
I taste it in my tears
see it in my past
but the days keep pulling me
and my heart I can’t find.
Where are you?
but the wind just pushes the long grass
makes my knees cold
makes me listen for foreign whispers.
When I wake,
it is alone,
and my heart used to cry each time
but it is silent in my ears now
quiet, and
afraid of waking
the screaming child in the next room.|
To the Land of Nowhere,
I faithfully keep returning
but in my quest of failing to find you,
I will find beauty in the world again.
Originally this poem ended sadly, and I was torn between using that ending and this. I think it's good to note.
Nov 2013 · 329
Roseanna H Nov 2013
The summer is hot
but a cold wind blows over me.
I am thinking of you
and all that I've lost
and how !a thousand suns
couldn't warm my heart now.
Nov 2013 · 435
Roseanna H Nov 2013
The lines in your hands are important to me.
They’re still important to me after 9 months
of not telling you how my day was
Or asking you about yours
Of not seeing your eyes crinkle every time you smile
or leaning into you for comfort like a child.
Your laugh is important to me
It is still so important to me after 9 months
of not hearing it
and now half-forgetting what it sounds like.
And I
in my softness
miss you so.
Miss you so that I sometimes cannot sleep
Cannot sleep because I am thinking of you
and the lines in your hands
and your laugh
and just how whole
you made me realise I could feel.
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
Gold & silver
Roseanna H Oct 2013
Think of you not thinking of me
My heart stops
holds itself together with tiny hands.
And you got your license
after the fact -
You found a job,
probably found happiness
when you lost me.
I washed down
the rivers in your heart
The ones I had thought
were gold and silver fountains that we drank from.
You sit
eating dinner slowly
laughing at the television
licking your knife clean.
But when we both watch the same sun set
I am
quite empty.
I Think of you not thinking of me -
When will I
Think of me.
Oct 2013 · 479
Roseanna H Oct 2013
I am drifting
Through slow warm rivers.
They carry me to your light,
as you once carried me.
I am whole again
Because I am nobody
and my body
renders no meaning.
no function
no requirements.
I am just free
to flow in and out of your dreams.
And upon finding you I kiss your cheek always
and hope that when you wake
you will put your hand to your face
and be comforted.
Sep 2013 · 324
Roseanna H Sep 2013
He killed me at once
then came back to finish me
as though I was whole
Roseanna H Sep 2013
that can never forget
that can never undo

I love you in a place that is warm, that is frilly
I love you in a place where it is eternally spring

The heart may cease to beat
The mind may soon forget..
But deep in my soul
in this place of eternal spring
lies your hands,
your eyes
the whispers of your very being -
safe in a place
that is never forgotten.
Roseanna H Sep 2013
I want
nothing more
than to forgive you
so that I can love you
once more.
Jul 2013 · 585
A haiku
Roseanna H Jul 2013
Your hands were so soft,
but grabbing me in the night
they leapt like tigers.
Jun 2013 · 830
When she died,
Roseanna H Jun 2013
the spiders came,
and the blue and gold walls painted over.

I lost some weight,
I was asked about it at your wake,
but I felt like


Cold he was,
and quickly he left
So I turned to cold cans of Campbells in the pantry.

Cold cans of soup
late night t.v..

That was about it.

And sometimes the central heating would be the only thing to disturb the silence
and sometimes it would make me feel sick to my stomach

But I know one thing,
and that's
Happiness in suburban houses never lasts.

Sunshine, summer, parents, first loves

They are fantasies thought up in the grass.

I love you, he murmured
Why did she die? I pleaded.

The air was warm
like summer
but we lay in the dark.
Jun 2013 · 848
I saw hell
Roseanna H Jun 2013
And you reached into me with your greedy hands,
so much so that I wasn't sure where your fingers ended and my skin began
So much so that I mistook your livid pulse for mine.

And I thought I was breathing in burning air,
and the world turned cold and you didn't care
And I saw hell in your eyes..
but you were dressed in God's robes...

I saw hell in your eyes..
but it was too late to let go.
Jun 2013 · 835
(You) surprise me
Roseanna H Jun 2013
You surprise me,
so softly,
you wish to see me.

I am but,
a bundled mess
of pessimism and nerves, and

Now I am not used to this,
this pushing away and you,
coming back,
asking, ‘when?’
and I,
in my paralysed uselessness say soon but avoid making a date,
but then,
I think of you
for hours
and hours
and hours.

