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Richard Riddle Apr 2015
One thing I'm tired of reading in bios:  "Poetry is my Life!"
Richard Riddle May 2015
Makes no difference if you live in a mansion or an igloo. One of these days you're going to need a mop.

(Coming from someone who just finished cleaning and waxing his kitchen floor.)

copyright: richard riddle-May 26, 2015
Richard Riddle May 2015
I'm going to a "sit-in" today. I'm going to "sit in" my easy chair and mind my own business!

copyright: richard riddle: May 02, 2015
Richard Riddle May 2015
I love you folks, I really do!

I don't see any reason to copyright this one.
Richard Riddle May 2015
Does anything rhyme with "antidisestablishmentarianism"?

"I didn't think so. Oh well, on to the next idea!"
Richard Riddle Aug 2015
"Dad!, I have a date tonight, can I borrow a couple of bucks!" "Borrow, or have?", he always replied. After all, he and mom were the ones who were working. "Well, cars run better with gas in'em." That's the way it was for many of us back then.
On a Friday, or Saturday night, I could take my girlfriend to a movie, then to a popular teenage burger joint, meet our friends,  and we would have an enjoyable evening.  all for a whopping "five bucks", or less. But, it would be misleading today compared to then, and now.     Today, they'd be lucky to get out under fifty.
"My, how times have changed!" Gasoline was $.25 a gallon, never to be seen again; at the grocery store, round steak was $.79 a pound, never to be seen again. That sounds like a pretty good deal.   
 However, salaries were also in ratio to the cost of living. As a
teenager with a part-time job, 50 cents an hour was an average rate, working as a carry-out or sacker in a grocery store. Finding a job making $1.00 an hour meant you were "coming up" in the world.
Today, making $10-$12 and hour would be like making $.50 an hour back then, with prices continuing to rise.  That's progress!!

copyright: richard riddle-August 31, 2015
Richard Riddle Dec 2014
Thanksgiving has come and gone. The "starting gun" has sounded, officially setting off the Christmas rush. Stores are crowded, parking spaces are becoming non-existent, and the joyful sounds of shoppers echo throughout the canyons of the city("Same to you buddy!", etc. etc.etc.)
Neighborhood Christmas lights and decorations have been going up since the passing of Halloween. Some are elaborate and garish, others simple in their presentations. A contest, if you will, trying to outdo one another. Or rather, who can out-spend the other, a battle of egos, so to speak
Carolers, those small groups of both young and old, have all but disappeared, in this city anyway. It was a good feeling,  sitting in your home, and suddenly hearing the voices singing Christmas carols. Jumping up, running to the door, and seeing a group standing not far from your porch singing "Silent Night", "O' Come all You Faithful", or another. Wishing you a "Merry Christmas!" as they continued down the street. Today, step out on your porch and you could get a gun stuck in your face.
It's now a different time, different era, with different attitudes. Christmas seems to have become a "me first" season. It's  time for a change.

copyright: richard riddle-emended November 26, 2015
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
Thanksgiving has come and gone. The "starting gun" has sounded, officially setting off the Christmas rush. Stores will be crowded, parking spaces, becoming non-existent, and the joyful sounds of shoppers echoing throughout the canyons of the city("Same to you buddy!", "Hey, butthead, that's my parking space!")Neighborhood Christmas lights and decorations have been going up since the passing of Halloween. Some are elaborate and garish, others simple in their presentations. A contest, if you will, trying to outdo one another. Or rather, who can out-spend the other, a battle of egos, so to speak.

Carolers, those small groups of both young and old, have all but disappeared, in this city, anyway. It was a good feeling,  sitting in your home, and suddenly hearing the voices singing Christmas carols. Jumping up, running to the door, and seeing a group standing not far from your porch singing "Silent Night", "O' Come all You Faithful", or another, and wishing you a "Merry Christmas!" as they continued down the street. Now, step out on your porch and you could get a gun stuck in your face.
It's now a different time, different era, with different attitudes. Christmas seems to have become a "me first" season. It's  time for a change.

copyright: richard riddle-emended November 26, 2015
Richard Riddle May 2015
Written for a school project*

