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Jul 2023 · 220
Kyrie Eleison
This is the end time of a life
a hurricane of possibilities
storming through a life
intended for Love    yet
somehow skipped
except by Godlove
Kyrie eleison

Lord, Have Mercy

c. 2023 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Apr 2018 · 367
painted lady
the urge to Be compels
realization of landscape
in a soul
landscape made of
lines on a graph made
natural by Love
moving those lines into
an art beyond the known
a Love beyond the known
captured within the
landscape of the wing
and the dancing flight
of the butterfly

how is faith, Faith?

Faith is Constancy
from egg to worm to flighted
no matter the changes
Constancy abides within each
remarking the moment when
coherence meets Coherence
movement meets Movement
and the egg expands
into the infinite
inevitability --- its
ineluctable moment of Love
when love meets Love
and Is

how is love, Love?

Love is Knowing
from egg to worm to flighted
it is knowing which flow
contains me
which flow is mine to express
and which expression ---
each minute expression ---
has precedence in any moment
and thus I eat
I fulfill myself
until the leaf has been
finished and I am full of
the Knowing to stop ---
to allow the expansion of faith
the expansion of Love
into another coherence
another flow
another containment within
expanded beyond my present
into Presence
into a Being unknown
by any but Love
as Love
each coherence
carried on the wing

the landscape of the butterfly
painted on its wing
by Love

c. 2018 Roberta Compton Rainwater
We are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis ― LeeAnn Taylor
Mar 2018 · 272
the chronology of Love
breathe your heart words
into my heart’s ear
say it all
my heart is a trunk
to fill
they fall into and
--- your words ---
effervescent with love
never dull
ever soft
forming a me
unknown to all

but you

I flew into your sky eyes
never to return
refracted by your heart
back to myself
a prism
unknown to all

but you

move your heart hands
over my heart's body
play the harp of my soul
heartstrings unsounded
until your music
made my heart sing songs
of me
unknown to all

but you

c. 2018 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Jan 2018 · 1.4k
the weight of seven
hummingbirds -- 21 grams --
is what leaves the body
after death

on that hummingbird breath
the soul leaves
a wispering whisper
of seven tiny, winged cavatinas

being sung back
and singing themselves
into the chorus

to enter again
a melody -- in
the Eye Of God

wings beating
the rhythm of Love

c. 2018 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Jan 2018 · 389
the lightning-struck pine
sheds its bark an

armor piece at a time
from high on its trunk

where its heart would be
is that what creches first

rather than the soul?
(a volute of thought

from heart to head, this) --
like the healing of its bone

by the purring of the cat
or the birthing of a person

in the eye of the whale
or the movement of the heart

into the head
a balm of balsam

baal shemen
chief anointing in the

shedding of the tree
a chrism, the

extreme unction of Love

c. 2018 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Dec 2017 · 331
listen --
the sonance of this heart
is the canta of its soul
surd but for its Aum, its
Maker’s mark
for, not every sound comes
from without
nor does every Sound, sound
yet beats as a drum, felt
sonant yet surd
heard yet unheard
created yet uncreated
the paradox
of ticks, of tocks,
of the opening of a box

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Dec 2017 · 854
fata morgana
perhaps a mirage is a dangling carrot
to keep us ever-seeking

perhaps our bodies are the freedom clothes
for our souls

and perhaps our sanity,

sane at all
but a fata morgana

science has proven
the moon to be a

bell ---
hollow and resonant

for hours ---
a seismic anomaly

which sounds
when hit

perhaps science
is the fata morgana

and we are sane
after all

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Dec 2017 · 322
the soul sometimes gets
drifted into a soulbank
gets piled on top
of other drifted souls
awaiting the next
dance with
what they love
to be embraced by the
universe and
waltzed or
tangoed or
into Love

patience is faith and
faith is trust in
the drift

c. 2107 Roberta Compton Rainwater
“Sometimes we’re asked to drift away from the crowd in order to be found by what we love.” ~ Mark Nepo
Dec 2017 · 875
I have left the imprint
of my body

on your wild grasses
under your wild hedges

I have slept the sweet
sleep of an embering fire

in your arms
and known

your lips on mine
as a sweetness of the

dancing rain on leaves
your soulhands have

blended me together
like the scent of meadowflowers

sweetening the air
and I have been embraced and

in the ground of your sweet being

been received by and have received
your sweet soul Love

you have made of me
a meuse

an imprint in wild grasses
under wild hedges

in your generous and generating

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Dec 2017 · 518
Scarlet A
my cuneiform heart
marks me indecipherable
to all but you

