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R L Nov 2020
call it hate,
i don't care,
because what she did,
wasn't fair.

i asked for help,
she walked away,
my mind was spinning,
why didn't she say,
that i didn't matter?

i don't want to waste my time,
on people that'll just leave me behind,
she did teach me a lesson though,
to never trust a friend,
cuz all along she was a foe.
people can be so selfish sometimes...
R L Dec 2020
Is it worth
Being friends with someone you can’t trust?
R L Nov 2020
the stars are my only friends,
they stay up all night and hear me talk.

the bugs are my only friends,
i like to watch them play.

the sun is my only friend,
she likes to follow me everywhere i go.

and time is my only enemy,
he doesn't let them stay.
R L Dec 2020
you're like the ground my feet can't reach,
the never ending sea,
you're an inch away,
just an inch away,
but i can't seem to get to you.
R L Dec 2020
i can hear your words,
but no longer decipher them,
i can see you alive,
but to me you're dead,
i can feel your presence,
but no longer here,
you're like a ghost to me now,
you once meant something to me
but now I just see right through your lies
R L Dec 2020
we all fall in a dark abyss
of depression,
leaving out the people who love us,
only to protect them from this gorge of sadness.
R L Dec 2020
they live for greed,
the innocent never freed,
their lives decreed,
they beg and plead,
so they leave them be,
until they heed,
they live for me,
evil indeed.
R L Dec 2020
i'm no Greek god,
i haven't come from the stars,
you can't expect me to do everything,
or connect anything afar,
i say those are just stories,
unless you prove me so,
because i really can't doubt you,
cuz you're high and i'm below
R L Oct 2022
Grief is like a broken root
From which nothing grows.
There’s no way to revive the dead root,
But healing is the garden that grows around it.
Healing means learning to live with that broken void inside you, and growing your soul around it.
R L Oct 2020
I remember when my heart gleamed with innocence
when everything was a joke,
And we thought this was what life consisted of
Though we wished to grow up,
to start living,
But it feels like it wasn’t worth
Growing up
R L Nov 2020
If my happiness was taken away from me,
then i deserved it
Because everything I did to earn it
was wrong
R L Sep 2021
I’m waiting for the days that I’m smiling again
The days when I feel like I’m living again
With my soul repaired,
Not torn, but free,
I’m waiting for the days I can feel like I’m Me.

I’m waiting for a life that feels like mine,
Not two different lives that have been combined,
No more two-faced, no more lies,
A life where I finally mean the words:
“I’m fine”
R L Nov 2020
i'm living happily,
yet i've had enough,
i want to laugh,
but i cry too much.
i live by name,
and what i want to be,
except sometimes it's hard to be happy
R L Nov 2020
i hated love
until you taught me what it actually was
R L Dec 2020
i paint my canvas everyday,
i enlarge the painting,
so i can display,
the colors of me,
and the colors of my feelings,
i'll give myself
a moment for healing.
R L Dec 2020
don't save me now,
you looked out for me,
but were never around,
go save their lives,
i don't need saving,
i'm done with mine
R L Dec 2020
i didn't get to hide my heart,
before everyone saw it and took advantage of it
R L Nov 2020
the house of roses,
that looked like heaven,
but when we went inside,
where the thorns were to hide,
it was like hell,
and pain,
and death
R L Dec 2020
I’m a poet,
But my words don’t make sense,
An artist,
But my paintings are all over the place,
A musician,
But I can’t get the notes correct,
And I’m a human,
And sometimes I make mistakes.
R L Nov 2020
Run a mile away from me,
And I’ll find you
Swim oceans away from me,
And I’ll sail back to you
Fly skies away from me,
And I’ll fly right back to you

