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Mar 2016 · 1.1k
"The Duet"
Richard Riddle Mar 2016
He is older-

red eyes
infectuous giggle

He wears a tuxedo(orchestra)
she straightens his tie,
picks the lint from his collar-
a kiss on his cheek

As the orchestra plays
he plays for her
she sits in awe...

"The Duet"

Evan and Emily

My Grandchildren

richard riddle: 03-17-2016
Evan is 15, Emily is 12,  They always provide me with new subject matter.
Mar 2016 · 554
Richard Riddle Mar 2016
(a repost from October,2015)

I know I'm what is called,"an old fogey."
(I prefer "Elder")
Can't help it, age dictates it.
It happens, and will happen, to most of us,
For time runs faster than we do.

I find myself reflecting on "what used to be"-
instead of "what is", "what could be", or "should be"-
"Good times, bad times", all part of living,
in an ever-changing world.

Priorities change....... daily-
Attitudes change...... daily

What we want today,
we discard tomorrow-
"What is", becomes "So what!"
"Unification", has become obsolete!''

A different work ethic..... born!

The "Rally Cry!"...
"All for one, and all for "ME!"
has become the norm........

We will answer for it................

some day!.....

copyright: richard riddle October 13, 2015
Richard Riddle Mar 2016
You know the rest of the day is lost when the lights in your apartment go out at 6am, and you're in the bathroom.
Mar 2016 · 378
"Listen to the Wind"
Richard Riddle Mar 2016
(from October, 2015)

On the highway, 3am,
a myriad of stars
looms over the expanse
like a blanket of fairy dust-

you're the only one on the road

You pull off onto the shoulder - stop-
climb out of that motorized wagon,
lean back against a  fender-
Stretch those legs a bit

What was it that made you stop....  

The desert can get cool at night-
the silence.....part of the mystique,
creating the mood, for what
is about to come.....

You stiffen...silent...pensive

a slight breeze begins to lift-
becoming stronger-more gusty
You turn,  facing it-
'listening', waiting....for what?

'for the rumble'

Faint at first
growing louder as it nears-
the sound of steel and wood
breaking the silence                                                          ­­                  

Wagon Wheels!
roll'n atop the wind!

The migration West-
their spirits riding,
relentless in purpose-
Men...women.... children....

You can only imagine-
the expression on their faces-

building this country-

You smile.....
as they pass.......
How proud of them, you are....
the spirits of our ancestors

Who carved the path-

A drop of a tear-
as the roars of the wagons
into..... silence

Standing poised....
absorbing  the beauty.........
You understand the magic-....
of its solitude.

the desert
at night

copyright: richard riddle October 26, 2015
Inspired by an old country/western song "Ghost Riders in the Sky!"  Johnny Cash: Can be viewed on You Tube.
Richard Riddle Mar 2016
Why is it................

When you take your car to service center, for a simple oil change, the technician always readjusts the rear view mirror, seat position, and re-tunes the radio. It takes two weeks to finally get them back to where you had them, especially the seat position.
Mar 2016 · 328
Long Ago(repost)
Richard Riddle Mar 2016
Regardless of the portrayals by The "old masters" in their oil paintings, or Hollywood depictions:
I don't believe that when Adam and Eve were created, they resembled "Mr. Universe" or any of the "Victoria's Secret" models. Rather hirsute individuals, carrying a club fashioned from a tree limb, toenails in need of clipping, arms dragging the ground; and that's Eve. I can't begin to perceive what Adam may have looked like.

copyright: Richard riddle-March 09, 2015

Edit poem
just a little Neanderthal humor.
Richard Riddle Mar 2016
In Greek mythology,
which I've read before
Ares is the God of War-
Stories, mostly read in parts,
Apollo is the God of Arts

But a visit to my deli
set my brain  a clik'n
For according to their menu-
A "pollo" is a chicken.

r.riddle 03-02-2016
a little play on words. "Pollo", is Spanish, for 'chicken'.
Richard Riddle Mar 2016
(From October 20, 2015)

It  can happen anywhere, at anytime-
It isn't up to you

In the car,
listening to the radio-
Having dinner with friends,
or alone-

At a baseball game,
bottom of the ninth-
Score tied-two outs,
bases loaded

Youth re-visited

A certain sound, song, phrase,
the aroma of freshly baked bread

All unleashing a memory cell
Lying dormant -
Long forgotten-
"What made me think of that?"
you ask yourself

For a door had opened.....
"before your eyes"
and you stepped into........

"The Attic of Forgotten Things."

copyright:(Emended) richard riddle-October 20, 2015

Sometimes we forget...what our brain....has kept.
"I've got to lay off the coffee!!"
Richard Riddle Mar 2016
The store would soon be closing-
it was fifteen to the four-
When the bells began to jingle-
as the old gent came thru the door.

A "dapper" chap with a bowler hat-
a three piece suit, to look his best-
And when he turned, you could see it--
a watch fob, draped across his vest.

With a pale and wrinkled fist
in his hand, he firmly grasped-
A black, and polished "walking stick",
which added to his class.

He stood there as if frozen,
poised upon the floor-
As his eyes perused the displays,
neatly placed throughout the store.

"Gentlemen, I would like to see,
your "time pieces" of variety-
Pocket watches, by which they're known,
and since a child, I've always owned."

From his accent, he was English-
with a bit of Scottish brogue-
Perhaps, here on a visit-
or on a trip around the globe.

"Allow me sir," the clerk replied-
to show you all our stock-
Some pieces are rather old and rare-
and kept under key and lock."

He laid his hat atop a case-
and propped the stick against a wall-
Then began an examination
of those "time pieces", one, and all.

The mantle clocks began to chime-
and a cuckoo came alive-
The old gent seemed astonished-
that his "time piece" noted "five."

