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Polly Urethane
Girl with a peculiar name
Born into the oddest of times

She walks through the fields
Picking flowers at will
Tying them in bundles of rhyme

She then takes to the street
Corner of Humble and Meek
And gives flowers to the societally blind

Polly Urethane
The girl with a peculiar name
Looks at life and just has to laugh

Polly she knows
The silly world never slows
Here and gone in a flash

Polly she tries
To take it in stride
Though at times she doesn't understand

She's here to save all that's right
To the tune of delight
Played by a number nine piece magical band

Marching Main Street
Near the corner of Humble and Meek
Where Polly stands, flowers in hand

Polly Urethane
Girl with a peculiar name
Born into the oddest of times
 Jun 2013 Rosalind Hawkins
One day we'll part like passing ships
and forget each other
 Jun 2013 Rosalind Hawkins
Despite my buttoned-up blouses
and combed hair and glasses
I'm a feral creature.
Crouched, stunned, frightened
licking her own
and struggling to survive,
to learn how to defend herself
out in the jungle.

I'm savage
and I tend to burrow
into the deepest, darkest
caves of myself.

I'm running through the forest,
wild, dazed, confused,
with my slamming heart
my violet animal veins throbbing.

Don't try to tame me,
please, just
get me bandages, I’m bleeding
I'm wounded, I don't know
if I can endure
much longer.
if grass were blue
and sky was green
in the oceans open field
i'd float in dreams
to the outer banks
of in between
under a chartreuse sun
in waves of tangerine

as pink dolphins*
come together as one
and sing out loud
to the purple sirens song
near the jagged rock
where the sailors warn
of the changing colors
of the coming storm

i'd still think of you
as if grass were blue
on the changing tide
of the oceans hue
as i live by
what i thought i knew
with sky's of green
*and grass of blue
...paper dolls

...afternoon tea with friends

...belly laughs good times lend a hand

...dressing up

...princess on parade


...daddy's favorite name

...precious days the make believe

...reality at bay

...the innocence of dreams
This is where it is I stand
The other side of norm
A little offbeat some might say
To me it feels like home

There's no one here to blame
Wouldn't even if I could
Crazy is as crazy does
Welcome to my neighborhood

So hail the nearest taxi cab
I'll reimburse you for the fair
When asked where it is your heading to
Tell them to the other side of I don't care

When it is you do arrive
Sit a spell if you care to
Think your going to like it here
There's always extra room

It's one crazy adventure
We'll welcome you with open arms
After all you've always been one of us
Outside the realm of norm
I was upstairs doing science
I came down for a break
I had sixty seconds to eat a snack
So I fixed myself a shake.

I sipped for fifteen minutes
Then my mother said, "Alright.
It's time to go upstairs to work
or we're gonna have a fight

I looked up at the clock
and I said to mom, "Already?
I still have fifty seconds left
and I still want some spaghetti."

I went to my computer and
I played a fishing game.
I played for twenty minutes
till my mom called out my name

"It's time to go upstairs, my dear!
The day is near its end!"
I still had forty seconds, though
and emails left to send

I sat down on the piano bench
and played the whole book through.
My birds began to chirp and tweet
I clapped my hands and stomped my feet.

My mom began to scream and shout
"Get up, go work, or you'll be out!"
"I only played six songs you know!
I've thirty seconds left to go!"

I opened the door
and stepped quickly outside
I searched for ten minutes
for a good place to hide.

I heard some rustling
very nearby and
a short moment later,
my mom cried out, "WHY??"

"You're deliberately wasting!
Go on! Do your school!
You're driving me crazy!
I'm starting to drool!"

"Please mom, come on!
I thought you were smart.
I've got twenty seconds,
I think I'll do art!"

I got out my pencils,
crayons and paint
I scribbled on paper.
My mom, she felt faint.

"You're getting me mad!
My hair's turning grey!
My skin's turning purple!"
She started to say.

She collapsed on the floor
and screamed ****** ******.
I think everyone in the world
could have heard her.

"Why aren't you working?
I really don't know!
Waiting for you is like
watching grass grow!"

My painting of oranges,
roses and pears,
was super fantastic
but mom didn't care.

I cleaned up the brushes
and rinsed out my hair.
And all this I did
with ten seconds to spare!

I looked out the window,
the sky was pitch black.
The day, it was over,
there's no turning back.

My science, unfinished,
my math stayed undone.
My mother lay limp,
but at least I had fun!
I adore women
I refuse to apologize for it
I like the way their voices squeak in the upper registers
I like the fashions
I like the makeup
I like the aromas

Not the silly runway catwalk Biz that relegates them as awkward mannequins
adorns them in  the impractical
and cloaks them in the  absurd overreaching  of  the tired  clamoring for something
new and unique
that which exploits  their  lithesome anorexic perplexing job requirement

I like the way they can shape shift, alter and assume new identities
I like the fact that some have mood swings and ***
I marvel that they can give birth
I like being aware that their  'water-weight' make's  them grumpy
I'm astonished that they innately ovulate with  the cycles of the moon
and that the Huntress Diana inherently  acquired her namesake

Doesn't bother me a bit that "it's a lady's prerogative to be late"
or that opening a door for them is considered 'sexist'
I was raised with a sister and a mother
with lace and dainty  frilly things
I caused them a lot of aggravation and consternation
I think they enjoyed it - nonetheless
I refuse to apologize for it
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