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Richard Riddle Nov 2015
The color of your skin, does not tell me
  what kind of person you are-
Your language, or accent, does not tell me
  what kind of person you are-
Your creed does not tell me,
  what kind of person you are-
It is you, that shows me, what kind of person you are!

copyright: richard riddle 04-08-2014
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
"How do you know which one to choose", my granddaughter Emily asked , as we pulled into the parking lot of the shelter. "It will be the first one that gets up to meet us" I said, with a bit of anxiety.
After registering at the desk, we began the walk down the aisle, looking at the occupants of those cages that lined both sides. All of a sudden, about 10 feet in front of us, a grey and black striped leg with a white foot, came protruding out from the front of a cage. The paw began "flexing", as if signaling, "Hey! Over here!"
As I held her, and Emily stroked her forehead, she emanated a very strong, exuberant, vibrating, purr; contented, unafraid, her head tucked into the crook of my arm. We had found my Guardian Angel!

I whispered to her as softly as I knew how:

"We are going home-
I will always keep you safe,
I will never harm you
You will always have shelter, food, and water-
I will keep you warm in the winter........
and cool in the summer.......
You will not 'want', for love."

As I whispered those words, her purr grew stronger, her paw flexing against my arm. For you see, I am convinced that God told her we were coming, and to give us a sign to let us know where she was. It was He, who chose her for us. Some of you may not agree with that, and that's okay. It's important that me and Emily believe it. Regardless of which room I'm in(except the bath), she is there, as she is now, asleep on the foot of the bed as I write. My home isn't empty.... anymore.

copyright: richard riddle-11-11-2015
When my wife, Karen, passed away, the "angel" we had, Scheppes, stayed with me until she was twenty. Brie does not take her place, for she has her own place, and is doing quite well as a "Guardian Angel", in training!
Nov 2015 · 1.4k
My Grandparents House
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
In the dining room, on the wall
were pictures of times past-
Of aunts and uncles, and some curios-
memories, that will, forever last-

One item hung in silence-
a product of those olden days-
Called into service-
when respect for others-often went astray

I remember what my father said
when I asked what 'that' was for-
and a slight grin crossed his face-
"Ahh, yes, I recall it, that's for sure!"

"That's a leather strop", he said -
"to hone a razor, when we shaved-
It was also a "learning tool"-
when we, as kids, misbehaved."

My dad was from the "old school"
when "respect" was being taught
Not by others, but by our parents
else our purpose..........
"Went for naught!"

richard riddle: 11.10.2015
Back then, it took a little "paddl'n" now and then, to attain a certain level of communication.
Nov 2015 · 426
Thought for the Day LIX(59)
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
Matthew 24:6King James Version (KJV)

6: "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet."

"But, we're working towards it!"

richard riddle: 11-09-2015
Nov 2015 · 581
It's all about YOU!(Repost)
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
Because of recent fatal accidents that have occurred in the Dallas area, I felt it appropriate to repost this piece.*

Richard Riddle 11-06-2015

There are many "you's" out there, on the highways, byways, freeways. Those that put others in harms way, excercising their egotistical need to be "first in line", "head of the class", so to speak; "**** the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" is their rallying cry.

It makes no difference what "YOU" are driving, old vehicle, new vehicle. Perhaps an overly powerful pickup truck, or an SUV, that makes YOU feel IMMORTAL. Ice, snow, rain, dark of night, makes no difference to YOU. Inconsiderate, rude, careless, makes YOU, dangerous. Today is no different, its "all about YOU." Speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, no need for signals, tail-gating,  trying to get that vehicle out of YOUR way, because YOU are being "INCONVENIENCED!" YOU, don't care! For this morning, like any other morning, "its all about YOU."

The lights are a bit glaring, as you begin to emerge from that state of unconsciousness, laying in that hospital bed, wondering where you are, who, and why, are those strangers standing around you.
They are the doctors, nurses, first responders, investigators, preparing for your reaction when you're told that the brains of your spouse and children had to be scraped off the pavement with a snow shovel.
You should be proud of yourself. For today is truly,
                                              "All about YOU!"

copyright: richard riddle April 03, 2015
37 years as an accident investigator, have seen many of these. This piece was inspired by Jamie Burkes, "BOOM". Thanks, Jamie!
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
Party on Friday-
Same on Saturday-

Go to church on Sunday-
Pray for forgiveness

Start over again on Monday-
After all, you've been forgiven-

Or............have you?

