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its been
moments since I thought about you
in any capacity
minutes since
I remembered some portion of our story
hours since I felt anger
days since I tried to pick up my phone
weeks since I last contacted you
months since we last touched.

its been

months since you crushed me
weeks since I put on the brave face
days since I longed for you
hours since I spoke of you
minutes of starring into a blank screen
silently pleading
moments before all this is behind me again.

It’ll be

Moments of weakness
when I think about “us”
Minutes of silent cursing
while you run through my mind
Hours of rationalizing
before I let it go
Days of depression

I know

Weeks of emotions crammed into a few minutes
Months of self doubt and insanity

Soon it’ll be


But I’ll always have


Lamento no haberte dicho que te quiero.
Lamento no haberte abrazado cuando te tenía a un lado.
Lamento no haberte besado.
Cualquiera de esas tres, parecen nada ahora.
En el momento simplemente no pude; no quería alejarte y al parecer, ahora no te tengo ni cerca.
Lamento haber tenido miedo de actuar, pero la verdad, *sí te quiero.
 Nov 2013 Rosemary
I held you softly
as you slept
I held you gently
as you wept
I held you tightly
as you screamed
I stroked your hair
as you dreamed
I wiped the tears
that would not dry
I cried the tears
you would not cry
I took the demons
in your head
and made them
Mine instead
I need to be
by your side
don’t turn me away
I am not your Pride
I am not your Pity
I am not your Sorrow
I am here Today
I am your Tomorrow
This is one of my oldest and most beloved writes. I never considered adding it to any collections until today. Considering this will be my one true legacy I leave behind, it is as relevant to me today as the day it was written. Enjoy :)
don't feel sorry for me.
I am a competent,
satisfied human being.

be sorry for the others

rearrange their

juggling mates

confusion is

and it will
whoever they
deal with.

beware of them:
one of their
key words is

and beware those who
only take
instructions from their

for they have
failed completely to live their own

don't feel sorry for me
because I am alone

for even
at the most terrible
is my

I am a dog walking

I am a broken

I am a telephone wire
strung up in
Toledo, Ohio

I am a man
eating a meal
this night
in the month of

put your sympathy
they say
water held up
to come
you better be
nearly as
La vida ya no tiene mucho sentido
Podría estar atrapada en el limbo
Podría estar muerta; pero sólo traería un poco de tristeza y sería una mancha que borrar.

Estoy en una rutina en la que no hay por donde escapar
El tiempo es mi aliado y mi peor enemigo
Tengo tiempo de sobra, pero ansío momentos por llegar
La espera es eterna, y la eternidad se siente lenta, espesa y con mal sabor de boca que te llena de ansiedad.

Estoy clavada en el piso
Con pesadas cadenas que no me dejan volar
Y una jaula que evita mi escape final si es que me llego a liberar.

Soy una infante que se subió a un carrusel
Aquellos que se quedaron fuera para admirarla vagar, se distrajeron con algo más.
Soy una infante en un carrusel averiado
Que da vueltas y no hay un control para un final.

Todo es igual; la misma rutina, la misma jaula, y las mismas vueltas del carrusel. Yo soy igual; la misma criatura que esta encerrada y que ansía por salir.

Necesito algo que me libere de la rutina, algo que me quite las cadenas y abra la jaula; algo que tome el control y detenga el carrusel. Tiempo, ven ya. Te necesito.
 Jul 2013 Rosemary
Amanda Jerry
You probably understand. Or maybe you don't, after all. Either way, it is jumping around inside me and if I don't let it out soon all my carbonation will fizz up and run over the side of my glass and I don't want to waste all that sweetness.

I want to kiss you underwater.

I want that kiss to be the only thing keeping us alive. Down there we are foreigners, aliens. Grasping, I want to feel your flesh in stark contrast to the smooth wetness all around me, like a secret.

All that life where we cannot live. Exotic, forbidden, so lovely. I am sick with love.

— The End —