I am the superheroine
in Hawthorne’s tale
a transcendent A
marks my heart
pure and Angelic

my Ogham soul leaves messages
readable by none
but you

I am the Wonder Woman
safely hidden
a transcendent A
marks my soul
pure and Amazonian

my hieroglyphic being speaks
to none
but you

I am the kindness
the strength
the protection
a transcendent A
marks my being
pure and Awakened

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Dec 2017 · 368
i. calypso

in my soul I seek the
who hides me
from myself
to keep me for herself
against all odds
I seek her
and thus am
to myself

ii. stupa

but this odyssey
has other rules
        to lose
        that self of unremitting
        who professes no love
        for me
        who compensates
        with fantasies
        of love unrequited
        who keeps me yearning
        for a ghost in a glass pain
        who keeps me blinded and cold-pressed
        by her charms

iii. belltower

in the rugged terrain
of the soul stands
a belltower
a beacon of measured
sounding for Love
with Love
in Love
of Love

a hermes bell
commanding me back to myself

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Dec 2017 · 1.4k
the cuisine of the depressed
here is a cup of fog
mix it well
with melancholy
spoon in a bit
of saccharine ---
indigestible sentiment ---
and blend it all

take this tablespoon of
creative fire
douse it with
unrelenting tears
repress it into a ball
then let it stand,
that the yeast of
sorrow may bloom

when doubled,
punch it down to
bloom again


work the dough of Life
to death
form it into a blob
put it into the cold fire of the ego’s
leave it there to burn away
to nothing edible

serve it in hard chunks
on delicate china
and --- wait
trust that the teaspoon of
Love added at the last minute
will be enough

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Remembering old bouts of depression
Nov 2017 · 402
blue hole
I am falling into
a blue hole in my soul
full of the sea

this emotional deepscape
so far under my knowing
makes of me a wanderer --
a discoverer --
of my abyssal, hidden soulsea

thus it is, to be untethered
falling to magical
where deepwater hot springs
falling into deep water
where grow corals
and vent animals
odd, rare species
unknown to me

the soul pressure ---
the soulwater ---
murky and warm
the soul life ---
lit from within

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Nov 2017 · 261
your soul is a
citadel of the forgotten
a treasury of needs
and wants
a secret of which you have no reck

shall I find it
for you?
shall I open it
using the key in my heart?

or the lost one in yours?

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Nov 2017 · 228
it lifts my soulheart
to hear your voice again
lifts it from my stomache
where it hides in pain --
to my throat
in sweet Hallelujah
a thanksgiving hymn
a gregorian chant of Love

doubt is the handmaiden of fear
who carries a basket full
of tears and banshee wailings
and makes it hard to keep
my head above the ego
it is my head that is off key
my heart is on
I listen to it harmonize
with the song of your voice

that lifts my soulheart to hear

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Nov 2017 · 394
Pharos light
I fell in love with you
at first sight
not in my head,
from the lure of
****** attraction
no, it was simple
and from my heart
it wasn’t deposited there
it appeared --
naked and

it was the sidelong look
you gave me as
we said goodbye
it was the bright smile
with that look
there it was -- simple,
naked, and whole
the Pharos light
my wandering soul was seeking

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Nov 2017 · 372
I sing to the trees
a lamentation
for the loss of you

I sing to the trees
as I look up at them
they look down at me
my lamentation
is heard

the shatters of my heart
collect like autumn leaves
under my throat
ready to be sung out
clothed in notes
of gossamer and gold

I sing to the trees
a greeting, a sorrow
for the loss of you

and the shards of my heart

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Nov 2017 · 328
water harp
be my soul friend
my anam cara
play my water harp
my water heart
make music of me
sing me back to
the way I was
the way I can be
the way I am with you

friend, be my soul
my anam cara
make of me a cantata
a rondo
a dance flamenco
flame me back to
the way I was
the way I can be
the way I am with you

soul, befriend me
be my anam cara
make of me a garden
a stroll through Love
give me back to
the way I was
the way I can be
the way I am