"Gentlemen, I must apologize",
showing a little red upon his face,
"But, I'll be back on the 'morrow'
to this fascinating place."

With hat in hand, he placed it-
hiding hair of solid gray-
Then doffed his hat, and smiling-
stepped through the door and walked away.

At closing time, they still weren’t through-
for they all had a job to do-
They had to clean the entire shop-
and each had a choice, broom, or mop?

Shades were drawn across the doors-
as each began their chosen chores,
When one called out, in a voice so thick-
“that old gent forgot his stick!”

There it was, the "stick", often called a "cane",
for their use is much the same-
Standing *****, against the wall,
with a shaft, a half inch thick, and thirty-six tall

But, it was the "hilt", the handle,
also called a "haft”-
That was the perfect compliment
to that "straight and perfect" shaft.

It glistened, and reflected-
and a joy to behold-
For that haft was fashioned
in 18 karat gold.

Oh, it was beautiful, don't you see-
from a pharaoh's treasure, it could be-
How could such a piece be left behind,
a piece so intricately designed?

On many accessories of it's kind-
there is a space, that is designed,
Either on the top, or on the side-
to which a name can be applied.

Ah yes, a person, perhaps someone of fame-
for in old fashion, style, and script,
Was etched the name of
"Noah Zane."

The cane was wrapped in  jeweler's cloth,
and placed inside the safe-
For the "old gent" would be returning
to this "fascinating place."

With a sigh, I have to tell you,
tho' sad, but it's a fact-
That "old gent" who had the stick-
he never did come back!

Shops of like were "queried"
both jewelery and the pawn-
And neither hint, nor clue was found-
for that "old gent" was gone.

So, what has come of the "stick",
or "cane" you wish to call?
I'm sitting here looking at it-
for its mounted on my wall.

(Thanks folks, for your patience)
copyright-richard riddle- April 15, 2014
The walking stick/cane(banner photo) has been in possession of
my family for 83 years.
In 1932, San Diego, California, my father was employed as a jeweler/watchmaker, and was working the day the "old gent" visited the store.
Feb 2016 · 801
Richard Riddle Feb 2016
by Emily Riddle(11 years old)

Slippery flakes of snow,
from white, puffy clouds-
Covered in cold, icy water-
We travel around the world-
creating frozen 'snow' days
At our vacation in Texas
We watch our siblings, rain and hail
take over for a while

"We are snowflakes!"

copyright: *Emily Riddle February 09, 2016
My granddaughter, Emily Riddle wrote this, and was posted under my name.
Feb 2016 · 699
"From My Heart"
Richard Riddle Feb 2016
"OVERWHELMED!", for lack of a better word. At 7:30am(CDT), my piece "For My HP Friends(response to Eliot York),  reached an altitude 5k 'reads/hits. Although the piece was penned in 2013, I mean every word written as I did then.
But, this isn't about me, it's about "you", all of the poets, writers, young/old, newcomers, and mainstays. It is for those who have passed away(God bless you), or have moved to another site(we hope you will return, at least I do.) It is for all who enjoy what we do, or think we do, best; writing about our deepest thoughts; what makes us laugh, what makes us cry, coping with adversity. It's about "living", learning of different cultures, visiting with words, places where we may never go, realizing that regardless of where we live, we are very much the same in thought and deed, discovering the common denominators between all of us. It's about "lending an ear", doing our best to comfort, strengthening a "family", which HP has developed overtime.
Without "YOU", this piece would never have never been written. Although my name is on it, it contains the  signatures of each and everyone of, "YOU!"
I will be forever, grateful.

Richard Riddle, February 07, 2016
Feb 2016 · 416
Richard Riddle Feb 2016



never stops*

"Always Something!"

"Always Somebody" (who wants to complicate your life )


r riddle 02-07-2016
Richard Riddle Feb 2016
By Emily Riddle-Age 9 (She will turn 13 on Feb 16, 2016)

Special: The dictionary describes an angel as a "thing or person, that means a lot to someone. Well, I describe an angel as my grandmother.

My grandmother is a wonderful person, and what she is best at
is caring about what I will become.
I am so glad to be in her life, and in her beautiful world.

She has a heart of gold, and is a "doctor to my soul."
She is the "nurse" that make my hurts disappear.
She is my "piggy bank of niceness."

When I would get a birthday, or Christmas gift, she would always say,
"If you don't like it, be sure to try it."
I would always listen to her, for everybody knows
"grandmothers are always right."

I think of her everyday, and feel that  I can do anything
when I'm around her. Just remember,
"Always be happy for what you have, and don't imagine a life without a grandmother."

They are worth a billion dollars.

copyright: emily riddle August 27,2014

Penned in 2013 by my granddaughter, Emily Riddle. Written for her Grandmother Linda, its worth more than a billion dollars.
Feb 2016 · 750
A Piece of My Life (Repost)
Richard Riddle Feb 2016
By Emily Riddle(age-9)

I just couldn't do without
my grandma's heart necklace -
It was a gift to me, although
she passed away when I was little.

It also holds all of my mad,
sad, and happy memories,
just like it is a part of me.
I wear it on very special occasions,
since it is so unique.

When I wear it close to my heart-
it makes me feel special.
That's why I would always
feel happy, or at least, a little joyful,
when I hold it to my chest-
to pretend my grandma is
still alive.

She was very important to me-
We did so much together,
and I miss her,
and the special times we shared.

I can feel her with me
when I wear it, or hold it,
close to me.

Without this prized possession,
all of my feelings
would be lost,
with my grandma, in the sky.

My heart necklace
means the world to me,
and I wouldn't change
anything about it.

People say
"jewelry is made
to look beautiful."

