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Robert Peck Feb 2013
You take steps everyday and they lead you to places
Sometimes new sometimes old
To places you want to go to and others you don't
It all started when each of our steps caused us to cross paths
Then the steps that got us to meet each other
The 21 years of steps that you took so far have molded you into this beautiful person
21 years of different steps that helped you figure out what steps not to take again
Steps that lead you to want to talk to me
Steps that if taken any other way we would have never known each other's favorite color or what each of us want out of life
Steps that got us to know each other and draw closer
I rather enjoy the step you took and the steps you are making now
More importantly I look forward to the steps that we will make together
Steps in places either of us have been
Steps to introduce each other to our families
Steps that will get us to know each other inside out
These steps that we together take will be a number of the different things but the only thing that matters is that we take them together
Robert Peck Feb 2013
I see life
in your smile
I see joy
in your laugh
I see a hope for humanity
in the way you care for others
I see respect
in the way you carry yourself
I see a woman
in nature
I see beauty
in the way God has created you
I consider myself truly blessed because I get to see you in a way most people will never get to see, you in the most raw,uncut, unedited version and that is also the most beautiful form to hear your laugh when something tickles your soul and waking up to someone as wonderful as yourself is something that I will not take for granted
When I look at you I know that there is no way I can repeat the same mistakes I have made before
When I look into your eyes I know that you deserve nothing less than the best that I can give
I want to know you
what makes you laugh, happy, sad, angry, what calms you down, what you’re afraid of, what bothers you, what gets you excited and I am determined to find out
Robert Peck Jan 2013
I'm here you're there

I know it's cliche but I really mark the days off my calendar anticipating the day I get to see your smiling face

I played it overt and over in my head, a kiss and one of my bear hugs will be the warm embrace

I wanna know do you really think about me as much as you say ?

Or do I sometimes slip your mind like how sometimes you forget to pray

Truth is we're both stuck in one spot

I have cement shoes on my feet

And you're rooted in my mind

As long as I am not there with you then you will never leave

I could be wrong but I feel as if the last time I saw you , upon the trees there were no leaves and now those very branches are changing from their original green

As I mark each X daily I feel closer to making my dream a reality of you in my arms as if I never left and the world has returned to equilibrium

Until then ...

You're there and I'm here
Robert Peck Dec 2012
The first time our eyes met my heart said hello
my lips did not move because I'm so shy
my arms felt so heavy that's why I didn't wave hi
so I hoped that my smile directed to you said all that I wanted

The first time our sounds were exchanged it was more than the wine and spirits that lifted my spirit
I was taken by the fact that you would speak to me ... in public at that
your voice was a refreshing sound to all the noise I was used to hearing

The first time our lips met I've never experienced skin as soft as yours
I tasted how sweet your soul is
I got a taste of how unique you truly are

The first time our bodies got acquainted you were stripped of all of your insecurities
I used my hands to venture the uncharted
My fingers were portraying what my eyes wanted to say
Robert Peck Dec 2012
It filled up the hOuse
It weNt pAssed my Neck
StArted At my kNees
It filled up my chest
All iN the Streets
Like A pOOl tO swim iN
Most swimmers woN't dive iN the pOOL thAt I beeN iN
***** flOOd wAter thAt stretched fOr miLes
They didN't sigN checks Now their pOckets wiLL smiLe
Our hOmes wAshed AwAy And ALL thAt I kNOw
Flights tOOk us tO pLAces with twO feet Of sNOw
The cuLture we hAve mAkes this plAce we cALL hOme
New Orleans LouisianA welcOme tO the terrOr dOme
BeAutifuL hOuses next tO thOse untOuched
SprAyed X's On dOOrs stiLL six yeArs LAter
Did nOt hAve tO be there if he put his nAme On A pAper
New Orleans New Orleans the plAce we cALL hOme
We mAde it thrOugh Betsy sO hOw wOuLd yOu kNOw
Building it bAck with Nothing but LOve
WAit (God = LOve) sO yOu dO the mAth AbOve
Robert Peck Dec 2012
The best way to give a woman a compliment is to call her BEAUTIFUL

When I hear the word beautiful I think of God with tools crafting the earth in the perfect way not like a kids who put red and blue together and accidentally came up with purple

But THE master artist who has a plan and purpose with every single dot that is on the page and without that dot the world would not be the same

A sun rise is beautiful the way that the angle depicts the color and alters the way that the naked eye can see it

How slow time moves but how fast it goes by you can actually see it move from one part of the sky to another in moments

Beautiful is watching the ocean flow it just goes any which direction it feels with no set destination

Beautiful is God’s promise to never cover the earth with a blanket of water to clear it of the sinful nature it was in, by way of a combination of colors otherwise called a rainbow

So if man should respectfully call a woman beautiful she should be thankful she is in good company
Robert Peck Dec 2012
I was almost the one that got away
Instead I pushed you as far as the east is from the west
But when it happened I just didn’t have the heart to tell you what I needed to say
I messed up big time and there is no rewind now it’s just stuck in my mind
My first chance was my last time
This video game only had one life and I killed myself not knowing the level I could have gotten to
I stole your trust and suffocated it with my bare hands in a matter of moments
Trying to get you back is like do CPR to a test dummy no matter how long I keep pumping there is no reviving
I could care less about my image or anything like that but the fact I’m the reason you hurt is …
The fact that I did you like this is …
The fact that I disrespected you makes it hard for me to glance at my reflection
From the moment I open my eyes to the second I close them
Not a day goes by you don’t cross my mind
You got me dotting my T’s and crossing my I’s
All I have left are the replays of you in my head and with that cute voice of yours the things that you said
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