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Nov 2017 · 458
when I give my heart
it is all and always

the veils are thin and fine
and utmost
how to see through them
blinded by love
all and always
the veils are thin and
almost utmost
my heart
all and always
sees naught
but --

when I give my heart
it is all and always

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Nov 2017 · 288
the pleasing rhythm of
your life entrains my heart
gives it loft
to sail above myself   that
it may die and I become alive

this is nostos
gesture to Home
greater than

this is Illich’s dying from
conditioned by Love

your eurythmia sails me
over the seas of
my limits
and beyond the mountains of
my intents
a realization of the loft in my soulbones
reaching up as
Love reaches down

the two meet at the
phoenix star   a
supernova from our

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Nov 2017 · 763
am I become an asterisk in your life,
a small reminder of what once was soul-deep,
was the trumpet-radiance of character?
I wander, unshod, in the wilderness created of myself,
to revisit a dystopian dream, where my soul-scars
bleach white from time’s long goodbye
and my caged heart sings a canary’s song to no one

am I become Bukowski’s consummation of grief
dancing on thorns to a choreography of remorse
to a dissonancy of love?

when did I become a mere star-point in your
wintercircle, lost in the wilderness of your sky,

an asterisk abandoned in your asterism?

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Nov 2017 · 1.3k
your words sound my bellsoul
a depth charge of incandescent tone
to coalesce the ground of my whisper-being
to sunder me from self-falsity
to shoe my doubting feet with fierce clarity
to walk me thus shod in cradling Truth
more deeply into the oblivion
of my ethereal dark    whose web tingles and sounds
with tiny silvered bells

I am belled
sounded by Love in Love

Its deep and penetrated tone
calls back
the shards of being
I abandoned
along my lifeway
so to join me


c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Nov 2017 · 546
I recall your eyes as the sky looking back at me

loosed from its cage
my heart sails on the high    hot thermal
of my soul
into your sky-eyes
into the blue and away from my life
toward my Life

I am phoenix    arising
from the ashy embers of what was
into the future what-is
carried on flights of feathers

the sky looking back at me

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
To S.B./T.H.

it matters not where you meet St. Gabriel
whether on earth or in heaven    for
writ large on a person’s soul is a deepening
an aging
an inevitable annunciation that your casket of buried
fears and joylessness
is being dug by the gravedigger   an ancient
angelic presence   who keeps you safe
that you may hear the annunciation of your worthiness
to serve Love
that your immaculate conceptions are beloved
of Love
that you are the hands and imagination
of Love
and that the poetry of your life
is a chrism
an anointing     by Love,
                        for Love, and
                        in Love

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Oct 2017 · 638
the cliff of my mind
comes a time to turn   to put the feet of the heart
forward    step at a time   each foot shod in time lessness
and space lessness

comes a space to hold    to place the hands of the soul
around    the body’s tabernacle    each hand soothed and

comes a view to see    to cast the eyes of the being
beyond    the mind’s walls    built by No without
Know ingness

comes a time to cluster these     in courage and trust
to move away    from the air lessness of shallow being

to step off the craig    onto Love

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Oct 2017 · 375
Jericho's walls
like Jericho of the ancients
my walls have found their matchmate, their shofar,
their holy crumbling disintegration -
have sounded the depth
of my abyssal and penetrable, vaginal soul

I am entered through the desolated and tender crevasse
discovered in the arched vault of my love
which treasures not, nor needs
yet knows ee cummings’ “secret of begin” to the outer
borders of my being, the hidden places of my knowing

the right kind of madness, this
of a rightness and a madness so pure, it stings
the perceptions of ordinariness and
makes of ennui - the sinter of a heated being -
anything but

yet, enter my fornix with dread and awe
lest you vitrify it by atomic waves of sorrow
I am fragile, and tender, gentle, strong and destructive
I am death from Life
Life from Death

blow your shofar, Ram, and I shall fall into your gravity
I shall be as Callisto to Jupiter,
an orbit by seduction and a
child wombed in Love