Well, I say,
It was made to be a
"Memory Holder!!"

copyright-Emily Riddle- October 15, 2013
(She turns 12yrs old on Feb 16, 2016)

My granddaughter Emily, wrote this  as a class assignment for her 3rd Grade class. Originally in full page, essay form, I divided it into stanzas, and added some punctuation. Although there are some misspellings(two), I chose not to correct them, but to leave the content as it was written, in order to preserve the sincerity, and the innocence, with which it was written. Thank you, so much, Emily Riddle.
Richard Riddle Feb 2016
Its been a while since we've heard from Amber*

(Amber arrives home and greeted by her neighbor)

N: "Hi, Amber, been shopping?"
A: "No",(brushing hair off forehead) I'm taking a course on "religions" at
      Community College. Sat next to some old weird guy."

N: (To himself), "This has to be good."

A: "Well(brush-brush), I asked him what church he went to,
and he   just stared at me like it wasn't any of my business, then    
said he was a "septuagenarian". Is that some kind of a radical
N: "Yea, they're very militant", easily agitated."

A: "That's what I thought(brush-brush). I'm going to start carrying my stun gun."

N: (To himself)."I'm going to have start watching the news again."
Richard Riddle Feb 2016
Where is that inner child,
why did it depart-
And take with it the stories,
That were close unto your heart

From Mother Goose to Tennyson's
"Idyll's of the King",
folklore and fairy tales-
Of which the minstrels sing

Knights in shining armor                            
atop their steeds of grace-
Protecting king and country
as they ride from place to place

There’s Jack and his stalk of beans,
“Lil" Red and her hood-
Hansel, and his sister-
traips'n thru the wood

Rainbows and leprechauns,
elusive pots ‘o’ gold,
Oh, how many, many times have these
tales been told-

Fairies ‘neath the mushroom caps,
elves in their acorn hats,
Dancing 'neath the moon-ring light-
as fireflies flicker, to the “music of the night”

And from the heavens, a horse appears-
adorned with wings of flight-
And from its head, a single horn-
the pure, and blessed, Unicorn.

The minstrels, with their lutes and lyres-
amused the population-
But, could it be, these tales be true,
or just your imagination?

That inner child, it's still there
It hasn’t gone away-
It just needs to be awakened-
on perhaps, this very day*

r.riddle December 18, 2010-Copyright
Re-posted for the newcomers to the site.(and for the 'old-comers' and grandchildren);  and for a special lady in the Philippines.
Richard Riddle Jan 2016
A traffic accident in California trapped a mother and children in the vehicle. The vehicle was  "hanging over the barrier, and could have fallen at anytime. Emergency reponders were having a difficult time to prevent that from occurring, when this happened...............................

(copy and paste to your browser)

The news video is self-explanatory (May 06, 2012)

richard riddle
Thank you U S Navy!!
Richard Riddle Jan 2016
5:30 a.m:

Been awake for an hour, can't sleep, can't relax the brain. Came up with this. Just something to do at this tme of the morning.

I don't know how many times, never counted them, when investigating a motor vehicle accident, a participating driver said to me: "I wouldn't have hit that parked car if that "little brown dog" hadn't run out in front of me!", or "I had to swerve to keep from hitting that "little brown dog!" If in a tree-lined neighborhood, substitute a squirrel. Squirrels add more crediblity, simply because their reputation for running out in front of moving vehicles at the 'last second" is universal.

Why do squirrels do that? I don't know. I don't know anyone that knows. I don't know anyone who knows anyone that knows! It is truly, one of "natures mysteries." And, it's hard to prove that it didn't happen, for these little beasts always seem to disappear,  never to be seen again.

Why a "little brown dog?" Dogs come in different colors, different sizes, but in vehicle accidents, it's always the small, "little brown dog".. It makes no difference that the blood alcohol level in the driver may be two to three times over the limit, or talking on their cell phone, it's always the fault of the creature with the furry little ****.

This will probably generate some comments on collisions with deer, moose, perhaps a rhinocerous, but that's a different level. I interviewed one driver who claimed the bright lights from a UFO blinded him moments before he "ran into the ditch", then sped off into "nether space." That UFO was probably piloted by a "little brown dog" and a squirrel.

Richard Riddle Jan 2016
Want a history lesson? Fine!

How many middle and upper level high school students, and some college students have not been taught, or being taught, about the anti-war protests(1960's) of America's involvement in Vietnam(30 year war), or the "Kent State University(Ohio-1970) protests(deadly), or the 1965 riots in the Watts District of Los Angeles...........

I didn't think so.

We haven't learned a "**** THING"from those eras!

richard riddle: 01-21-2016
Richard Riddle Jan 2016
Got a job as a "******* Tester" for a company that manufactures stun guns and tasers. Spend 8 hours a day going, "YOWW-ZA!"
Jan 2016 · 399
Richard Riddle Jan 2016
6:30 a.m
Having breakfast-
Watching the morning news...

Shots fired!
Another night in the metroplex
But, last night.......


When will it stop?.........

It won't!

Just a capulization of events over the last few months.
Jan 2016 · 2.2k
Culinary Pleasures
Richard Riddle Jan 2016
My wife, Karen, was an excellent cook.....
learned from her mother...
Who learned from her mother

My sister-in-law, Marcia, magnificent....
learned from her mother....
Who learned from her mother

My mother, Grace, exceptional...
especially, when it came to "pies."
Learned from her mother....
who learned from her mother....

Well, they had to learn the art from somewhere!

"Magicians in their kitchens", my father-in-law, Larry, often said, when Karen's mother started preparing a festive meal, especially for a holiday such as Christmas or New Year's. (She could prepare a Crown Roast so tender it could be cut with the blade of a toy rubber knife). All three had a common denominator that was learned from their mothers, our "Grandmothers." Very seldom did either of them use a measuring cup, or spoon.