You'll find out............later!

(Just because you think you're safe..."your **** could still be in a vise!")

copyright: Richard riddle 11/05/2015
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
"We have seen the enemy, and he is us!"**

(re: Pogo Possum, aka cartoonist Walt Kelly,  April 22, 1970)
No other to blame!
Richard Riddle Nov 2015
I should, by all practical matters, quit looking through old photos of when my life was much "simpler." Childhood photos, to be exact. They serve only as a reminder of how old I am, and how much older I soon will be. (Yea, I know, ending a sentence with a prepostion is against  the rules of proper penning.)

Looking at these pics, I catch myself playing the game of "whatever became of who?" Those other kids on that cul-de-sac in Corpus Christi, Texas, "waaay, waaay" back in the mid to late forties. One, in particular, comes to mind.

His name was "Duke" Jones. Perhaps, the most popular "kid" on the block.He was our next-door neighbor. An excellent "fielder" when we played baseball, heck of a fast runner, not much of a hitter. But, he was a lot more than that. For, you see, Duke, was a dog. A Doberman Pinscher, a former guarddog at military installations during the war, and rehabilitated before re-entering civilian life. And, he loved children.

Duke knew everyone on the block, knew the postman, the milk deliveryman (yes,there was a time when dairies had milk delivered to your home, but that can be another story), knew which house we lived at, the vehicles our parents drove, he was our protector. If a stranger, such as a door to door salesman, entered his territory, he froze, staring, watching, positioning himself between us and the stranger. If that stranger stepped on to the walk leading to a front door, Duke would start moving, stealthily, instincts, training, taking control. If a strange vehicle entered,  he took notice, watched, intently. My mother and father often said, "We have the safest block in the city."
Our family had moved to another city in 1951, when we got a letter from Duke's "parents", telling us that Duke had passed away at age 16. Looking at that photo in my hand, Duke hasn't gone anywhere.

copyright: richard riddle: 11/02/15
Oct 2015 · 649
"Listen to the Wind"
Richard Riddle Oct 2015
On the highway, 3am,
a myriad of stars
looms over the expanse
like a blanket of fairy dust-

you're the only one on the road

You pull off onto the shoulder - stop-
climb out of that motorized wagon,
lean back against a  fender-
Stretch those legs a bit

What was it that made you stop....  

The desert can get cool at night-
the silence.....part of the mystique,
creating the mood, for what
is about to come.....

You stiffen...silent...pensive

a slight breeze begins to lift-
becoming stronger-more gusty
You turn,  facing it-
 'listening', waiting....for what?

'for the rumble'

Faint at first
growing louder as it nears-
the sound of steel and wood
breaking the silence                                                          ­                  

Wagon Wheels!
roll'n atop the wind!

The migration West-
their spirits riding,
relentless in purpose-
Men...women.... children....

You can only imagine-
the expression on their faces-

building this country-

You smile.....
as they pass.......
How proud of them, you are....
the spirits of our ancestors

Who carved the path-

A drop of a tear-
as the roars of the wagons
into..... silence

Standing poised....
absorbing  the beauty.........
You understand the magic-....
of its solitude.

the desert
at night

copyright: richard riddle October 26, 2015
Inspired by an old country/western song "Ghost Riders in the Sky!"  Johnny Cash: Can be viewed on You Tube.
Richard Riddle Oct 2015
It always occurs at a time,
in a place,
so inopportune-
like in a meeting with my boss

When all of a sudden
the grandmother of all ideas
On which to write
Appears, then quickly disappears

Into the abyss....

of an already muddled brain-
Its brilliance,
fading fast......gone

copyright: richard riddle-October 24, 2015
Oct 2015 · 439
Richard Riddle Oct 2015
It is a requirement, embedded by nature, incurable, no antidote known by mankind, and only affects-"Grandfathers!"That uncanny, mysterious malady, yet awe-inspiring talent of-"B S'ing the grandchildren!" Tall tales of heroic deeds, sprinkled with a dash of truth(okay, so it might be a small dash), to totally making something up. After all, it's what "grandfathers do, did, always have, and always will.