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Oct 2017 · 674
a fiery lava pool is my heart
a lake of incandescence    bubbling
over my body    melting me to raw emotion
burying me in an *******    pyroclastic flow of feelings

Love has taken on meaning
has produced Life
messy     viscous    muddy    hot
has given new depth to my volcanic soul
and driven temperatures
to icy    bottomless    chasms

under which is my fire    my heart’s hearth

a legion of ghosts crawls over my rim
an infantry of past experiences to
remind my heart
of a once-fought war on the field of my soul
on the Plains of Love
in the chapel of my body

my heart pours its lavic gift over
my rim
leaving nothing of them to recall
or bring forward
or sound retreat
they are not memories anymore
they are echoes of echoes of echoes    disappeared
neither inchoate nor fully realized

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Oct 2017 · 317
children of a blind god
are we, yet we use our two eyes like canes
tap-tap-tapping the ground of our being
to see by echo-location
what our blind god does not:

for, the non-seeing, ever-feeling, all-surrounding


has no eyes for anything but
what we are:
and filters nought, nor
turns away,
nor stumbles about looking for
nothing real
to worship

for, the all-seeing is Love and
the all-feeling is Love and
the all-encompassing is Love and

blind to all else

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Oct 2017 · 316
anniversary song
we have earned our ways out of this
the siren song of our love echoes in hollows,
awakens nothing anymore, except
shall we enter the echoes as they disappear,
for a hand held in softness, a hand held
a kiss gentled by years    and
tears?    or
shall we stay as we are: prope and still,

the Beginning

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Prope is the root of words meaning "close to, near".
Oct 2017 · 1.3k
you are the illuminated
I, the reader
   the lover
   of you

show me your illuminations
your singing arabesques
   the music
   of you

chant your canticle
hidden in the golden calligraphy
   within you

open your pages
to me -- for
I am the reader
   the lover
   of you

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Oct 2017 · 269
An Archeology of the Heart
I saw my heart dancing
in the park wood today
She was dark
and lithe
and graceful
She is dark because I am
discovering Her still
and am not completed yet

It's an archeology of the heart
I practice
The inner eye caught
the nuanced landscape
which foretold the fossil
With careful strokes
respectful of the treasures
within me,
I clear away
I clear away
My trowels: feelings
my brushes: tears and laughter

As they are cut away
from ego sediment and stone,
my fossil pieces
fit in place
and lock together the puzzle
that I was
that I was
It is a re-membering I do
I saw my heart dance
in the park wood today

c. 2009/2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Oct 2017 · 218
flows: two poems

sound eddies around my ears
radio sound
pounding hammer sound
the water of two days ago
eddies in ghostly markings left in the sand
energy eddies around me
camellias of all colors and styles eddy through pine trees
their dead blossoms eddy
amidst the detritus of pine needles and dry branches
the talk of friends, their voices full of wonder,
eddies through the tree branches that reach into the blue
flowing in, inundating, eddyfying
creeping into the lowest spaces
crawling over weirs into emotional wells
churning, then eddying
as the ebb begins dragging everything loose with it
everything unnecessary with it
pulling the teeth out of the mouth of God,
to keep,
to treasure
to remember the eddys
each in turn.

c. Roberta Compton Rainwater, 1998-2009/2017


a dry leaf dances in the stream as it eddies around the stones,
crosses the hilltops, careens off of trees immersed in it.
the stream moves fast and cold after the rain.
I hear it all around me,
the prayersong it composes and decomposes,
recycles and rebirths every moment. It delights
in the light, moves the light across lichened stones,
smoothes it through my hair and across my face.
everything moves with this stream;
there is dance, here is dance,
yonder is dance.
dance and song reverberate
in my heart
as I sit on the rocks in the midst of the stream.
it reaches up and over me, whelming some of me,
cleaning most of me.
above the valley, I am cleaned and Loved into Being.

c. Roberta Compton Rainwater, 2004-2009/2017
sound and movement telling stories
of nectar supped so sweet and golden treasure found
of adventures felt so deep a bee must dance to tell it all
to tell it all
to tell it all
a bee must dance to tell it all
and share the ecstasy of success

c. 2009/2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Oct 2017 · 299
In memoriam G.N.

