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 Jun 2013 Robyn
Sharina Saad
My **** freezer is getting old
her heart is no longer cold
Placed it next to my magic oven
Hopes she'll get some motivation...

My **** freezer was once very gorgeous
Stood tall in the kitchen, It really looked fabulous
made food and drinks tastier and delicious
This freezer so cool, prettier than Miss Universe

Put some fridge magnets on its door
That doesn't make her looks pretty anymore
But judge a beauty not from the outer layer
True Beauty comes from your heart underneath
despite your age  young or old...
Your beauty shines.... shines from within

Now I am having a dilemma..
my hot and **** freezer as old as my grandma
She is not so hot anymore
She is not so cold either...
but she remains to stay in here
Until the day to decide I should no longer need her....
 Jun 2013 Robyn
Carmen Noir
 Jun 2013 Robyn
Carmen Noir
A girl will stand on the edge of the
Brooklyn Bridge at 7pm,
The water will stare back
at her
as the cars will glide past her,
(the rejection of her resume meant nothing
in comparison to the rejection from her lover.)

A man sits in the car in his garage
a capsule in his hand
and a gas leak in the trunk.
(no amount of promotions
which earnt him that car
could keep him afloat
as tax collectors harass his neighbors
for a tax return they are not going to

A woman will stand on a 2ft high
a rope in her hands
and a letter on the bed.
(the unborn child she caressed with alcohol
poisoning lingers in her mind
as she cannot bear the thought
of telling her husband that she loved whiskey
more than she did him.)

A boy will reside
in his fathers study,
his favourite book rested on the desk
and a gun in his hand.
(it never really was quite the same
after he left.)
 Jun 2013 Robyn
Tim Knight
Sober in the ****** light
sees me looking out over an empire,
the chimneypot stacks pointing towards
gray weathered skies
and my clock lies,
it’s an hour ahead of time,
near six to be precise,
and my head is soldier like:
vigorous, vigilant and abled to strike.

Drunk in the ****** light
sees me looking out over disappointment,
a recollection from last night-
let me dance in an awful club with a girl whose eyes know what I’m on about,
and that my dancing is only a dance- not performance art nor a joke-

-and the chimneypot stacks are early with their smoke,
I am cold in this jumper
and my I lie,
it's an hour behind the rest,
just past four
and my head is all over the place,
unsteady and unsure.
 Jun 2013 Robyn
Victoria Jennings
God has been there
Even in darkness
He listened to my prayers
And even now
He saves me from
Minor catastrophe
I have little faith
In the holy book
But for God
I have all the faith I need
He guides me to safety
He and my love
They rescue me
They try and help
My life to be
They help me through
This rollercoaster of life
I was once confused about religion
What way was right to live
But now I know
None of it matters
As long as I stay true
And never stop believing
In God.
 May 2013 Robyn
Passion fire hope
It's a new day.
And even the mistakes I made yesterday....
Are washed away.
The things I fail at today...
Will be different from the things i fail at tomorrow.
I've learned it's okay to mess up....
That I can't be perfect for every body.
I don't like being stuck I'm the middle...
But to move on, I guess ya gotta start somewhere.
It's a new day (:
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