Frustrating, perhaps a bit irritating, to their parents(your children), you bet! Which is probably one reason we do it, without any signs of remorse. But, choose your subject matter carefully. Let those B S genes flow like the Mississippi, carrying the imaginations of those priceless gifts to places unknown.  

My son, Russ, said to me one day,"Dad, you have to stop feeding them that stuff!" "Why?", I responded,

"after all, that's what grandfathers do."

copyright: richard riddle October23, 2015
Richard Riddle Oct 2015
Reposted by special request from a very special friend:**

Cowboys and sidekicks,
were not the only heroes
We idolized, and ran to see
at those "Saturday picture shows."

There was "Superman, and "Batman",
and that magic word, "SHAZAM."
The "cliff-hanger" serials
we hoped would never end.

There were all types of villains-
even "space invaders"-
It was then, that I changed my mind-
to become, a "Caped Crusader."

As those Saturdays passed by-
how I wished that I could fly-
And all I needed was a cape
to soar throughout the sky.

I grabbed a towel, to make a cape,
the largest towel that I could find-
And I didn't tell anyone
what was really on my mind.

I went thru the kitchen
out the door, into the yard-
Mom thought I went out to play,
so I caught her off her guard.

A couple of the neighbor kids,
I now call my "entourage"
gathered with excitement
as I climbed, to the top of the garage.

I stood there with my legs apart-
I could feel the pulsing of my heart-
hands, braced against my hips-
then, the tightening of my lips-

I knew that somewhere in the city-
Crime was out there brewing-
and then I heard my mother's voice-

Well, I tell you folks, there's not a tone
   that can evoke such heightened fear-
And the superpowers I thought I had,
   suddenly disappeared(as did the other kids)

There was screaming, and yelling-
and amidst the clamor and the din-
Neighbors, looking out their windows-
saying, "it's just that kid again."

I didn't know what she was saying-
but I'll never forget that frown,
And her words  got a little worse
when she had to help me down

Banished to the bedroom-
on my bed, with the cape that I had wore-
Contemplating what dreadful fate
my future had in store.

I heard the doorknob turning-
then dad stepped thru the door
He knew I had been crying
as my head hung toward the floor.

What I thought would happen, didn't-
as he sat down on the bed-
then with his hand he gently brushed,
the top of my head.

He explained to me the difference
of what was real, and fantasy-
That those movies are adventures,
not real, just fun to go and see.

Here I am, seventy-two and still alive-
and sometimes I wonder
how I've managed to survive

On my mantle are two pictures
that make me happy, and make me sad-
for those real superheroes-
They're my mother, and my dad.

copyright: richard riddle, August 05, 2014
Richard Riddle Oct 2015
From October,2015

It  can happen anywhere, at anytime-
week,* day,month,year
It isn't up to you-

In the car,
listening to the radio-
Having dinner with friends,
or alone-

At a baseball game,
bottom of the ninth-
Score tied-two outs,
bases loaded

Youth re-visited

A certain sound, song, phrase,
the aroma of freshly baked bread

All unleashing a memory cell
Lying dormant -
Long forgotten-
"What made me think of that?"
you ask yourself

For a door had opened.....
"before your eyes"
and you stepped into........

"The Attic of Forgotten Things."

copyright:(Emended) richard riddle-October 20, 2015
Sometimes we forget...what our brain....has kept.
"I've got to lay off the coffee!!"
Oct 2015 · 928
Writers and Poets
Richard Riddle Oct 2015
(revised 06-26-16)

There are many, very good poets- (on this site)
There are many, very good writers-(also on this site)

Different styles-
Different ideas-
Conveyance of thought

"A writer can describe a bowl of fresh fruit-
whereas, a poet can smell one!"

Then, There are those-
who can do both!

"Good Morning, Sally!"