A 'pinch' of this, a 'dash' of that! If the recipe called for a cup of milk, Karen's mother would tip that bottle of milk over the ***, count to "two", utter "that's about enough." If a recipe called for a cup of flour, my mother would extend her hand over the bowl, pour the flour into her hand, "that's about right," she'd say. The best apple, or peach pie, you ever tasted. "There's something missing", was Marcia's favorite statement, then reach into the pantry for "whatever."

Passed down from grandmothers, to mothers, to daughters, and to sons as well, we all knew that when we sat down at the table, for however long it would be, we would be in heaven. All because of........



Jan 2016 · 1.3k
The Secret Ingredient
Richard Riddle Jan 2016
(For any family gathering during the holiday season)

My father had two brothers and four sisters, which meant  there were numerous cousins. At least once a year, sometimes more, we would gather at our grandparents house in Joshua, Texas.

Come Sunday morning, the ritual of preparing the Sunday dinner would begin. Now, back then, in the 40's and 50's, it was "old school." The women went to the kitchen(led by grandmom), and the men would go outside, brace themselves against the fenders and hoods of their vehicles, conveniently parked beneath a large Texas Pecan Tree; lightup their cigars, cigarettes, or pipes, and start telling lies and yarns(much the same thing), each trying to outdo the other. The children running around the open yard, or going a hundred yards to the railroad tracks to place coins, mostly pennies, dimes, nickles(maybe a quarter,if you got an allowance), on the track rails, then wait for the afternoon/evening train. A lot of coins got flattened on those tracks.

And while the men waited.......a manisfestation began to occur........................

Aromas that would make a king cry.....

Becoming impatient

Fried chicken
Baked chicken

Becoming more impatient
Coming from the kitchen

Roast Beef
Mashed potatoes
Lord, don't let'em forget the gravy!

Lightly braised stringbeans w/buttersauce
Fresh baked Acorn Squash
All prepared with, the 'secret ingredient'.......

" Love! "

copyright: January 16, 2016
All were cooked with ONE stove and oven!! There's not a commercial restaurant in the world that could top those dinners! I just made myself VERY hungry!!
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
Richard Riddle Jan 2016
(My first posting on HP, August 28, 2013)

I wish to share a story
of when I nearly met my fate-
A tale of an adventure,
and a quest I had to make

A story of an abandoned mine-
A search for silver and gold-
Of prospectors, and the miners-
And the secrets they must hold

My father used to search for gold
in the mountains and their streams-
And found enough of the elusive stuff
to make my mother's wedding rings.

I thought that I would try my hand-
to see what I could find-
So I set out to seek the entrance
to an old, abandoned mine

I left for Arizona,
to Prescott, I wished to go -
Crossed the Rio Grande,
on thru New Mexico.

Finally got to Phoenix -
800 miles and count'n,
then north, up to Prescott,
Thumb Butte, and Granite Mountain.

I pitched my tent on Granite Creek,
with great anticipation-
Checked the notes from my father's quotes,
and began the exploration

With my father's tin pan packed in a bag-
and his pic-ax at my side-
I felt like a real "old timer",
with heaven as my guide.

I found the one I was looking for-
with a darkened cave as the entrance door-
And a handmade sign on a rotting board, said
"Welcome Friend, 1894."

Well, I picked and I chipped! and I chipped and I picked!
til the sores on my hands ran red-
When I felt some dirt drifting down on my shirt-
when some pebbles hit my head.

It only took a second-
for the ground to start to quake-
The dirt was falling faster,
and the walls began to shake.

I ran as fast as I knew how,
toward that entrance door-
When the last crosstimber broke in half,
and came crashing to the floor!

Now, I don't know how much time had passed-
since all of that began-
But felt as if I had been in a trance-
when someone took my hand.

I grabbed my shirt-tail, wiped my eyes-
tilt my head to see-
And saw a sun-dried, weathered face,
looking down on me!

He wore a wrinkled old hat,
an old flannel shirt-
Raggedy old pants, and a mile's
worth of dirt-

He had a beard of silver threads,
with a tinge of ginger root-
His hands were thick and calloused,
and their color matched his boots.

He gave me a jug of water
that came from the nearby creek
As I began to take a drink-
he began to speak.

"Strange thing about abandoned mines-
they wish to be left alone,
To keep the souls of all of those-
who often called them home."

His voice began to tremble-
as he spoke those woeful words,
He seemed to be recalling
many things he'd seen and heard.

"It isn't greed that brought you here,
I can see that, in your eyes,
it's not just ore you're looking for-
But another kind of prize."

"You must go back to your domain,
and you'll find that treasure chest-
For it lies deep within your heart-
and in those folks you favor best."

I shut my eyes, said a prayer-
and asked if what I did was wrong?
When I finished, and said "amen",
that old man was gone.

I never asked him for his name-
or the place from whence he came-
Some things are better left in silence
and not to be explained.

I went back to take another look
and gather up my gear-
Tried to find that “Welcome” sign,
but, it too, had disappeared.

I stood in "awe and wonder,"
of the place that I had found-
And with my eyes, I realized,
I had trod on hallowed ground.

Going home I pondered
o'er the words that old man said-
But did all that really happen,
or was it the "bumps" upon my head?

I got back home and with a smile-
strode up to the door-
And there, hung a handmade sign
on a rotting board, said-

"Welcome Home, 1894”

r.riddle August 2011
revised July 28, 2013

I know, for a fact, that the third stanza is true. Everything else was created from "yarns" coming, not just from my father, but uncles as well. And I also threw in my two cents. This work is dedicated to them.
Richard Riddle Jan 2016
Friends, there are many(I think, I hope). So, to be fair, I will respond with this.