I just wanted,
a ****,
to be honest.
But you won’t let me be that girl,
you make me
something more.
And it surprises me and warms me,
and makes me feel so valued
and that is why,
I’m going to say, 'Yes'.

Yes to that **** date you've been asking me on for a month now,
yes to french kissing, to holding hands, to awkward stares in between movie scenes.
Yes to searching for things to say, to getting to know one another’s ways,
now will you leave me alone?

I have some excuses that need making up.
May 2013 · 787
One-two, One
Roseanna H May 2013
I love you,
you do not know it yet.

I sit by you,
greet you at a party,
push your glass of drink closer to you.

And sometimes my heart asks,
can i be closer to you?
Can i come over?
and we, us, ourselves, make things new?

We have been friends for so long.

I do not know,
how or when it started,
but this softening of my limbs,
this pinkening of lips,
this lowering of my dress,
comes more frequently now.

I do not remember,
when the blue green blue of your eyes became beautiful,
or your smile a magnet for my gaze
How when you indulge what I have to say my heart leaps,
Then quietly puts itself away again.

You know me,
but I want you to know me like this.
I want you to know me in odds and ends
and under starlight or in warm sheets.

I want you to know me,
as I have started to know you.
May 2013 · 848
Dawn breeding
Roseanna H May 2013
My petals have again turned pink,
tipped with a blush of red
isn’t that wonderful?!

the morning autumn sun slowing warming them
the dew that comes with dawn moistening them.

And isn’t that wonderful?!
to see ‘the girl who was killed by love’ blush again?
to see her grow soft when he arrives at the party?
but she isn’t your toy, your example, your experiment..
she isn’t what you break and send away to be repaired.

don’t thank yourself for letting me go
Don’t use my petals as an excuse to throw away the harness of blame,
of guilt.

Petals can open,
and pinken,
and bloom.
But do you ever look inside?
Do you ever see from the top
What if you did?

you would find a girl
by the memory of love.

By the lesson you taught her
‘Love never stays’.
Roseanna H Apr 2013
Like the morning frost that kisses the flowers awake,
I knew we were meant to be together.

Waking up,
to a slow morning light,
makes me realise
How alone I am.

Waking up,
not by your side,
makes me realise
how much I need you.

You broke my heart

You still break my heart
every morning
as I step out into the light.

I must ask myself
If I die,
without letting you break my heart
Will I be happy?

Will I be true?

Will I

pray to live just so that I can love you?


Apr 2013 · 846
What the earth had kissed.
Roseanna H Apr 2013
Under black and white hue water rippled softly, kissing and caressing my skin.
I was infinite,
a star.
I was the person he’d never leave,
and the daughter she’d live for.
I was the sky,
the moon,
the sun.
I was everything the earth had ever kissed.
And while sunlight twinkled I sat on warm rocks as water gushed from great peaks at my back,
and I laughed,
shook, at the gift that was the present,
the essence that made life beautifully tragic.
And so alone,
however not lonely at all,
I let the hysteria encapsulate me
take hold of me
wrap it’s arms around me
as I laughed all the way back to my body,
where amongst a classroom full of familiar strangers,
i sat quietly
feeling utterly,
Roseanna H Apr 2013
You look so handsome in the sweater you’re trying on,
for a moment,
I look at you and smile my great big smile.
(However you become uncomfortable),
and ask me,
because you do not understand it. (like he did)

I tell you,
that I am sad,
and what I really mean is
“I’m absolutely falling apart”
and you,
simply ask,
“What’s up?”
as though it is that simple..

Day 7,
of starting university,
I tell you it is hard
and you,
not knowing the depth of my problems,
make a joke about how hard your day off was.

You do not know an inch of me.
You do not know what my heart sings,
or what it longs for.
And if,
I let you in,
You would but look through the window,
and you would ask,
to see no more.
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
The fragile air between us.
Roseanna H Apr 2013
she once told me,
as I looked at her through 8 year old eyes
is the place
where you and I,
will one day,
re unite.
Roseanna H Apr 2013
Today my eyes are sore,
swollen with the promise of tears if anyone gets too close.

And I keep thinking about you,
as the winter sky presses down on me
and I know I’m not okay.

