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 Oct 2014 Robyn
For a bird, a girl, a friend, a love*

This new Winter has frozen deep; the
Frostbite pains to the core.
Faces so numb no smiles are shown,
Hearts chilled to black.
The wind sings a new song of nails on
Faces; A song of
Anxiety fills the air. Ice lays thick on her
Chest -- a weight she
Should not bear.

Tears stream over apple red cheeks, but
Freeze before they fall;
The boughs of trees bend down under the
Weights of winter to
Condemn her, to shed dead leaves of shame
Naught she deserves.

But there will come soft snows like
Wet kisses on brows,
And wet kisses of brows like petals
On sheets;
Love will warm like the rush of
A blush from stares,
The stares from eyes that reflect
Clear Winter skies.

Though it will still be cold -- and the
Wind a sting -- it
Will be like the season she once loved
So long ago,
And never will she be alone; never
Will her hand be empty.
 Oct 2014 Robyn
Liquid Tongues
 Oct 2014 Robyn
The pink flesh is
Soft like the sound of
Silk through
Fresh green grass --
Lips on lips.
Marasmus has waited
For the sweet
Covetous flesh to pour
Into my mouth
Before leaving, wishing
She could take
Some of the taste with
There are many fruits
In the world,
But this one -- the one
The spills her
Liquid tongue over mine
-- is my experience
Alone. If not then, than for
Now and forever.
 Oct 2014 Robyn
I wake up to
 Oct 2014 Robyn
They wake up
To each other. Warm
Beside, arm in arm.

I wake up to my
Pool of blood, surgical gauze
Drenched, pills in hand.
 Oct 2014 Robyn
 Oct 2014 Robyn
A clock, where time
Does not move;
A ruler, where space is
A candle in the middle
Of a burning star;
Letters, when language
Is forgotten;
A stolen life, without
Tracks and ties, naked
Of trains;
Clouds, without the puppies
We see in them;
A writer, without a story
To write;
A destination, without
The journey;
People, without each
Other. . .

Maybe even me on a Sunday,
Without you beside me?
 Oct 2014 Robyn
In a Victorian train station,
Amonsgt a plowed tile floor
Of long brown benches,
I sat: a brass statue.

I stood in the waiting room
Watching the travelers scurry
About, keeping up in their own
Little rat race.

They would walk around
Through the rows of benches,
Looking at me, or the windows,
Or the clocks.

I would sit in my space amongst
The benches, in my shaft of light
That came down from the arches
In the ceiling, thinking I was content.

Minutes would turn to hours,
Hours to days, days to seasons
Time after time. And then --
You came.

You were so like me: an
Almost brass statue; a not-once
Person, gilded over in a
Seemingly perfect pose.

They sat you right next to
Me; we were like two sides
Of an old coin, spinning in
An empty space of the station.

Your silence was plenty for me.
I no longer looked at the
Scurriers and travelers, but
Instead on you, us, together.

In all the room in a vast station
I was fortunate enough to
Have you placed perfectly
Next to me. Me.

But it wasn't to last. The men
Came to haul to around: to
Kiosks and platforms and
Other waiting areas.

Then. . . I became the fidgeter.
The seasons broke down, to days
Minutes seconds moments,
Moments without you.

And when you came around
Again we both delighted in the
Sunlight through the arches and
Each others inevitable silence.

And when the station closed,
You never had to move again.
There was no where left to move you,
No more emptiness to fill.

So they set us in a park -- by black
Benches with pigeons instead of
Trains. Together we got to watch
The minutes turn to days, and in

Turn seasons.
I never waited again.
 Oct 2014 Robyn
purple alone
 Oct 2014 Robyn
There's always someone out there that's
Like a Red to the Blue, and you
Become inseparable;
The purple of
Your very

My Red
Is gone for a
Little while, and
I'm still not quite sure
How to make Purple all on my own.
 Sep 2014 Robyn
 Sep 2014 Robyn
As children, most all of us
Exclusively listen to short, soft songs,
In G major with endings that

They have a chorus, and
A verse, and they are pleasant to hear,
And we laugh and giggle and sing

But as we grow up, we listen
To the dissonance. We appreciate the
Disharmony and the

We appreciate the disharmony
In the sounds, in each other, in around us;
We learn to love the dysfunction between

Because the world, nor anything
Of it, will ever be perfect. But we have to
Learn to appreciate it, and be ****** up by

And though it wont always sound
Like magic, because sometimes we are
An E chromatic seventh, I still choose to love
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