"Stricly an Opinion"
October 20, 2014   8:40a.m.

On August 28, 2013, strictly as a novice, and not having posted anything, anywhere, I posted my first two pieces of "literary art" on the HP site. I had previously searched other similar sites until finally deciding on posting with HP. I'm glad I did.  Why?

Not knowing what to expect, I threw "1894", and "Folklore and Fairy Tales" into the "mixing bowl". Pradip and Sally were the first to comment, and I will never forget the encouragement their words gave me. Never! Quite often, I go back and re-read them, particularly when I get a little discouraged when the "writers block" syndrome decides to attack. Thank you both, so very, very much!

But that is the core of the HP Family. There is an aura, a special atmosphere of cohesiveness among its contributors, willing to offer(in most cases) constructive criticism without being cynical, and always encouraging each other. Making friends whom we may never see, whose hands we may never shake, but a friendship none the less, that is spread throughout the globe, with the thoughts that will always be there. It is a feeling I did not sense with other sites.

One thing is for certain. We never know what our readers are going to like/dislike on any given day. When we post a piece, of what we may think is the work of "pure genius" could go by the wayside in seconds. On the other end of the spectrum, what we believe is not so great, could trend in minutes.

We will keep trying.

Richard Riddle
copyright: October 20, 2014
Jan 2016 · 572
The Old Gent and the Angel
Richard Riddle Jan 2016
Several years ago, I was working with other investigators on a surveillance assignment in a residential neighborhood. We arrived on site at six o'clock in the morning. About 7:30 the sun  broke the horizon, and it was going to be a gorgeous morning.
It was an "older, established neighborhood, you know the type, "A" Frame homes, that had screen doors in front of the solid ones, where a person could keep the main door open and let the morning breezes filter through the house, saving on the utility bill. All of a sudden the screen door on a residence two down from our suspect, came open, and an elderly gentleman stepped out on the porch. He stood  there, holding the screen door open, as if he were talking to someone.
Shortly, to my surprise, a beautiful, long-hair, white cat stepped out onto the porch. The old gent stooped over, brushed the kitty's head, and shut the door. In unison, the two walked down the front walk, the kitty at the old gents feet. The old man bent down and picked up the newspaper. Together, they started back towards the house, and the furry creature disappeared into the flower bed that lined the front of the house. The old gent stayed where he was, perusing the front page of the paper. After a couple of minutes passed, the feline reappeared and took his place at the old man's feet. Together, side by side, they walked back to the porch,where the old gent gracefully opened the door and let his "guardian angel" enter first.
Now, I know this story doesn't sound like much. However, I felt that they had been together for a pretty long time. Best friends, they were, loyal to each other, creating a love between human and animal, unsurpassed. In writing this, I realized that he, like me, his home wasn't empty.......

richard riddle: January 08, 2016
Richard Riddle Dec 2015
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

Attributed to Albert Einstein: circa 1949

richard riddle: 12-25-2015
Dec 2015 · 1.6k
Best Christmas Gifts
Richard Riddle Dec 2015
I've been asked by our son and the grandchildren, Evan and Emily, "Granddad, what would you like to have Santa bring you for Christmas?" A stock answer with grandparents nearly everywhere is, "Don't get me anything, for I have everything I need or want, so save your money."
Although this is a true answer, I usually give some kind of a rediculous answer like, "A pair of horseshoes would be nice." They smile, laugh, but it wouldn't surprise me if they bought a pair.
When I say, "I have what I want", I mean just that. For you see, my family, our son Russ, daughter-in-law, Mea, Evan and Emily, and my "Guardian Angel", "Brie", are my Christmas gifts, 365 days a year.

I can't ask for more than that!

copyright: richard riddle- 12-21-2015
Dec 2015 · 451
Richard Riddle Dec 2015
My eyes gaze in wonderment
At the night Autumn

As Orion appears..........
leading us to December

Traveling the  route.....nightly
East to West

A "hunter",  
say the mystics

But, is he?

What is it, he is hunting ?

He isn't!

He's  "guarding!"

The spirit.....of the...

"Christ Child"

copyright: richard riddle 12-16-2015
Merry Christmas, everybody!! :)
Dec 2015 · 635
A "Dream", or "Portent?"
Richard Riddle Dec 2015
I awoke in a cold sweat. Dream or portent, I asked myself. Was it a solution, an answer?
In the desert, battle line drawn in the sand. One side,the amassed army of ISIS. On the other, our "secret weapons." 5,000 personal injury attorneys, in battle garb, brown suit and tie, armed with leather briefcases, legal briefs filed, papers to be served. The charge began, ISIS,  terror stricken, retreats. I woke up. (Well, nothing else seems to be working.)

copyright: richard riddle-December 07, 2015
Richard Riddle Dec 2015
It's an old, run-down, brick building-
with some pickup trucks, and a John Deere tractor-parked in front-
It has been there for many years-
with many memories in its 'font.

Why, that building knew your folks, children,
watched generations come thru the door-
It waved good-bye to new recruits
as they left to go to war.

It became a sort of, "meet and greet"
Where folks would come , take a seat-
the coffee urn, filled to the brim
for those waiting to get a trim.
(and for anyone else who wandered in)

And the stories! Oh Lord, the stories!
One would start with an anecdote-
another followed with a joke-
then another, each trying to top the other.

Folks would laugh so hard, you'd think they were die'n-
for there was no way to know
Who was telling a truth,
and who was lie'n-
(a determination that never could be made)

A great way to end the week!