The remittent sadness is back,
proclaiming itself to be the king of my land,
my body,
my mind.
It plants ugly flowers in my rib cage,
watering them with it’s early morning rain.
And I know,
that tomorrow when I wake,
for a split second I will forget this loneliness,
but then I won’t.
And the dread will kick in
kicking my sleep drenched euphoric thoughts into reality.
And then my brain will say,
‘Oh, I woke up alive again’.

But most of all,
my heart will say,

My eyes are sore today,
you know this,
I know this
and I am thinking of you a million miles away
and a bird knocks on my window
and then everything is silent
and that’s when the loneliness gets too close

*and I cry.
Mar 2013 · 885
Roseanna H Mar 2013
The light of dawn grew,
into my hands and the lines in the corners of my eyes..
and it was soft and sad all at once
because it was upon awakening that i’d remember you always.
And it was you,
clumsily smiling and looking at me with those eyes that shot through my heart like daggers.
And it was you,
who taught me that flowers could grow in my darkest garden corner
and i,
slowly rocking,
came to be still and safe.
And as the light filtered through my curtains at 6 am
I wondered if you were out there,
watching the light come through your curtains,
Mar 2013 · 484
Our last love sonnet
Roseanna H Mar 2013
The palms of our hands touch,
their intricate lines joining together like seamless maps.
The light surrounds us,
and we are quiet.
My fingers,
were made for yours.
They were made for gentle hands,
and eternal love.

You are all I know.
(but you were the first to let go).
Feb 2013 · 882
I have loved you.
Roseanna H Feb 2013
I have loved you
through many sleepless nights,
spent crying,
holding you.
I have loved you,
through pancakes for breakfast and behind closed bedroom doors blocking out the light.
I have loved you,
and on
Because although we are not together,
our hearts touched long ago,
and blood does not forgive.
Blood does not forget.

I have loved you,
under shelter from rain under black umbrella,
running to the bus stop where you have kissed me goodbye.
I have loved you,
through laughter and pain and hospital nights.
I have loved you.

I love you,
and I am terrified you will forget me.
Terrified that you will forget all these things I have loved you through,
and all these things you have loved me through.
And though we have loved each other through so many things,
I have also loved you before I was born,
before I was conceived,
before I was pushed out into existence kicking and screaming for love.
I hope with all my heart that I did not love you more than you me,
but I do not know.

I have loved you,
and I will love you,
through not hearing your voice,
through not feeling your hand in mine,
through not witnessing you grow old,
through not sharing wedding vows,
through not dying together.
I will love you,
through and through
Feb 2013 · 943
Half Broke Horse
Roseanna H Feb 2013
We are Half Broke Horses, you and I.
The world has tried to tame us but our souls have resisted, and,
as a result,
we have felt loneliness and bitterness and misery.
We have known what it is to be secret outcasts, needily knocking on the walls of our own hearts.
But we stick together, you and I.

Sometimes I think that we are broken in opposite places, and,
that when we come together we create a perfect, whole sphere we call our world.
It is a slice of heaven where upon we are free to be naked,
free to be honest,
free to be wholesome,
free to be true.
It is our slice of heaven that is also our home.
It is our slice of heaven where upon we are free to rome.
And as I hold you in bed as you cry, I realise that we are Half Broke Horses, you and I.
But I don't mind... because I'm a Half Broke Horse with you.
Apr 2012 · 444
forgiveness and paper
Roseanna H Apr 2012
Today at school
(upon being asked to write letters to ourselves)
I simply wrote
"you have to keep going"
followed by
a picture of a sun
and finally,
at the very bottom of the page,
"be your own friend".
I think,
I can be kind to myself sometimes
(it just takes a little work).
Mar 2012 · 881
angel therapy
Roseanna H Mar 2012
you complain about the
(loud constant humming of traffic coming through the bedroom wall at night

sitting on the other side of the bed
facing away from you always
and hear angels cry too.

lost in your busy-city like momentum of thoughts
grumble and remove your shirt
already thinking about the next day
and i think you are a statue.

us in the backyard having picnics featuring saladas and orange juice.
us in the bathroom,
me reading you plath, serious and brooding,
your parents sending us joint birthday cards.

