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 Nov 2013 Rocky G
Tale | elaT
Of | fO
A | A
Mirror | rorriM
Is | sI
Best | tseB
Told | dloT
By | yB
Itself | flestI
And | dnA
Not | toN
On | nO
E-Paper. | .repa9-3
My HP Poem #481
©Atul Kaushal
 Nov 2013 Rocky G
Xander B
All I want to do is write, write, write.
But I don't know what to write about.
Emotions, like love? Fear? Happiness?
Or nature like clouds and trees?

As I keep writting, things come to mind.
Like why do I keep this **** routine.
Like why do I feel like this inside.
Like why can't I seem to find any love.

Its hard to think what life would be like.
That carefree feeling, without worry.
Its hard to think what life would be like,
If the world was happy, peacefulness.

Why do I keep writing? No one cares.
If I don't try, then this will be true.
They will only care if you make them.
Its how the world works today, sad right?

The longer I write,
The better the sight.
The longer I write,
The brighter the light.
The more you read,
The bigger the seed.
That will grow into whatever you want it to be.
 Oct 2013 Rocky G
If I Must Die Someday Then
I'll love to breathe my last having you in my eyes,
My weak-wrinkled face would craved for your eyes,
And believe me not because I ask but because I don't tell any lies.

If I must die someday then
I'll love to hold on to your hands until the end,
My fading-dimming eyesight will seek your eyes in the end,
And believe me not because I love you but because you do too.

If I must die someday then
I'll love to collapse in your embrace at that time,
My feeble-waning breath shall halt with your tears dropping in the end,
And believe me not because I am good but because you love me, I will wait for you in heaven.
Toasting to our love today, tomorrow and forever.

My HP Poem #453
©Atul Kaushal
 Oct 2013 Rocky G
"Go find out what they were wearing,
I've slain them down and now you can do the last rites,
And do let me know what they were wearing all this while."

"These are nothing,
But just masks,
Masks, My Master."

"Set them afire,
The masks too!"
My HP Poem #442
©Atul Kaushal
 Oct 2013 Rocky G
You don't need enemies when your friends conspire against you.
My HP Poem #443
©Atul Kaushal
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