The building had no signs, because everyone knew what it was,
so why spend the money to tell folks something they already knew.
Then, one day, this appeared on the door:

"Welcome Stranger! Come in and see!"
"The One and Only Barbershop"
"Where the BS flows like the River Nile, and the coffee's always free!"
(Open on Saturdays 7-3)
Closed Mon-Fri

copyright: richard riddle January 27, 2015

My father, for 20 years, was a game warden for the State of Texas. I  would often ride with him on weekends throughout his 6 county district, stopping at many of these small, rural, unincorporated communities. It was, as we say, "a real hoot!"
Dec 2015 · 341
Thought for the Day LXI(61)
Richard Riddle Dec 2015
"You have to like yourself before you can like anything, or anyone else!

richard riddle: 12-14-2015
Dec 2015 · 338
Future II
Richard Riddle Dec 2015


ALL countries-
ALL languages
All Creeds


copyright: richard riddle-December 03, 2015
Dec 2015 · 338
Richard Riddle Dec 2015
It's coming !
It has been predicted!
Perhaps, not faraway!
A nuclear war!

"The End of Days"

The human race-
it will erase
from this "mortal earth"

In the long run, we all, will be....



copyright: richard riddle-December 03, 2015
Richard Riddle Dec 2015
May 05, 2016: I am reposting this in honor of my wife, Karen, who left this mortal earth eight 1/2 years ago. Originally written and posted on September 17, 2014)*

This tree-
Is not just any 'ol tree'-

It's "The Grandmother Tree"

Having grown from a broken, eighteen inch high twig,
taken from its mother by the Texas wind.
Now, in just over six years, it rises nearly fifteen feet, for it was planted, and fed, with the love from two grandchildren, who planted it in memory of their grandmother, my wife, Karen, of 40 years, and their surviving grandmother, Linda.
Karen found it on our patio and placed it in a clay ***; watered it, and made a support for it to keep it upright. She wanted to plant it where it stands today. She had named it "The Evan and Emily Tree." When she left us, Emily and Evan planted it in the back yard of their home. They named it, "The Grandmother Tree."
The tree is home to the "Guardians", the "Keepers", the "Watchers", sent to protect their memories, then, now, and future. Enlarge it, and you might see them, if you look closely. There are monkeys sitting in the tree, and the silhouettes. To the left, is cast the shadow of a "little man", with arm extended, pointing upward. To the right of the tree, perhaps an ape like creature, or two, and the face of a "mystery man." Set your imagination "free",

For there could be others-
Look, and see.
You could be surprised!
copyright: richard riddle September 17, 2014 12:32pm
(A detailed pic of the tree can be seen on Facebook)
Dec 2015 · 496
My HolidayDecorations
Richard Riddle Dec 2015
The holidays are to give us hope,
  to fulfill our aspirations-
  so, I usually wait 'til December 1,
  to hang my Christmas decorations

I placed one bag beside the tree-
resting on the floor-
another, on the landing-
outside of my front door

I wound the tree with tinsel-
hanged some brightly covered orbs-
hummed some Christmas carols
for t'was a mood to be absorbed

I then heard some footsteps
quickly coming up the walk
two voices speaking lowly,
then coming to a halt

I continued with my business-
there was nothing for me to say,
and the voices and the footsteps
quickly left, and sped away

I knew what had happened,
when I opened the door-
for that other bag was missing
Gone!; and was no more!

Two remaining items,
to place upon the tree
a Pear tree and a Partridge-
for all my friends to see

My spirit they enlivened-
that Pear tree and its Partridge-
For those two unknown voices

Stole my bag of kitchen garbage!!

(saved me a trip to the dumpster!)

copyright: richard riddle 11-30-2015
There has been a rash of reported thefts of outside home decorations this year.
Nov 2015 · 431
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
Wouldn't it be an extraordinary event to hold an "HP" convention at some point in time, having  the opportunity to come "face to face" with those poets, writers, and contributors, whom we so admire. Only to discover that those profile photos and information from whom we receive notifications and messages, are all "FAKE." That no one is who they purport to be! That, alone, would be one "hell of a story!"

richard riddle: 11-30-2015
Please realize this is somewhat satirical.
Nov 2015 · 346
What More can be Said?
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
(a repost)

A tiny ant, struggling to cross the deep, ****, carpet-
With each synchronized step-from six tiny legs-
echoing a clap of thunder-

And the lights, the beautiful mixture of bright
colors, like a newly opened box of crayons,
dancing before me, would be more magnificent,
if they were somewhere else than in my living room-
God, I hate migraines!

                                                     ­                          r. riddle copyright 10-07-2013
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
Got home from work about 8am this morning, fixed breakfast. Went to my recliner,coffee in hand, sat back and started scanning the morning paper to see how many people got shot in the Dallas area the previous night.
Decided to get my second cup of coffee. Rose from my chair, took two or three steps, and to my surprise, I actually remembered,  "Why I  was going to the kitchen!!"

copyright: richard riddle - 11/28/15
Nov 2015 · 288
Thought for the Day LX (60)
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
The greatest minds in our country, are not in the heads of those whom WE, being the populous, elected.
(we should be ashamed of ourselves)

richard riddle: 1/27/2015
Nov 2015 · 355
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
For the right moment-
    For the right distance-
Precise timing-
Attacking the unsuspecting prey!
To my socks-
Running away.
Behind the sofa
My cat-
BRIE!(as in cheese)

copyright-Richard riddle 05-20-14
Nov 2015 · 337
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
When I think of  places where I've been
and  things that I have done-
I recall many battles fought-
and those I've lost, and won.

I've met a lot of people-
on my stops along the way-
and remember a lot of faces-
But many names, have gone astray.

Friends have even asked me,
"why don't you retire?"
I answer very simply,
"I'm not ready to expire!"