what is this landscape?

a void so vast
so constant
of a Constancy so deep and all-encompassing
that a sounder reads no depth
that the specific becomes generalized
and the general becomes pointless
like a compass without hands

my heart knows this landscape
has taken readings
and scanned maps
with ineffable instruments
to follow The Way

if I seem to ramble
I do
because this landscape bids me to
it gives no bearings and nor do I

simply: flow

I am the flow-er
the flower
minute among minutae
moving and stilling
in Constancy so vast
it leaves me breathless...
until it doesn't

c. 2009/2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Oct 2017 · 219
my heart has vertigo
the awe / ness of her

enwhelms my heart

leaves me knowing what

I don’t know

creates some / ness in her awe

anoints with laughter

and hugs

what has not

c. Roberta Compton Rainwater 2017
Oct 2017 · 268
two 'found' poems
For poetry was all written
from 'The Poet' by Ralph Waldo Emerson

for poetry was all written before time was,

and whenever we can penetrate into
that region where the air is music,
we hear those primal warblings,
but we lose a word,
and substitute our own,
and thus
miswrite the poem;

the all-piercing, all-feeding, and
ocular air of heaven,
man shall never inhabit.

The religions of the world are the
of a few
imaginative men. The history
of hierarchies seems to show, that
all religion's error
consisted in making the symbol

too stark and
and, at last,
but an excess
of the ***** of language.

from Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore

the soul    Thomas Moore said    is fostered
in the many turns of the labyrinth
making intimacy with the heart
a profound coupling of ego and soul
in deeps of intensity
deeps of fear
deeps of bliss

metamorphosis with artful participation
blushes the ivory to gold-tinged flowering
transforms by imagination

c. Roberta Compton Rainwater 1995/2017
Oct 2017 · 580
a contagion of sobs
a mockingbird strips the night
of quiet
opens a portal in my soul
to let what was in    out
what was out    in

to make an exchange of balances

just so does the cave Lechuguilla
**** air through her ******
in the desert near Carlsbad
balancing air pressure
in great    ******* puffs that make her moan
like a lover satisfied

or perhaps not

perhaps she groans and sighs
for the **** of her million-year solitude
for the loss of her art-full loneness
perhaps Lechuguilla sounds
to stem the contagion of sobs
daily growing in her heart
each sob feeding off the one before
marking like guideposts
the descent she now takes into oblivion
searching    searching

searching for herself

the story of a princess
scratches at the edge of my mind
a princess whose ability was as rare
as the sight of an egret flying against the star-crusted night
she mounted to the roof of her palace
each night    there to repose
to light the whole city
with her radiance

everything begins in the imagined

you donned your suit of lights
to woo me from myself
to court my innocence from its cave
now    head down    pawing dust into fog
I charge    bristling    and snorting threats
through my nose

you    beautiful in light-catching suit
send my barbs like adorned words
into my flesh and soul
I bleed the last of my happiness down my back
into the dry soil
of our We
our glances nick    then slide away
drawing more passion
to coagulate in tidal pools at our feet

I cannot be your imaginal woman

I am my own
I speak in wordchunks like charcoal
hiding fire within
I beat my rhythms to music you do not hear

because you have no reck of me

c. 1994/2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Lechuguilla is pronounced letch-oo-gee-ya
Oct 2017 · 342
she took deep breath of him through her eyes
he snaked through her brain down her neck straight to her heart
there he stopped to drink from that sacred bowl,
then coiled and wiggled his way to her ***.
she felt a surge as her organs shook
her breath came in bursts.
her mind snapped from her inhibition like a flag
in a stiff wind.
she knew his scent without going near him
it was fern-laced and green, and she wanted
to put her nose to him and inhale to the bottom of her lungs.
she felt his ****** mistral blow through her, warming her limbs
he was water-wind-breath, po-wa-ha.
she felt her old skin peel away in the force of his mistral,
in the clean wash of his waterlight,
and the caress of his breathing on the air around them.
she stepped out of her old pelt to reveal
the woman she had always been.