September 09, 2013

To: Evan Riddle
From: Granddad

Well, I understand that you would like to have a letter from me, recognizing certain traits, and accomplishments, and so forth. Begging your pardon, I will begin in this manner.
A couple of years ago, during a"pre-game warmup" prior to the start of one of your games, I was standing behind the glass watching the pucks bounce off your chest. A young boy, perhaps a year younger, came up, stood beside me, also watching you. He then turned, yelling to a friend, "here he is, #41!"  He was quickly joined by his friend and another, all three watching you at close range.You have no idea how that made me feel. How proud of you I was, that apparently your reputation was developing among your peers within the "ice crowd."
In my home, on a wall, is a photo of you, taken during the All-Star game in Ottawa, Canada. You, wearing the red and white All-Star jersey,  standing in front of the net watching and observing the action that soon would be coming at you.
This is my favorite photo. The expression on your face silently reflects your abilities to "focus" on what you are supposed to do, the "determination" to do it, and the "perseverance" to get it done. Three traits that have followed, and stayed with you, and guided you to be successful, in all you have accomplished in both sport and academic activities in which you have participated. You are respected by your team, your coaches, your teachers, and your classmates. You can't have better than that.

Love you,
Although this is not a poem, per se, for personal reasons I find it necessary to post. Circle photo taken during All-star game at a tournament in Ottawa, Canada, 2012. His team won 4-3 in a shoot-out.
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
"reposted for a very special friend"

A clear, crystal orb-
resting alone-
In the center of the table..

She 'chants', this Gypsy woman,
as her gnarled hands
caressing its silk-smooth surface..

A mist forms
within the glass,
a cloud... that holds the future...
and the past...

An image begins to materialize
and there, before my very eyes
Sits a man.......
contentment on his face.............

He is asleep... an arm....
folded across his chest-
And on his hand, a simple ring-
with a cross etched on its crest

My father?"

"Closer", I look-
as the mist recedes-
'Tis' not my father!".....

For 'he' "me!"*

r riddle 08-14-2016

Traveling Carnivals most always have a gypsy fortune teller, especially those that travel the circuits of small towns and rural communities.
Richard Riddle Aug 2016
A clear, crystal orb-
resting alone-
In the center of the table..

She 'chants', this Gypsy woman,
as her gnarled hands
caressing its silk-smooth surface..

A mist forms
within the glass,
a cloud... that holds the future...
and the past

An image begins to materialize
and there, before my very eyes
Sits a man.......
contentment on his face.............

He is asleep... an arm....
folded across his chest-
And on his hand, a simple ring-
with a cross etched on its crest

"My father?"

"Closer", I look-
as the mist recedes-
'Tis' not my father!".....

For 'he' "me!"

r riddle 08-14-2016
Traveling Carnivals most always have a gypsy fortune teller, especially those that travel the circuits of small towns and rural communities.
Richard Riddle Dec 2016
from August, 2016

A clear, crystal orb-
rests alone,
In the center of the table..

She 'chants', this Gypsy woman,
as her gnarled hands
caressing its silk-smooth surface..

A mist forms
within the glass,
a cloud... that holds the future...
and the past

An image begins to materialize
and there, before my very eyes
Sits a man.......
contentment on his face.............

He is asleep... an arm....
folded across his chest-
And on his hand, a simple ring-
with a cross etched on its crest

"My father?"

"Closer", I look-
as the mist recedes-
'Tis' not my father!".....

For 'he' "me!"*

r riddle 08-14-2016

Traveling Carnivals most always have a gypsy fortune teller, especially those that travel the circuits of small towns and rural communities.
Richard Riddle Sep 2016
Your "Tree of Life" has many 'leaves'.......
not all are family...and friends

It's that person
   to whom you just said "Hi"....
While walking down the street

It's the driver of the car
   you let back out of that parking space...
and returned a wave as it was driven away

It's the homeless person
    to whom you gave a couple of dollars
without having been asked

It's that elderly person
    you let in front of you
in the check-out line at the grocery

It's those to whom you gave a smile
    those, whose name... you will never know
And may never......see again......

It's those acts of un-selfishness
     that seem to be 'minor' in scope.....
But, those addressed-

These are the 'leaves'
      that are on your....

'Tree of Life'...