                        richard riddle-copyright October 15, 2013
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
With Christmas shopping upon us, thought I would put this in the mix**

In my travels, I happened to find this little box. It has no key, and has no locks. So, sit back, sip a cup of coffee, or favorite drink, relax for a little while,  and hopefully, enjoy the ride:

On the table, the box it sits-
All six sides of equal fit-
What is the mystery inside-?
What are the secrets that it hides?
This little box--
That has no key--and has no locks.

The Oracles of Delphi-the hermits on the peak-
Claimed to see the future-but in truth they did not seek-
The power of this little box-
That has no key ----- and has no locks.

It doesn't eat! It doesn't breath!!
But oft it can, and will, relieve
Your fears of the fiercest days ahead--
All within this little box-
That has no key---------and has no locks.

When clouds gather, dark and drea'r--
Eyes swell, and start to tear--
It's not a curse! nor a pox!
Just pick up the little box--
That has no key---------------and has no locks.

So, with great ferocity--
Quench your thirst of curiosity!
Discover the secrets held within!!
Feel the power again, and again!!!
Learn the mystery of the box--
That has no key--------------------and has no locks

Put together with guise and guile--
With hopes that it will make you smile-
So, now you know the mystery--
And the secret of the box-
There never was a need -- for keys and locks!!!      
Copyright r.riddle-August 17, 2010
Nov 2015 · 427
'Tis the Season - emended
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
Thanksgiving has come and gone. The "starting gun" has sounded, officially setting off the Christmas rush. Stores will be crowded, parking spaces, becoming non-existent, and the joyful sounds of shoppers echoing throughout the canyons of the city("Same to you buddy!", "Hey, butthead, that's my parking space!")Neighborhood Christmas lights and decorations have been going up since the passing of Halloween. Some are elaborate and garish, others simple in their presentations. A contest, if you will, trying to outdo one another. Or rather, who can out-spend the other, a battle of egos, so to speak.

Carolers, those small groups of both young and old, have all but disappeared, in this city, anyway. It was a good feeling,  sitting in your home, and suddenly hearing the voices singing Christmas carols. Jumping up, running to the door, and seeing a group standing not far from your porch singing "Silent Night", "O' Come all You Faithful", or another, and wishing you a "Merry Christmas!" as they continued down the street. Now, step out on your porch and you could get a gun stuck in your face.
It's now a different time, different era, with different attitudes. Christmas seems to have become a "me first" season. It's  time for a change.

copyright: richard riddle-emended November 26, 2015
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
Where is that inner child,
why did it depart-
And take with it the stories,
That were close unto your heart

From Mother Goose to Tennyson's
"Idyll's of the King",
folklore and fairy tales-
Of which the minstrels sing

Knights in shining armor                            
atop their steeds of grace-
Protecting king and country
as they ride from place to place

There’s Jack and his stalk of beans,
“Lil Red and her hood-
Hansel, and his sister-
traips'n thru the wood

Rainbows and leprechauns,
elusive pots ‘o’ gold,
Oh, how many, many times have these
tales been told-

Fairies ‘neath the mushroom caps,
elves in their acorn hats,
Dancing 'neath the moon-ring light-
as fireflies flicker, to the “music
of the night”

And from the heavens, a horse appears-
adorned with wings of flight-
And from its head, a single horn-
the pure, and blessed, unicorn.

The minstrels, with their lutes and lyres-
amused the population-
But, could it be, these tales be true,
or just your imagination?

That inner child, it's still there
It hasn’t gone away-
It just needs to be awakened-
on perhaps, this very day.*

r.riddle December 18, 2010-Copyright
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
HR Mgr:  So, Amber, you're applying for the file clerk position?
App: "Yea."(Keeps brushing her hair off of her right eyebrow)
HR: "You didn't fill in the space for your last name. Does Amber
         have a last name?"
App: "Yea."(giggle). "Dexterous."
HR: "Amber Dexterous, interesting." and you say your former job
         was "entertainment dancing."  
App: "Yea."(Brush-brush!)
HR: "Poetry in motion, I'm sure." "Amber, are you a stripper?"
App: "I'm not a "Strip-AH! I'm a Dan-SAH!"
HR: "Okay, okay! So, do you use poles in your dance routines?"
App: "Nooooo, but, I do like the Canadians!"

copyright: richard riddle February 14, 2015

I should apologize for the "wordplay", but I won't! This piece was written for entertainment purposes only, and any resemblance to real people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Nov 2015 · 489
"1894"-The Sequel (repost)
Richard Riddle Nov 2015

Who is this man with name unknown
with silver hair, and beard long-grown-
Who walks among the birds and beasts
with nature catering to his feasts-

"An eremite", say the village folk,
"the hermit on the mound!"
A mystic, an oracle, philosopher, or seer?

"Perhaps, ye'll find the answer,
buried here!"


He was sitting on a sidewalk bench
a wrinkled hat laid at his feet
Passers-by would drop their change
as they meandered down the street

"God bless you sir", or madam,
he always replied-
In such a gracious and mannerly way ,
that made him impossible to deny
Some folks would make a comment,
most were polite, others, mild rebukes-
I went to speak on his behalf,
to these young and naive groups.

When I laid my hand on his shoulder
a glint in his eyes put me amiss!
It was then, that I realized
just who this old man is!

"I'll tell you a story, I said,
to the folks standing near,
a tale of caring and compassion-
That I think you'd like to hear"

" I've read legends about "lost gold mines"
and  indian folklore
And I tell you folks, without a doubt,
I've met this man before!"

"It's been 'nigh on to, well, 'many' years
since I've been back this way
T'was a time when I nearly lost my life,
I  recall it, as if it happened yesterday!"

Now, the crowd began to grow a bit-
to listen to my tale-
Of exploring an old, abandoned mine
when the walls began to fail.