c. 1995/2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Oct 2017 · 268
secret door
those Pinteresque voices enjoy dictation
enjoy giving orders full of menace
like to see me writing their words
into books placed neatly on shelves in a bookcase
as though their sentences full of
what-ifs and that-suckses and you're-guiltys
are precious gems of wisdom
composed by Verdi's drunken librettist
for an opera maleficent, full of sound and fury

I made a secret door of the bookcase

laughing, I swung away the words
and entered the world where no menace inspires

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Oct 2017 · 407
word dances
the look of words - in any language - across a page
brings to mind the gestures of dances
slow, or wildly free
a waltz, perhaps, or
an arabesque
a twyla tharp choreography or
a martha graham ballet
an earthy folk dance
a Japanese kabuki,
a Chinese dragon or lion dance

some lines of words also look like music
some, like wind instruments
others are a slow walk to anywhere
(which is a dance, too)
the flow of words takes us with it
expresses through music and gesture
so much more than their definitions
are sacred sounds expressed through
movement across a page,
across an invisible divide between you and me,
over a mountain range on elephants,
to conquer a heart

and satisfy a soul

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Oct 2017 · 562
unpealed bell*
once a bell has pealed,
can it be unpealed?

once liberty is cracked,
can it be uncracked?

once one is loved,
can one be unloved?

once something breaks,
can it be unbroken?

once a light has been lit,
it can be unlit
then re-lit.

once a crack opens,
once a break occurs,
once love falls,
the Light gets in.

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
*”Ring the bells
That still can ring,
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.”
~ Leonard Cohen
Oct 2017 · 1.2k
fireworks sparkle
the darkened sky of my memory,
sparkling through my soul in a pleasant wave,
uncovering a walk in the jungle of my heartland

and a guava tree.

I’m in my kitchen, filling my nose
with the delicate scent of ripening guavas from Mexico,
palmed in the chalice of my hands,
feeling my way to that jungle walk with my family when I was three
or maybe two, in Hawai’i

and the guava tree.

as I bite through the fragile skin of the yellow globe,
the seeds, like BBs, take me further into my remembrance,
my family around me sharing
the excitement and joy I felt when I saw and climbed

the guava tree.

after we moved back to the Mainland
to a desert paradise I also loved,
each Spring I came down with what I called my Island Virus:
a deep yearning and homesickness
for my heartland

and the guava tree.

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Oct 2017 · 576
salve regina
I have been too long in the world.

I am frayed at my edges
cracked and broken in places

I have been too long in the world.

Have listened too long to the
and I have let them dry the lake of my soul
with their drains and siphons

I have been too long in the world.

I shall use the golden joinery
of the Japanese art
to honor my frayed edges
weave a golden, or silver, or platinum
thread through them
fill my cracks and broken places with lacquered metals

I have been too long in the world.

other edges, smashed to smithereens,
will be left as they lay
jutted, stiff
while the softened, smashed powder from them
I'll keep in a medicine bag
and mix it, as needed, with my blood
stirred into a salve, a queen of healing

I have been too long in the world.

my thousand-times-broken heart
repaired and repaired and repaired
and re-paired
I will wrap like the gift it is
with the gold of Love
while laughter falls from it
salve regina

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Oct 2017 · 329
beautiful luxury,
crumpled mid-bed
is an insanity of love

an asylum for dreamed life

into this I crawled,
not yet awakened

I dreamt of kisses from princes
incandescent with madness
now faded

my bed greets
a lament for the dead

Madness wakes its own

C. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Oct 2017 · 276
fluent yet not swift
stilled surface
depth-charged movement
my soul seems to stagnate
seems to have lost the oxygen of inspiration

appearance is deceptive
for I will float you in your boat
allow you to skim over my surface
yet hide the toothy terror
under my duckweeded surface