If it’s love, then let there be no limits
R L Nov 2020
i may be fragile,
i may be lost,
but i love when i'm hurt,
no matter what it costs.
the pain is numbing,
and i feel no more,
so i let it stay,
just a minute more.
R L Nov 2020
The wildest horses are
Human imagination
They gallop everywhere
Limitless and free
R L Oct 2020
I talk to them
my words go through one ear
and out the other
I ask for help
But nobody’s near
They don’t bother
To ask me how I’m doing
And it’s clear
That nobody wants
To help me
I fear
That I’ll be forgotten
By my loved ones
The ones I hold close to my heart
the ones that are dear
I feel invisible sometimes, like people don’t care about me. It’s hard to deal with
R L Nov 2020
Love is so contagious
It’s like an infectious plague
The symptoms are
And it’s hardly curable
R L Oct 2020
After I died
everyone was sorrow
For me, there was no tomorrow
Because I was 6 feet under
Did they love me?
I wonder
It doesn’t matter now
Because if they cared for me
I wouldn’t be in my grave
Waiting for them to join me
but they’re trying to be brave
By showing they loved me...
after I died
It’s about suicide....
R L Nov 2020
Is it really torture
If they deserved it?
R L Dec 2020
you take a piece of me,
and i fall,
cuz there's no support,
nothing to help me in a world so small.
I can't live without a piece of me,
can you build it up
and tower me please?
R L Jan 2021
lying on the grass
beside your pretty face,
we laugh at stupid things,
and freedom at our grace,
we're living how we want to,
and then i grab your hand,
to realise it'll never happen,
it's just a thought again
R L Oct 2020
Please look at me
one more time
And tell me you love me
So I can feel like it
One last time
Idk what this is about
R L Nov 2020
The pain that people give you
Isn’t good unless it taught you a lesson
People can hurt you, and will hurt you
So make the best out of it.
you can’t stop it, so make the best out of it, learn
R L Dec 2020
the leaves change color,
they're tired of living,
once so green,
so full of color,
now on the ground,
crispy and duller.
R L Dec 2020
does the wind need to prove it's power,
do the nightingales sing every hour,
do the waters need to flood to show you,
that not everything needs a purpose,
even when it might seem worth it,
the clouds will cover,
the ravens will hover,
the rain will pour,
i'll be at your door
to show you what i mean
when i say, "just let it all happen"
R L Nov 2020
liar, liar
you said you were fine.
liar, liar
i believed you the whole time.
liar, liar
tell me why you didn't say?
that you were hurting
and that i made you feel that way?
you could've been honest,
and told me the truth,
but you went your own way,
you're not happy now, are you?
R L Dec 2020
everyone's a liar,
we lie about ourselves,
we put ourselves through something,
and never tell someone else.
We want to keep us secret,
so we say that we're okay,
so that we don't get attention,
and the world keeps working anyway.
R L Dec 2020
oceans of pain,
our lives remain,
but an illusion,
of fire and rain.

our souls just a story,
our lives,
they get boring,
so we love each other,
then die in vain.
R L Nov 2020
trees are like life
you could either let the leaves fall by themselves,
or chop the tree before it sees an end
R L Dec 2020
the lights out,
nowhere to go,
we all hide,
in shadows below,
a thousand screams
hidden by the dark,
we have nothing to lose
just the core of our hearts
R L Dec 2020
are just a way to show that we have control over something,

even though we end up crossing the limits.
R L Dec 2020
living in the future,
i'm thinking about what'll happen next,
my future is up to me,
but my past is full of regret
R L Oct 2020
Please stay alive
For me
Keep laughing
For me
I don’t want to lose you
Like I lost everything
Before I met you
I wrote this in one minute
R L Dec 2020
tell me how im supposed to love,
if ive never been loved?
R L Nov 2020
the anger
it grew inside me like a forest fire
it took over
until i had no control
R L Dec 2020
you don't know me
the way you know my smile.
I'm not what i seem,
i'm on a trial,
and so much to hide,
i just hope you see me smile,
when i already cried.

a thousand screams,
yet everyone's deaf,
i'm underwater,
they all left,
cuz i'm hiding it all,
and displaying the smiles,
i've nowhere to go,
sadness and denial.
R L Dec 2020
all around me are masked faces,
they hide in places
where nobody goes,
and walk around fearless,
because nobody knows,
they wish to be normal,
so they cover themselves up,
except everyone's the same,
they just think they're not enough
R L Nov 2020
what if i never said those things?
would you look at me the same way?
what if i hid my identity,
my true self,
and maybe then you wouldn't hate me.
They all want me to be something

why can't they just love me for me?
R L Dec 2020
worthless art,
i've got no meaning,
meaningless words,
though i write what i'm feeling,
does that make me useless,
i really don't know,
it's hard to tell when i'm feeling so low
R L Nov 2020
how do i measure life?
it's balanced by the people you love,
and the people that love you.
It's balanced by the people you hate,
and the ones that hate you.
It's balanced by how you love yourself,
and how you take care of yourself.
But sometimes, the scale gets unbalanced,
and you don't want to live anymore
R L Nov 2020
i stood in front of the mirror,
and i didn't make sense to me.
But then again,
words never make sense in front of a mirror
R L Dec 2020
can i shut our book closed?
can i end the story told?
can i start over with something new,
can i get over you?
R L Nov 2020
my smile creeps up on my face

the blood contrasting on the grass looks so lovely

who knew it would bring such joy to a person

to see the body lying there,


it's better than the arrogance it had.

Now i stand here alone,

the moonlight giving the body a magnificent glow.
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