I told them of the rumble,
when the ground began to quake
How the ceiling began to crumble
when the walls began to shake-

I told them of the stranger
with silver beard, streaked with tan-
Who came out of nowhere
to help a fellow man

The stranger, who gave me water-
who smiled as he gripped my hand,
while I quenched my thirst
from the curse, of this forsaken land

The folklore tells of a holyman
a name he doesn't bore
who strolls the mountain ridges
and across these cactus covered floors

But, I know who, and what he is-
and up my spine it sends the chills-
When I tell you, "you've  come
       face to face

"The Angel of the Hills!"

copyright: richard riddle May 01, 2015

related to my work titled "1894"
Nov 2015 · 869
The Poet's Train
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
Originally written and posted in December, 2014, I like to re-post it occasionally for all the new writers, poets, essayists, and, of course, any new 'readers'*.

On December 16, 2013, in my work titled "Thank You",  was the first time I used the term "Poet's Train" for all of the contributors to the HP site. For that is exactly what it is. It also reminds me of times that have passed.
My grandparents lived in Joshua, Texas, a small town not far from the city of Fort Worth. Their house was only about 100 yards, or less, from the railroad tracks. Every evening around six o'clock we would hear the faint moan of the first whistle. My brother and me, both little tykes(6-10), would run to the back porch, anticipating the subsequent whistles from a huge piece of machinery. As the whistle grew louder, we could see the column of smoke billowing from the coal-burning engine as it neared. All of a sudden, there it was. We weren't the only ones that stood and watched, for there is something magical about trains, that attract both young, and old.
Our biggest delight however, did not lie with the train itself, but waving to the passengers and engineers as it passed, seeing them wave back, blowing that whistle in gentle acknowledgement, as if saying, "Good to see you, thanks for coming, have a great day!"
So it is with the "Poet's Train." When a piece is posted the whistle blows, each piece becomes a boxcar. Each writer, a passenger; their computer, the engine, and every reader waving as it passes. Its length, infinite, with no caboose. It will come the next day, the next night, with new passengers, with new cargo. I love it. I really do!

copyright: richard riddle, December 19, 2014
Nov 2015 · 253
It Just Happens (repost)
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
I never know when its going to happen-
waking up in the middle of the night and not seeing you,
or feeling you, next to me

"She fell asleep again on the sofa", I say to myself-
Quietly, I get up, walk toward the living room-
it is then I realize, again, that you had left this mortal earth-

Nine years ago.

Love never dies, does it?

copyright: richard riddle Febuary 06, 2015
Complications from cancer, January 29, 2008
Nov 2015 · 403
Noah Zane (repost)
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
The store would soon be closing-
it was fifteen to the four-
When the bells began to jingle-
as the old gent came thru the door.

A "dapper" chap with a bowler hat-
a three piece suit, to look his best-
And when he turned, you could see it--
a watch fob, draped across his vest.

With a pale and wrinkled fist
in his hand, he firmly grasped-
A black, and polished "walking stick",
which added to his class.

He stood there as if frozen,
poised upon the floor-
As his eyes perused the displays,
neatly placed throughout the store.

"Gentlemen, I would like to see,
your "time pieces" of variety-
Pocket watches, by which they're known,
and since a child, I've always owned."

From his accent, he was English-
with a bit of Scottish brogue-
Perhaps, here on a visit-
or on a trip around the globe.

"Allow me sir," the clerk replied-
to show you all our stock-
Some pieces are rather old and rare-
and kept under key and lock."

He laid his hat atop a case-
and propped the stick against a wall-
Then began an examination
of those "time pieces", one, and all.

The mantle clocks began to chime-
and a cuckoo came alive-
The old gent seemed astonished-
that his "time piece" noted "five."

"Gentlemen, I must apologize",
showing a little red upon his face,
"But, I'll be back on the 'morrow'
to this fascinating place."

With hat in hand, he placed it-
hiding hair of solid gray-
Then doffed his hat, and smiling-
stepped through the door and walked away.

At closing time, they still weren’t through-
for they all had a job to do-
They had to clean the entire shop-
and each had a choice, broom, or mop?

Shades were drawn across the doors-
as each began their chosen chores,
When one called out, in a voice so thick-
“that old gent forgot his stick!”

There it was, the "stick", often called a "cane",
for their use is much the same-
Standing *****, against the wall,
with a shaft, a half inch thick, and thirty-six tall

But, it was the "hilt", the handle,
also called a "haft”-
That was the perfect compliment
to that "straight and perfect" shaft.

It glistened, and reflected-
and a joy to behold-
For that haft was fashioned
in 18 karat gold.

Oh, it was beautiful, don't you see-
from a pharaoh's treasure, it could be-
How could such a piece be left behind,
a piece so intricately designed?

On many accessories of it's kind-
there is a space, that is designed,
Either on the top, or on the side-
to which a name can be applied.

Ah yes, a person, perhaps someone of fame-
for in old fashion, style, and script,
Was etched the name of
"Noah Zane."

The cane was wrapped in  jeweler's cloth,
and placed inside the safe-
For the "old gent" would be returning
to this "fascinating place."

With a sigh, I have to tell you,
tho' sad, but it's a fact-
That "old gent" who had the stick-
he never did come back!

Shops of like were "queried"
both jewelery and the pawn-
And neither hint, nor clue was found-
for that "old gent" was gone.

So, what has come of the "stick",
or "cane" you wish to call?
I'm sitting here looking at it-
for its mounted on my wall.

(Thanks folks, for your patience)
copyright-richard riddle- April 15, 2014
The walking stick/cane has been in possession of my family
for 83 years. In 1932, San Diego, California, my father was employed as a jeweler/watchmaker, and was working the day the "old gent" visited the store.
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