Keep yours"watered", everyday

r. riddle 09-25-2016
Richard Riddle Feb 2017
from September, 2016

Your "Tree of Life" has many 'leaves'.......
not all are family...and friends

It's that person
   to whom you just said "Hi"....
While walking down the street

It's the driver of the car
   you let back out of that parking space...
and returned a wave as it was driven away

It's the homeless person
    to whom you gave a couple of dollars
without having been asked

It's that elderly person
    you let in front of you
in the check-out line at the grocery

It's those to whom you gave a smile
    those, whose name... you will never know
And may never......see again......

It's those acts of un-selfishness
     that seem to be 'minor' in scope.....
But, those addressed-

These are the 'leaves'
      that are on your....

*'Tree of Life'

Keep yours"watered", everyday

r. riddle 09-25-2016
Richard Riddle Sep 2013
I feel the darkness-
the profundity of it's power
enwraps my soul-
Yet, I can see-
I touch the dark.......

Silhouetted against the aura of human faith-
it surrounds me-
A myriad of words floats within the cubicle
that holds my sorrow--
And the darkness grows darker......

Yet, I see-
my fears are no longer,
I am not afraid....

Richard Riddle Mar 2015
I feel the darkness-
the profundity of it's power
enwraps my soul-
Yet, I can see-
I touch the dark.......

Silhouetted against the aura of human faith-
it surrounds me-
A myriad of words floats within the cubicle
that holds my sorrow--
And the darkness grows darker......

Yet, I see-
my fears are no longer,
I am not afraid....

Penned this in 1961, age of 19. "Beat Generation" coming to a close, "Hippie " period beginning.
Richard Riddle Jan 2015
It's 3a.m.
The coffee's hot-
the screen is blank-
My mind is churning butter-
I've already tossed two ideas,
Now I have to find anudder!

copyright: Richard Riddle 01-10-2015
Richard Riddle Oct 2016
Re: If ANY of you receive a 'chat' message from a friend or acquaintance informing you that they just received a check from the TEXACO GLOBAL FREEDOM PROMOTION(on Facebook), and saw your name on the "list of winners", and suggesting you contact them to see how much you have won, "STOP RIGHT THERE!!!"  It's a very sophisticated SCAM. The notice will be accompanied by a photo showing the presumed 'friend or acquaintance' accepting their award, adding credibility to the announcement. I received such a notice this morning, and the person who presumably sent it, knew nothing about it. It appears to have originated in Asia, possibly China.
Richard Riddle Jul 2015
Walking down the street, in a shopping mall, or going through an airport terminal, we never know  who we're standing or sitting next to, say hello to; make your day a 'FEEL GOOD DAY."
On your search browser-"You Tube", or "Google", type:

"Little Girl gives Coin to Street Musician"-(Spain)
"Homeless Man Plays Piano"- (Sarasota, Florida)
There are others, ENJOY!!

Richard Riddle Nov 2015
I should, by all practical matters, quit looking through old photos of when my life was much "simpler." Childhood photos, to be exact. They serve only as a reminder of how old I am, and how much older I soon will be. (Yea, I know, ending a sentence with a prepostion is against  the rules of proper penning.)

Looking at these pics, I catch myself playing the game of "whatever became of who?" Those other kids on that cul-de-sac in Corpus Christi, Texas, "waaay, waaay" back in the mid to late forties. One, in particular, comes to mind.

His name was "Duke" Jones. Perhaps, the most popular "kid" on the block.He was our next-door neighbor. An excellent "fielder" when we played baseball, heck of a fast runner, not much of a hitter. But, he was a lot more than that. For, you see, Duke, was a dog. A Doberman Pinscher, a former guarddog at military installations during the war, and rehabilitated before re-entering civilian life. And, he loved children.

Duke knew everyone on the block, knew the postman, the milk deliveryman (yes,there was a time when dairies had milk delivered to your home, but that can be another story), knew which house we lived at, the vehicles our parents drove, he was our protector. If a stranger, such as a door to door salesman, entered his territory, he froze, staring, watching, positioning himself between us and the stranger. If that stranger stepped on to the walk leading to a front door, Duke would start moving, stealthily, instincts, training, taking control. If a strange vehicle entered,  he took notice, watched, intently. My mother and father often said, "We have the safest block in the city."
Our family had moved to another city in 1951, when we got a letter from Duke's "parents", telling us that Duke had passed away at age 16. Looking at that photo in my hand, Duke hasn't gone anywhere.

