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 May 2014 Rocky G
Do you remember that day,
Oh papa and mummy, eh?
Remember that day when
All of this Earth stood still,
Every bird in air froze still,
Not due to December's chill,
1990, 23rd day of December,
Your Angel was born that day?
I was born that day in 1990. :-D

My HP Poem #634
©Atul Kaushal
 Jan 2014 Rocky G
Your Mor longs for you,
Waiting with patience,
Cooing sweetly in day,
Dreaming in the night.

Rainbows fail inciting,
My colors start fading,
When she stays away,
Dancing is agonizing..

But when she comes,
Happiness increases,
Start cooing happily,
Me & her - together...
Mor is the Peacock, and morni is the Peahen variant of the regular Peafowl in Hindi.

My HP Poem #519
©Atul Kaushal
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