"Good Morning, Vicki!"

copyright: richard riddle 10-16, 2015
Oct 2015 · 673
Before Our Eyes
Richard Riddle Oct 2015
In our lifetime, will be events,                                                        ­                                                                 ­  small, in  scope-

To which, we will bear witness-
perhaps, be  part of-

The impact....
Will pass -




Years Later............................

"Before Our Eyes".............

copyright: richard riddle - October 16, 2015
Oct 2015 · 950
Richard Riddle Oct 2015
I know I'm what is called,"an old fogey."
(I prefer "Elder")
Can't help it, age dictates it.
It happens, and will happen, to most of us,
For time runs faster than we do.

I find myself reflecting on "what used to be"-
instead of "what is", "what could be", or "should be"-
"Good times, bad times", all part of living,
in an ever-changing world.

Priorities change....... daily-
Attitudes change...... daily

What we want today,
we discard tomorrow-
"What is", becomes "So what!"
"Unification", has become obsolete!''

A different work ethic..... born!

The "Rally Cry!"...
"All for one, and all for "ME!"
has become the norm........

We will answer for it................

some day!.....

copyright: richard riddle October 13, 2015
Oct 2015 · 563
Amber Dexterous, is Back!
Richard Riddle Oct 2015
Amber, brushing hair away from forehead, is walking to her car.

Neighbor: "Hi Amber, Happy Columbus Day!"
Amber: "What day is it, again?"
Neighbor: "Columbus Day. Banks are closed, post offices, schools closed.
Amber(Brush-brush): "Oh yea, the guy that discovered Columbus, Ohio!"
Neighbor: "That's him."
Neighbor(to himself): "It never stops."

copyright: richard riddle October 12, 2015
Columbus Day, October 12, celebrates the discovery of what is known as North America by the Italian mariner on October 12, 1492
Oct 2015 · 335
What Have We Become?
Richard Riddle Oct 2015
There is a  line
What is real-

What IS reality

           we have become............
to the
Profit Makers

copyright: richard riddle - 10-08-2015
I have no idea what this means, it just sounds intelligent and omniscient!
Oct 2015 · 318
Quote from My Wife
Richard Riddle Oct 2015
"The reason you never went to any of your high school reunions is because the friends you had, have yet to get out of jail."

copyright: richard riddle-10/08/2015

(she was just kidding..................I think!"
Richard Riddle Oct 2015
Does your completed wurk look as if it were tiped while wearing a baceball gluv? That liddle red, squigley, line that often appeers
beneeth a  wurd, shows up for a reeson. A signal that something "just ain't right." Weather a speling or punkshuashun issue,pay attenshun to it.

A mispeled wurd can distract the readers attenshun froom the subject of the peece, and creates a very uneezy reed.

Keep a dicshunery near you're desk.

Go bak and refresh when to us too 'C's, too M's", (dubble consanants)etc.

Know you're "valves" a-e-i-o-u.

Know where to place an apocolipse when writing a contractshun(can't, don't)..................

Use the correct wurdes!!

Know the diffrance between "Their", and "There."

A dicshunary can also prevent having to exit a wurk, and risk losing it by forgeting to save it.

Pay attentshun, PLEEZE!

copyright: richard riddle-10-07-15

richard riddle
May be exaggerated a liddle bit. **** not much.
Oct 2015 · 400
(things to avoid)
Sep 2015 · 578
September 30, 2015
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
I am not, what one would deem to be a "religious" man. As a matter of fact, it has been a very long time since I have been to a church service, other than attending a wake, or a funeral. But, that should not label me as a "disbeliever", for I strongly believe in the Trinity.

Around my neck is a chain with a cross pendant. My wife, Karen, gave it to me the first Christmas of our marriage,  49 years ago, come this December.  On my right-hand is a ring, the symbol of the  Alpha/Omega stamped upon its crest. A reminder that I can be taken from this mortal earth at anytime, and perhaps, not of my choosing. On my left-hand, another ring, with a cross carved upon its crest. Again, a reminder that there is a higher, more powerful entity, that we as mortals, often take for granted(we say we don't, but we do).