i'm sorry for falling apart.
but you should be sorrier
Feb 2012 · 4.4k
Roseanna H Feb 2012
is who,
to society,
i am.
it's on my centrelink forms,
it's written on my face,
it's why my teachers pity me.
but i never get to be,

is what i've been,
since the candles,
fleetingly glowed,
and i made a wish not to lose those i loved,
as i turned,

the things that happened for me to receive this title,
killed me,
killed her,
the whole world,
without her,
has turned cold and blue.

has poisoned my whole world,
my whole being, whole gravity,
whole soul has been overturned.

is what now consumes me,
and has,
since i turned 16.
Roseanna H Feb 2012
like angels
i am pure
full of love
but unfortunately
my wings have fallen off
Jan 2012 · 862
Roseanna H Jan 2012
Wake up and apply make up.
2. Go to school and pretend.
3. Make fake friends.
4. Laugh with the last of your energy.
5. Go home and cry about an impossible remedy.
Jan 2012 · 1.5k
airport dreams
Roseanna H Jan 2012
i will quietly rise from my bed like a sleepless man getting up to use the toilet in the middle of the night
- but it will be 4am, and i will be heading to the shower.
arriving at the airport
i will remember you
and how i don't get to share my life with you anymore.
my sister and i,
we will have adventures in the sea with fish and walk through ancient temples...
but the knowing that you're not there will never stop eating away at our young hearts.
i remember as a child,
feeling with every innocent fibre in my body that you were my protector,
my soulmate,
my mother.
my sister and i,
now we live alone
with memories and knowledge that we should never have to know.
(at least not yet.)
we move quietly around the house,
going about our cleaning,
but never with you.
at the airport i will look beside me,
the words "how long until our plane leaves?" forming on my lips
and i will realise
that you're not next to me
and i will cry silently facing toward the window side of the plane.
at 4am,
i will rise quietly from my bed,
the sun not quite awake yet,
and a question on my lips.
Jan 2012 · 717
happy new year
Roseanna H Jan 2012
the world is screaming at me,
no, no, no!
it's screaming at me to die,
to leave because i should never have been here in the first place.
so i call myself names in my head
(over and over and over.)

the world is screaming at me,
why, why, why!
it doesn't understand why i'm here
it thinks i'm good for nothing
it thinks i'm a waste of time
(i am.)
so i hit myself and i punch myself right in the face.
(over and over and over.)

the world is screaming at me,
you, you, you!
it thinks i am bad
it thinks i am responsible for the terribleness,
and i am.
so i hate myself
hate, hate, hate myself
until i can hate no more
until i fall asleep and dream of more terriblenes.