copyright: richard riddle: 11/02/15
Richard Riddle Oct 2015
There is a  line
What is real-

What IS reality

           we have become............
to the
Profit Makers

copyright: richard riddle - 10-08-2015
I have no idea what this means, it just sounds intelligent and omniscient!
Richard Riddle Oct 2013
A tiny ant, struggling to cross the deep, ****, carpet-
With each synchronized step-from six tiny legs-
echoing a clap of thunder-

And the lights, the beautiful mixture of bright
colors, like a newly opened box of crayons,
dancing before me, would be more magnificent,
if they were somewhere else than in my living room-
God, I hate migraines!

                                                     ­                          r. riddle copyright 10-07-2013
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
(a repost)

A tiny ant, struggling to cross the deep, ****, carpet-
With each synchronized step-from six tiny legs-
echoing a clap of thunder-

And the lights, the beautiful mixture of bright
colors, like a newly opened box of crayons,
dancing before me, would be more magnificent,
if they were somewhere else than in my living room-
God, I hate migraines!

                                                     ­                          r. riddle copyright 10-07-2013
Richard Riddle Mar 2015
A tiny ant, struggling to cross the deep, ****, carpet-
With each synchronized step-from six tiny legs-
echoing a clap of thunder-

And the lights, the beautiful mixture of bright
colors, like a newly opened box of crayons,
dancing before me, would be more magnificent,
if they were somewhere else than in my living room-
God, I hate migraines!

                                                     ­                          r. riddle copyright 10-07-2013
Richard Riddle May 2015
A tiny ant, struggling to cross the deep, ****, carpet-
With each synchronized step-from six tiny legs-
echoing a clap of thunder-

And the lights, the beautiful mixture of bright
colors, like a newly opened box of crayons
dancing before me, would be more magnificent,
if they were somewhere else than in my living room-
God, I hate migraines!

                                                     ­                          r. riddle copyright 10-07-2013
Richard Riddle Jan 2016
Got a job as a "******* Tester" for a company that manufactures stun guns and tasers. Spend 8 hours a day going, "YOWW-ZA!"
Richard Riddle Jun 2014
You know you're getting older
when your hair starts getting thinner-
So I stopped by the barber shop
shortly before my dinner-

I said to the barber-
"a haircut I want done",
And he respectfully replied,
"okay, which one?"

(copyright-richard riddle June 18, 2014)
Richard Riddle Jul 2014
Its shameful, and traumatic,
when your hair disappears-
Its even worse, when in the mirror-
You find it in your ears!

But, it helped me start a new career,
and one that I enjoy-
Working at the State Fair
as Bam-Bam! The Wolf-Dog Boy!

copyright richard riddle 07-22-2014
Richard Riddle Jun 2015
Its shameful, and traumatic,
when your hair disappears-
Its even worse, when in the mirror-
You find it in your ears!

But, it helped me start a new career,
and one that I enjoy-
Working at the State Fair
as Bam-Bam! The Wolf-Dog Boy!

copyright richard riddle 07-22-2014
Richard Riddle Jun 2015
You know you're getting older
when your hair starts getting thinner-
So I stopped by the barber shop
shortly before my dinner-

I said to the barber-
"a haircut I want done",
And he respectfully replied,
"okay, which one?"

(copyright-richard riddle June 18, 2014)
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
There is an unseen threshold in aging
which we cross..... unknowingly,


Everything we try to do........becomes



a "*&#%#?&" PROJECT!

copyright: richard riddle September 14,2015
Richard Riddle Jun 2016
is the road named "HATE!"

First in one eye...
then the other......

Its length.....

Choose the road named "LOVE"
and see.....
that it to, is........*ENDLESS
Richard Riddle Sep 2014
I belong to an organization of heroes",  internationally, or
perhaps, universally, recognized, and work quietly, which
  is "ok", with me. Who are they? Let's see if you agree.

The telephone rings, you answer. "Hey, how are you?", followed by one of the
"pitch phrases", "I was wondering, Can You?, Will You?, Are you available to?.....,
and it goes on.

In any language, in any country. the recipient of that call, upon hearing the sound of desperation, immediately begins changing into their hero personna, preparing for whatever enemy lies ahead, reaching for their swords ( usually in the form of car keys) , and bottle of "adversary repellent", to protect, aid, assist, do whatever needs to be done, at anytime, night or day, for those treasures commonly referred to as "grandchildren."