Does everyone agree with me? "No, of course not!" I wear them, "for me." I thank the Lord everyday, for my family, my grandchildren, and yes, that does include my cat(my Guardian Angel). I thank Him for the friends I have made, and for the friends I have never seen, but to whom I enjoy stretching my hands across seas and continents, asking, "How are you, hope you're doing well, and stay in touch." I hope it continues for a very long time.

copyright: richard riddle: September 30, 2015
Sep 2015 · 357
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
1. A woman will take a shopping list to the grocery store, and come back with what is on the list.

#2. A wife asks her husband to stop on his way home and get some milk and eggs. He will return with a dozen items, none of which will be the milk and eggs.
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
(Adam and Eve,  having been recently created)
E: "I'm cold, go start a fire."
A: "What's fire?"
E: "Gather some dry twigs, slap two rocks together, then the twigs get hot."
A: "What's a rock?"
E: "Sheesh! Do I have to do everything?"
A: "I'm hungry.I'm tired of eating apples."
E. "Its the only thing we have, that tree over there is full of'em."
E: "Don't like it, go **** a dinosaur!"
A: "What's a dinosaur?"
E: "Look behind you!"

copyright" richard riddle-September 29-2015
Sep 2015 · 569
Long Ago(repost)
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
Regardless of the portrayals by The "old masters" in their oil paintings, or Hollywood depictions:
I don't believe that when Adam and Eve were created, they resembled "Mr. Universe" or any of the "Victoria's Secret" models. Rather hirsute individuals, carrying a club fashioned from a tree limb, toenails in need of clipping, arms dragging the ground; and that's Eve. I can't begin to perceive what Adam may have looked like.

copyright: Richard riddle-March 09, 2015
Sep 2015 · 342
For Her
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
"How do I love thee,
   let me count the ways

Sep 2015 · 414
A Poet's Prayer(sort of)
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
Here I sit
with much chagrin-
Trying to figure out Windows 10

Changes have set my mind aswirl-
as I venture  into this

From all the hype-
it was "made in heaven"-
But, please dear Lord-

Give me back my 7.

copyright: richard riddle 09-22-15
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
Formerly - "Untitled(You'll See Why)"

It's 3a.m.

The coffee's cold-
the screen is blank-
My mind is churning butter-
I've already tossed two ideas,
Now I have to find anudder!

copyright: Richard Riddle 01-10-2015
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
It is perhaps, the most important-
So often read-
Most ignored-
Its meaning
Taken for granted-
Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

richard riddle
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
Arriving at home, I saw my father sitting on the front porch, and the lawnmower in the grass:
RR: "Hi dad, how are you today?"
Dad: "Can't get the mower started!"
RR: "Dad, it's a "push-mower."
Dad: " Yea, I know."

copyright: richard riddle-September 14, 2015
Sep 2015 · 315
Where did "Simple" Go ?
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
There is an unseen threshold in aging
which we cross..... unknowingly,


Everything we try to do........becomes



a "*&#%#?&" PROJECT!

copyright: richard riddle September 14,2015
Sep 2015 · 487
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
(My first posting on HP. Nor will I ever forget the comments from Sally and Pradip.  Occasionally, I like to repost it for the newcomers to the site.)

I wish to share a story
of when I nearly met my fate-
A tale of an adventure,
and a quest I had to make

A story of an abandoned mine-
A search for silver and gold-
Of prospectors, and the miners-
And the secrets they must hold

My father used to search for gold
in the mountains and their streams-
And found enough of the elusive stuff
to make my mother's wedding rings.

I thought that I would try my hand-
to see what I could find-
So I set out to seek the entrance
to an old, abandoned mine

I left for Arizona,
to Prescott, I wished to go -
Crossed the Rio Grande,
on thru New Mexico.

Finally got to Phoenix -
800 miles and count'n,
then north, up to Prescott,
Thumb Butte, and Granite Mountain.

I pitched my tent on Granite Creek,
with great anticipation-
Checked the notes from my father's quotes,
and began the exploration

With my father's tin pan packed in a bag-
and his pic-ax at my side-
I felt like a real "old timer",
with heaven as my guide.