I am never to be taken lightly
if you can take me at all

water snakes know me well

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Jul 2017 · 277
The nightness of you
terrifying in its power
to shred
to bite and crack
to maim
crawls over me
sniffs my fragrance
purrs into my ears
my heart
threatens my neck
wrestles me prone
Requires me
I surrender
my love, my Love
while you maul
and lick my submission
my annihilation
out of me
The fawn that was my heart
lies bloodied
in pieces
wanting more
Of you

copyright 2017 by Roberta Compton Rainwater
Dec 2016 · 471
Comes a Wind
Comes a wind like
a “shock of leopards” in the temple
quickening, now
Yet my soul ---
Ah! the soul takes the shock
into herself
where it yet lingers


copyright 2016 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Mar 2015 · 637
I hope I can
remember my mother
with kindness and joy
to forget the long agony
of watching her disappear into herself,
disappearing into a somewhere I have no ken,
leaving only the angry husk of an ego
so ornery it leaves one
breathless with rage.
I hope I can resurrect her
in my heart someday, some day, and
remember the lovely things she did for us all.

I hope she reappears to me in light and gossamer, as she once did,
in fey jokes and laughter uncontrollable,
in food well cooked and delicious, thoughtful of health
and healing.
I hope I forget the plaints and sorrows soon. Yes, soon.
I hope my love for her will rectify me.

c. June 15, 2013
Roberta Compton Rainwater
Mar 2015 · 583
His face looked suddenly swollen, as though unshed tears, finding no outlet through his eyes, flowed beneath his skin wherever it found space. He would not look at me, but away, and yet I knew he was not seeing what he looked at. His blue eyes had darkened, and something had receded into his deepest place, so that when he looked at me finally, I saw the unspoken, unreleased emotion at his center. I felt as though a sabre had passed through me as through softened butter, at his look. There was nothing I could do, then or ever. I might never know that unspoken, unreleased story, and a part of me was relieved, for I felt its terror course through me as he looked at me. How had he stayed alive and sane? The answer was there, in that deep core where he abided in this moment, a courage that was itself so complete a part of who he was that he scarce noticed it. Then, I knew. I knew that no matter what that story was, it did not define him, but he could not forget it, in moments like this one.

His eyelids dropped, a tiny movement that showed me he saw that I knew where the limits lay and I would not disturb them. That I was not then, or ever, going to "fix" him or pursue him into his deepest place. That I would wait for, but never expect, his invitation to follow him there. He adjusted his shoulders then, the way he always did when he began to relax.

I needed to be alone. I felt as though I had emotional jet lag from that supersonic view into the unknown behind his eyes. I wanted to curl into myself and go comatose, so that when I landed I would not feel the bump or feel the nausea of the descent. I turned away and walked to the spring. On my knees, I splashed the icy water over my face and neck, needing the sting of the wet and the cold to ground me in my being. When I turned to look at him, he was gone. I had not heard him leave, but was not surprised. I already thought he was a ghost in a body.
Mar 2015 · 420
Flying Lesson
There it was again, that feeling of having been skipped out on by someone I trust. Trusted, past tense. When had this begun, this sense of having a rug pulled out from under my feet? I drifted backwards in the pool of memories and landed in my one-and-a-half-year-old self, watching her as she made assumptions based on her limited experiences up to then, heard her thinking, felt her feeling angry. So angry. And ashamed, because she was angry with her mother, and that was a betrayal of her mother, wasn't it? So betrayal worked both ways in her. She was the betrayed, and the betrayer. I pop out of that memory fast, then shudder.

I can feel a misty fog descending my mountain of a brain. I feel myself start to shut down, go catatonic. I sense that someone is calling me to them, but am lost in the fog of fear. I can't move, my whole being is away. Somewhere else. Gone. I'm left in this shell which has no brain, has no heart, has no meaning. Do I go up? or down? Do I stay put? Is it safe here? or there? Can I even lift a foot to step?

I can feel myself hyperventilating and feel powerless to stop it. Then a rough hand grabs me and I'm tumbling. I hit and bounce. Hit and bounce. Head over heels. Back flips. Dives. Something tries to get my attention. What IS that? "Spread your wings." What? "Spread your wings." What wings? "Spread your wings."

So. I spread them, and I'm flying instead of tumbling. Or maybe soaring is more like what I'm doing with them. Soaring on a thermal spreadeagle. I feel like a parachute, open and catching air as I descend to a narrow valley. When I land, I keep my feet.
A short, short story, OR a prose poem.

c. 2015 Roberta Compton Rainwater
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