I am a "GRAND PARENT!" Love the title! Wear the badge, and wave it's banner proudly. There is nothing wrong with that.

copyright: richard riddle-September 01, 2014
Richard Riddle Mar 2016
Who are you,
now that you're name
has been changed....

You now use an alias....
to those with whom you speak
Do they know not, who you are-

Has your identity
been compromised
Forcing you to speak
only by phone.....

How does it feel?
living in clouds of loneliness
having to be addressed the...

Next Available Representative!

copyright: richard riddle 03-31-2016
Bless those in "customer service!"
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
From August, 2014*

My wife, Karen, and I were on our way home from running errands. It was lunchtime, and I stopped at a fast food restaurant to get some items to take home.
Standing outside, near the doorway, was a homeless person, obviously ready to ask for whatever he could get, money, food. As I approached the entry he said,"Excuse me sir, can you help me. I'm hungry, and they(manager) will not let me inside." Looking into his eyes, I saw the need, the fear, of being denied so many times. I asked him what he wanted, he told me, and I purchased it for him. I handed it to him as I returned to my vehicle, and in turn he said, "God bless you,thank you."
Leaving the parking lot, Karen said,"that was a nice gesture you just did for him", for she had been watching and listening to us. Driving a bit further, she turned to me and said, "How do you know he wasn't Jesus in disguise?"
                                                      ­    ? ? ?  
copyright-richard riddle August 04,2014
Richard Riddle Aug 2014
From August, 2014*

My wife, Karen, and I were on our way home from running errands. It was lunchtime, and I stopped at a fast food restaurant to get some items to take home.
Standing outside, near the doorway, was a homeless person, obviously ready to ask for whatever he could get, money, food. As I approached the entry he said,"Excuse me sir, can you help me. I'm hungry, and they(manager) will not let me inside." Looking into his eyes, I saw the need, the fear, of being denied so many times. I asked him what he wanted, he told me, and I purchased it for him. I handed it to him as I returned to my vehicle, and in turn he said, "God bless you,thank you."
Leaving the parking lot, Karen said,"that was a nice gesture you just did for him", for she had been watching and listening to us. Driving a bit further, she turned to me and said, "How do you know he wasn't Jesus in disguise."
                                                 ? ? ?
copyright-richard riddle August 04,2014
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
Some days just don't start off well. I bought a new printer. The most difficult thing in setting it up was GETTING IT OUT OF THE **** BOX!!!

richard riddle-Sept 01, 2015
Richard Riddle Jan 2016
A traffic accident in California trapped a mother and children in the vehicle. The vehicle was  "hanging over the barrier, and could have fallen at anytime. Emergency reponders were having a difficult time to prevent that from occurring, when this happened...............................

(copy and paste to your browser)

The news video is self-explanatory (May 06, 2012)

richard riddle
Thank you U S Navy!!
Richard Riddle Dec 2014
Don't ever stop........ being you!

copyright: Richard Riddle December 15, 2014
Richard Riddle Mar 2016
Why is it................

When you take your car to service center, for a simple oil change, the technician always readjusts the rear view mirror, seat position, and re-tunes the radio. It takes two weeks to finally get them back to where you had them, especially the seat position.
Richard Riddle Jun 2015
Whatever the road, or path you choose
win or lose
Regardless of your want,
or dream-
do your best not to spoil it

So, my friends, remember this-

"There is absolutely,
no graceful way,
    to sit upon a toilet."

copyright: richard riddle June 16, 2015
emended 10-12-2016
Richard Riddle Jun 2014

(I'll finish this later)
copyright-richard riddle 06-18-2014
Richard Riddle Jun 2016
(revised 06-26-16)

There are many, very good poets- (on this site)
There are many, very good writers-(also on this site)

Different styles-
Different ideas-
Conveyance of thought

"A writer can describe a bowl of fresh fruit-
whereas, a poet can smell one!"*

Then, There are those-
who can do both!

"Good Morning, Sally!"