I found the one I was looking for-
with a darkened cave as the entrance door-
And a handmade sign on a rotting board, said
"Welcome Friend, 1894."

Well, I picked and I chipped! and I chipped and I picked!
til the sores on my hands ran red-
When I felt some dirt drifting down on my shirt-
when some pebbles hit my head.

It only took a second-
for the ground to start to quake-
The dirt was falling faster,
and the walls began to shake.

I ran as fast as I knew how,
toward that entrance door-
When the last crosstimber broke in half,
and came crashing to the floor!

Now, I don't know how much time had passed-
since all of that began-
But felt as if I had been in a trance-
when someone took my hand.

I grabbed my shirt-tail, wiped my eyes-
tilt my head to see-
And saw a sun-dried, weathered face,
looking down on me!

He wore a wrinkled old hat,
an old flannel shirt-
Raggedy old pants, and a mile's
worth of dirt-

He had a beard of silver threads,
with a tinge of ginger root-
His hands were thick and calloused,
and their color matched his boots.

He gave me a jug of water
that came from the nearby creek
As I began to take a drink-
he began to speak.

"Strange thing about abandoned mines-
they wish to be left alone,
To keep the souls of all of those-
who often called them home."

His voice began to tremble-
as he spoke those woeful words,
He seemed to be recalling
many things he'd seen and heard.

It isn't greed that brought you here,
I can see that, in your eyes,
it's not just ore you're looking for-
But another kind of prize."

You must go back to your domain,
and you'll find that treasure chest-
For it lies deep within your heart-
and in those folks you favor best.*"

I shut my eyes, said a prayer-
and asked if what I did was wrong?
When I finished, and said "amen",
that old man was gone.

I never asked him for his name-
or the place from whence he came-
Some things are better left in silence
and not to be explained.

I went back to take another look
and gather up my gear-
Tried to find that “Welcome” sign,
but, it too, had disappeared.

I stood in "awe and wonder,"
of the place that I had found-
And with my eyes, I realized,
I had trod on hallowed ground.

Going home I pondered
o'er the words that old man said-
But did all that really happen,
or was it the "bumps" upon my head?

I got back home and with a smile-
strode up to the door-
And there, hung a handmade sign
on a rotting board, said-

"Welcome Home, 1894”

copyright: r.riddle August 2011
copyright: revised July 28, 2013

I know, for a fact, that the third stanza is true. Everything else was created from "yarns" coming, not just from my father, but uncles as well. And I also threw in my two cents. This work is dedicated to them.
Sep 2015 · 464
Best Season of the Year
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
An omen, a portent-
heralding the coming
of autumn and winter-
As Orion graces heaven's center stage

Mornings  become more crisp-
the aroma of fresh, hot coffee,
Permeating  from a cup on the patio table,
forces the senses to ask for more.

Fireplaces will send wisps of smoke
up their chimneys and over rooftops,
Adding to the exhilaration of knowing
that it's going to be a "good day."

If only the concrete could change colors-
as do the leaves.

copyright: richard riddle-September 11, 2015
Sep 2015 · 1.4k
Rust to Rust(repost)
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
Indulge me for a few brief moments, if you will. While placing some old photos in an album, I realized that soon it will have been 25 years since the passing of my father. Had it not been for him, I wouldn't have been able to compose some of the stories that have appeared on HP. For that reason, I chose to re-post my piece, "Rust to Rust." For those that have taken the time to have previously read it, "thank you."  For any new members that I hope will read it, thank you, ahead of time.

Richard Riddle

At first glance, it's just a rust-covered pan, typical of what could be found in the trash, hiding behind an old abandoned building. But, its more than that.

This pan is more than a hundred years old. It belonged to my great-grandfather, to my grandfather, then my father. It's the pan my father used to find those small, glistening nuggets, taken from small streams in the mountains of Arizona and California, from which my mother's wedding rings were created.

I cannot  begin to imagine the events this pan had laid witness to, or how many stories lie beneath that blanket of red crust. Oh, the history lessons it could teach. Held by calloused hands, it tasted the water that held those particles of nature that men sought, and died for, in their search for wealth. It heard the cries, and caught the tears, of many who failed in their endeavors.