the world is screaming at me,
die, die, die!
and it doesn't stop
so i hide in my bed and shrink instead of growing
and in that darkness,
that dark comfortableness,
i quitely go to sleep.
Nov 2011 · 696
The exits were on fire
Roseanna H Nov 2011
Red was everywhere.
It was on the walls and covering my hands.
It was dripping from the ceiling.
It was in my heart.
I turned myself inside out for you.
I shrunk.
I bled.
I hurt.
I woke up one morning and everything was smeared with the colour of terribleness.
A great terribleness that was bigger than me and you and anything worth love.
So I sat at the kitchen table and cried.
The bowl of cereal sat untouched
I too was untouched.
I was untouchable.
Now when I cross the road I remember crossing it with you holding my hand.
And we were happy.
And we were in love.
Now I cross the road alone carrying a great loneliness on my back.
Now I cross the road without even looking.
When I was born red was everywhere.
But it was the colour of my hair
And the lipstick she wore on special occassions
And my favourite colour.
Now red covers my hands and drips from the ceiling like blood.
Now red fills my eyes.
Now red is everywhere.
Roseanna H Nov 2011
Her little fingers,
were always dancing,
and when an eyelash fell,
she wished for him.
Her little fingers,
were always holding,
her heart together,
in broken pieces.
Her dark eyelashes,
were always blinking,
blinded by the light,
into which she could not see.
Her dark eyelashes,
were always falling,
and one by one,
they grew back new.
Time did pass,
like a slow dawning frost,
and her little fingers,
slowly grew rough.
Time did pass,
like a slow dawning frost,
and her dark eyelashes,
stopped falling,
one by one.
Oct 2011 · 782
Past dreams
Roseanna H Oct 2011
i want to orchestrate wealth inside of you,
inside of your stomach,
your eyes,
your chest,
your heart.
i want to fill you with my hands, and,
my melting eyes.
our souls laugh together,
they breed happiness in one another.
we are two, growing up out of the earth and towards the air,
one being with many layers and flaws and intricacies.
i want to strum excitement onto your face,
like a pale ladder,
so that you can put the life into mine.
i must have been you,
in my past life,
and you me.
i purchased sleep,
from a chemist 5 minutes away.
i sleep for thousands of years.
i sleep for eternity but i talk and i whisper in your ear and i love.
i love you.
we are prime examples of wealth,
feeding off of one another and producing heaven in return.
i want to burrow into your brain,
live inside of it.
i want to live by your side,
holding your hand, and,
pouring you cups of tea,
tell you everything that hurts.
tell you what i see.
let's live, by eachother's sides,
you'll see.
Roseanna H Oct 2011
Today is your birthday.
I wake up to sunshine,
we're going to the beach.
The water is warm enough,
I don't go in.
You loved the water.
I wanted to buy you flowers,
write you a letter,
let it go in the sea,
I couldn't.
I wanted to hold your hand,
I wanted to say, "I love you"
my hands are yours now.
Today is your birthday.
You would have been 54.
I guess you still are,
in a way.
It's just that,
you're in heaven,
I miss you,
until it aches.
I miss you,
until folding in half,
I hold myself,
and shake,
until I am empty again.
Today is your birthday,
and it isn't getting easier.
You gave me love,
you gave me life.
And I hope that,
you're watching from heaven,
because today I blow you kisses,
set my spirit free,
just like you would have,
on your birthday.
Sep 2011 · 622
Autumn rain
Roseanna H Sep 2011
I took my life in Autumn.

Too many days of,



Too many days of,

Too many days of,
goodbyes to mum.

Too many days of,
waiting for happiness
to come.

I took my life in autumn.

The rain fell softly on my face.
I kissed your photo,
I kissed the ground.

This is the end,
but not for you.

I took my life in Autumn.
And The rain fell softly on my face
Roseanna H Sep 2011
Inbetween a state of sleep and tiring thoughts,
my arm extends out to my right,
it's memory of you failing to remember that you're not here.
With fingers slowly curling back under the shell of my palm,
they suffer loneliness.
Coming out again, desperately hoping that they were wrong,
they tickle the rough mattress with their tips.
I turn on the light,
head throbbing,
frustrated with the persistent attitude of my mind and body.
Still, quiet room.
Reflecting my nature,
patient with my outburts.
The soft humming of a car passing by outside,
a contrast.
Thoughts of tomorrow unfurling push my heavy eyes to the verge of tears.
I think of him further and want to message him "I love you.", but am afraid of his answer.
Turning off the lamp,
scooting my dog out of the way,
I lay with my eyes open.
Nothing changes.
Slow moving fuzzy bodied shapes start to appear on the ceiling,
and after some time,
they spell out "stop." and "why."
Eventually, Inbetween a state of sleep and tiring thoughts,
my arm extends out to my right,
it's memory of you failing to remember that you're not here.
With fingers slowly curling back under the shell of my palm,
they suffer loneliness.
Jul 2011 · 766
A tired night
Roseanna H Jul 2011
Yellow was the colour of the cardigan she gave me.

I sat staring at my mum's ashes and crying,
thinking how everything was out of my control,
how everything hurt so ******* much.
But I looked in the mirror..
and I looked like the sun.

Yellow was the colour of the cardigan she gave me.
Jul 2011 · 1.1k
Roseanna H Jul 2011
Grey is the colour of the winter sky that wraps it's dull arms around me each day that I wake.
Green is the colour of his eyes that looked at me as though I was too beautiful to break.
Red is the colour of my eyes after months without sleep and too many days spent crying.
Black is the colour of the pain inside my heart after giving up on trying.
Yellow is the colour of the sun in spring that can no longer warm my soul.
Blue is the colour running through my veins that burn for me to feel whole.
Brown is the colour of his skin as I bury my happy face in the curve of his neck.
Pink is the colour of the lipstick that I apply to cover up the fact that I'm a wreck.

And please know that while you’re living your life, I’m in the dark falling apart.
Because you are the colour forever in my heart..
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