"Good Morning, Vicki!"

copyright: richard riddle 10-16, 2015
revised: 06-26-2016

Edit poem
Richard Riddle Oct 2015
(revised 06-26-16)

There are many, very good poets- (on this site)
There are many, very good writers-(also on this site)

Different styles-
Different ideas-
Conveyance of thought

"A writer can describe a bowl of fresh fruit-
whereas, a poet can smell one!"

Then, There are those-
who can do both!

"Good Morning, Sally!"

"Good Morning, Vicki!"

copyright: richard riddle 10-16, 2015
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
Got home from work about 8am this morning, fixed breakfast. Went to my recliner,coffee in hand, sat back and started scanning the morning paper to see how many people got shot in the Dallas area the previous night.
Decided to get my second cup of coffee. Rose from my chair, took two or three steps, and to my surprise, I actually remembered,  "Why I  was going to the kitchen!!"

copyright: richard riddle - 11/28/15
Richard Riddle Oct 2016
It was summer, late 80's,  Lubbock, Texas, age prevents me from recallng the exact date and time. It was my father on the phone, asking if me and my wife, Karen, would like to go with him out to the airport to visit with my Uncle Jack(Major, USAF ret.). Jack called him and said that he and a 'friend' were flying in private plane to Houston, and would be stopping in Lubock and would be in around noon. Jack was the youngest of three brothers, and my favorite. Shortly before eleven, dad picked us up and off we went. I asked dad if he knew who was coming with him, and he said "no, have no idea."
Sitting in the coffee shop, looking out the windows, we saw this Cessna land, and taxi over to the gate. "There they are", dad said, with some anticipation. In a few minutes Jack and his 'friend' emerged. The 'friend" was tall, slender, grayish hair, crew cut. He looked familiar, that 'friend' as they entered the room, and then came the introductions.
His name was "Deke" Slayton. One of the original seven astronauts chosen by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) to participate in the original Mercury program in 1959,and was later the pilot of the docking module when they docked with the Soviet Soyuz capsule in 1975. He was a bomber pilot during WWII, and later became a test pilot. Jack was a glider pilot during the war, and upon retiring from the air force went to work for the FAA(Federal Aeronautics Administration) as Supv. Flight Control Operations, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They had known each other for a long time.
Needless to say, Karen and I nearly "slid out if our chairs", for it's not everyday when you find yourself having a casual cup of coffee and conversation with someone who considered such feats as, "just doing his job."
"You never know, who you're going to meet..... on any given day..... at any given time."
r.riddle: 10-16-2016
Richard Riddle Mar 2016
March, 1934, Fort Worth, Texas.

Late, nighttime, when dad pulled into the gas station shortly before it closed. Another car was there as well. A nice looking young man with dark suit and tie, was standing at another pump. In the passenger side, sat a pretty young lady, both he and she appeared to be in their mid-twenties. They exchanged greetings as folks usually do, then dad proceeded to reset his pump( had a crank to turn to reset those pumps to zero, and a metered glass bulb filled with gasoline sat atop the pump. The level, of course, would decrease to show how much fuel was being purchased.)
The young gent completed his task, hooked the pump nozzle back to its base and walked into the office to pay for his purchase. Dad, standing at his car smiled at the young lady, who patiently waited for her boyfriend, or husband, to return. They made small conversation, "nice night isn't it", she said, "yes maam, it is", dad replied. About that time the young man and the station manager came out of the store and walked together, to their car. As the young man opened the door to take his place behind the wheel, he turned to the station manager, "Everett, give us about twenty minutes then call the police and tell'em I was here, I don't want you getting into any trouble." "Will do, Clyde" the old man replied. As they slowly pulled away, the pair gave dad a short smile and a wave. It wasn't until they drove out of the station and disappeared when dad realized with whom he had just spoken, "face to face."
On May 23, 1934, Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker were ambushed and slain near the Texas-Louisiana state line by a posse of law enforcement officers, ending one of the most publicized crime sprees in U S history.

As my father said, "You never know who you're talking to! Just another 'guy', filling up his car."

(No, dad didn't wait around for the arrival of the police)

r riddle: March 26,2016
A very good friend of mine, L.J. "Boots" Hinton, was the curator(retired) of the "Bonnie and Clyde Museum"in Gibsland, Louisiana, not far from where the ambush occurred. His father, Ted Hinton, was one of the organizers of the "posse" that ambushed the couple.

— The End —