At one time I considered restoring it to it's earlier time, then realized I would be destroying a history book, and the protective blanket that preserves those untold stories, hopefully, for many more years to come. It will be passed to my grandchildren.

               copyright: richard riddle-February 16,2015
Thank you, Dad! A color photo of the "pan" can be seen on Facebook.
Sep 2015 · 324
HiGh ScHoOl
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
Yes, I went to a "magnet" high school-
After all-
Somebody had to be the
"Negative pole!"

copyright: richard riddle-09-10-2015
Sep 2015 · 242
Thought for the Day LIII
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
"There are occasions when I get a little "carried away."

richard riddle: 09-09-2015
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
Because of an upsurge in fatal accidents in the North Texas area, and elsewhere I'm sure, I believe it appropriate to repost this write.

There are many "you's" out there, on the highways, byways, freeways. Those that put others in harms way, excercising their egotistical need to be "first in line", "head of the class", so to speak; "**** the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" is their rallying cry.

It makes no difference what "YOU" are driving, old vehicle, new vehicle. Perhaps an overly powerful pickup truck, or an SUV, that makes YOU feel IMMORTAL. Ice, snow, rain, dark of night, makes no difference to YOU. Inconsiderate, rude, careless, makes YOU, dangerous. Today is no different, its "all about YOU." Speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, no need for signals, tail-gating,  trying to get that vehicle out of YOUR way, because YOU are being "INCONVENIENCED!" YOU, don't care! For this morning, like any other morning, "its all about YOU."

The lights are a bit glaring, as you begin to emerge from that state of unconsciousness, laying in that hospital bed, wondering where you are, who, and why, are those strangers standing around you.
They are the doctors, nurses, first responders, investigators, preparing for your reaction when you're told that the brains of your spouse and children had to be scraped off the pavement with a snow shovel.
You should be proud of yourself. For today is truly,
                                              "All about YOU!"

copyright: richard riddle April 03, 2015

37 years as an accident investigator, have seen many of these. This piece was inspired by Jamie Burkes, "BOOM". Thanks, Jamie!
Sep 2015 · 288
Once Again
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
"Leaving for work, I have no idea what events might lie ahead. Hours later, when I return home, I smile; knowing that once again, I had survived."

copyright: richard riddle September 02, 2015
Random shootings, road rage, DUI's, and vehicle crashes.
Sep 2015 · 386
Richard Riddle Sep 2015
Some days just don't start off well. I bought a new printer. The most difficult thing in setting it up was GETTING IT OUT OF THE **** BOX!!!

richard riddle-Sept 01, 2015
Aug 2015 · 326
Something to "Think" about
Richard Riddle Aug 2015
I went to a finance company to apply for a loan. Everything was going well until I was told they would be sending somebody named "Rocco" to live with me for the next five years.

richard riddle: August 31, 2015
Richard Riddle Aug 2015

FIVE DAYS in the MAKING!!!!!

I don't know why I write stuff like this! Late forties and fifties, I probably saw every horror or monster movie made.
Richard Riddle Aug 2015
"Dad!, I have a date tonight, can I borrow a couple of bucks!" "Borrow, or have?", he always replied. After all, he and mom were the ones who were working. "Well, cars run better with gas in'em." That's the way it was for many of us back then.
On a Friday, or Saturday night, I could take my girlfriend to a movie, then to a popular teenage burger joint, meet our friends,  and we would have an enjoyable evening.  all for a whopping "five bucks", or less. But, it would be misleading today compared to then, and now.     Today, they'd be lucky to get out under fifty.
"My, how times have changed!" Gasoline was $.25 a gallon, never to be seen again; at the grocery store, round steak was $.79 a pound, never to be seen again. That sounds like a pretty good deal.   
 However, salaries were also in ratio to the cost of living. As a
teenager with a part-time job, 50 cents an hour was an average rate, working as a carry-out or sacker in a grocery store. Finding a job making $1.00 an hour meant you were "coming up" in the world.
Today, making $10-$12 and hour would be like making $.50 an hour back then, with prices continuing to rise.  That's progress!!

