look me in the eye tell me those lyrics don't mean a thing to you right now the sound coming from your speakers speaks more truth than you do, I know it I know you I'm really starting to know you let me get to know you
"Do you ever feel like you can't get a full breath in?" yes yesyesyes sometimes it feels like I'm drowning or sometimes like these sweet words I want to tell you are stuck in my throat waves and waves of words I'll never say crashing against my grinding teeth
man i sat so close to you today that i could feel you shake your leg with nerves as you debated whether or not to put your arm around me (your eye contact gets me going) (you make me nervous and it's refreshing) (make me nervous with your shirt off please)
I want to climb into my car and scream more lyrics roll down the window and peel onto side roads please let the wind be warm please- bass guitars and drum beats, keep me company