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The half moon shows a face of plaintive sweetness
  Ready and poised to wax or wane;
A fire of pale desire in incompleteness,
  Tending to pleasure or to pain:--
Lo, while we gaze she rolleth on in fleetness
  To perfect loss or perfect gain.

Half bitterness we know, we know half sweetness;
  This world is all on wax, on wane:
When shall completeness round time's incompleteness,
  Fulfilling joy, fulfilling pain?--
Lo, while we ask, life rolleth on in fleetness
  To finished loss or finished gain.
Sometimes she walks through the village in her
little red dress
all absorbed in restraining herself,
and yet, despite herself, she seems to move
according to the rhythm of her life to come.

She runs a bit, hesitates, stops,
half-turns around...
and, all while dreaming, shakes her head
for or against.

Then she dances a few steps
that she invents and forgets,
no doubt finding out that life
moves on too fast.

It's not so much that she steps out
of the small body enclosing her,
but that all she carries in herself
frolics and ferments.

It's this dress that she'll remember
later in a sweet surrender;
when her whole life is full of risks,
the little red dress will always seem right.

Lord: it is time. The summer was immense.
Lay your shadow on the sundials
and let loose the wind in the fields.

Bid the last fruits to be full;
give them another two more southerly days,
press them to ripeness, and chase
the last sweetness into the heavy wine.

Whoever has no house now will not build one
Whoever is alone now will remain so for a long
will stay up, read, write long letters,
and wander the avenues, up and down,
restlessly, while the leaves are blowing.
 Jun 2012 Robyn
Megan Hundley
Burn it.

I won't watch the flames the same way
10 word poem
 Jun 2012 Robyn
Carly Two
True Love
 Jun 2012 Robyn
Carly Two
It’s all right, zombie husband.
I didn’t like the dog.
Or the twins.
Seriously, all they did was cry.
It’s like, “shut up, already”,
You know?
Copyright C. Heiser, 2010
 May 2012 Robyn
The Cake Is a Lie
 May 2012 Robyn
The American dream
My childhood dream
What I've been told to expect
My whole entire life 

American dreams
Many separate teams 
Tug-o-warring with
Childhood dreams

Fading gleams
Glimmers of light
Blocked out by a fake black sun
Hanging on a string
Dreams; deferred 
It just can't be all a lie-
The cake is a lie
The cakeis a lie
The cake is a lie
The cake is a lie.
"the cake is a lie"

— The End —