copyright: richard riddle-August 31, 2015
Richard Riddle Aug 2015
Another school year is underway. I thought a repost would be appropriate:

Pleasantly cool morning, a fresh cup of hot coffee sits on the glass top of the patio table.
School buses are rolling towards the high school a quarter of a mile away.
Others are walking  with their backpacks, heavily laden with enough material to prevent them from standing *****.
Some in groups, some in twos,
boy and girl in love, hands clasped together-
All like the animals heading towards the ark.
I wonder what they are thinking.  
Perhaps an exam to face, an unfinished essay due, the upcoming weekend.
Or, just wanting to-

"Make it through the Day."

copyright: richard riddle: February 19, 2015
Aug 2015 · 368
Somewhere II
Richard Riddle Aug 2015
Even in light, there is darkness!




'Haunting', they are........
In *'dreams
Rooted deep in your garden of paranoia-
Therein, rest the truths....
Buried among the lies........

copyright: Richard Riddle August 25, 2015
Aug 2015 · 279
Richard Riddle Aug 2015
On any block.........
On any street........
In any
There are ............

copyright: richard riddle-August 23, 2015
Hum the theme from "The Twilight Zone" after reading. The idea for this came from listening to audio tapes of old radio melodramas from the late forties to early fifties.
Richard Riddle Aug 2015
(Amber just returned from an eight week hiatus-some may call it rehab)

Neighbor: "Welcome back! what's that your carrying?"
Amber(Brushing her hair off her forehead): "A bird cage. I bought two love birds! aren't they cute!"  
Neighbor(to himself: "Oh boy!") So, you're getting into ornithology?
Amber: "Oh no! My dentist has already taken off my braces!!"
Neighbor(to himself): "Orthodontist, Ornithology? I think I can give her that one.

copyright: richard riddle Augst 22, 2015
Aug 2015 · 669
Simple Rambling
Richard Riddle Aug 2015
August 19, 2015

The question keeps occurring, "Why am I sitting here at my computer, trying to come up with an idea on which to write?" After all, it's only 4:30 a.m. and the coffee has already become too cold, so "Hello, Keurig, again!"
On the screen, a still photo of my grand-daughter Emily, in the kitchen of her home, dancing with a broom, while supposedly sweeping the floor. It was Christmas Day, 2014. It's currently my profile photo.

                        (Excuse me while I go warm up a donut)

"I'm back." Don't know where her older brother, Evan, was at that moment, probably in the den putting together another "Star Wars" LEGO set he got for Christmas. He has most of them. By the way, Christmas 2015 is right around the corner, and don't forget that "Talk Like a Pirate Day" arrives next month on September 19.

"Yea, I know what you're thinking. "

copyright: richard riddle-August 19, 2015
Richard Riddle Aug 2015
"Pettiness, and jealousy, go together.

But, there is not a place for it here on HP. We write what we wish, what we feel, how we feel; about our lives, loves, adventures; our spirituality; we write because it's a beautiful hobby for many of us, and not to begin a competition as to who can do better.
There are so many on this site whose talent I so admire since I joined the site 2 years ago. Because of this nonsense, we recently lost a great writer and friend, whom I will miss terribly. Those that participate in the pettiness, jealousy, hatred, and discontent, are in a minority. Hopefully, the other contributors, writers, poets, essayists, old and new alike, also realize this. Let us not give up our seats on this "Poet's Train!"

copyright: richard riddle-August 18, 2015
Richard Riddle Aug 2015
1.  "Hi! "We're from the government, and want to help you!"
2. "That's what "they" want you to believe."
Aug 2015 · 874
"I Don't Care!"
Richard Riddle Aug 2015
I don't care who THEY(generally speaking) are!

I don't care if THEY are scientists or trash collectors!

I don't care if THEY are lawyers, judges, politicians!

I don't care if THEY like, or dislike, the Kardashians!(or Miley Cyrus)

No one on this earth -
understands -    


copyright: richard riddle- 08-11-15
(revised: 07-31-16)
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