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Richard Riddle Feb 2017
From September - 2016*

"Comforting", it is-
in its application"

"Calming", it is-
in its purpose"

is its message"

Whether applied to an infant babe in a crib....
or making the tears of a crying child disappear...

or, simply giving a hug to mom and dad.......

or, your children.......grandchildren.........

or, to a friend.......

Channeled thru you... from heaven..........

The "power".................of..............a "touch"

r.riddle: 09-18-2016

*inspired by Pradip Chattopadhyay's "Distance"
Feb 2017 · 1.1k
The Angels
Richard Riddle Feb 2017
from June, 2016*

An hour before sunrise,
not long before  going home-

It's still, no breeze, this Sunday morn-
silent......... serene-
As I step into the woods

I know they're watching,
those denizens of the forest-
Raccoon, possum, birds, etc.

I purse my lips
emit a soft whistle-
No reply reply

A few more steps......then..
the soft 'coo' of the Mourning Dove-
"How gentle it is", comforting... in it's greeting

A raccoon appears in front of me,
the 'sentry' for the others, who are still hiding
In the underbrush, and in the trees.

They are "The Angels",
"You are safe with us", his eyes tell me-
It is then I know,  it's going to be..... a "good day."

r. riddle 06-26-2016
Richard Riddle Feb 2017
from November, 2015*

"How do you know which one to choose", my granddaughter Emily asked , as we pulled into the parking lot of the shelter. "It will be the first one that gets up to meet us" I said, with a bit of anxiety.
After registering at the desk, we began the walk down the aisle, looking at the occupants of those cages that lined both sides. All of a sudden, about 10 feet in front of us, a grey and black striped leg with a white foot, came protruding out from the front of a cage. The paw began "flexing", as if signaling, "Hey! Over here!"
As I held her, and Emily stroked her forehead, she emanated a very strong, exuberant, vibrating, purr; contented, unafraid, her head tucked into the crook of my arm. We had found my Guardian Angel!

I whispered to her as softly as I knew how:

"We are going home-
I will always keep you safe,
I will never harm you
You will always have shelter, food, and water-
I will keep you warm in the winter........
and cool in the summer.......
You will not 'want', for love."

As I whispered those words, her purr grew stronger, her paw flexing against my arm. For you see, I am convinced that God told her we were coming, and to give us a sign to let us know where she was. It was He, who chose her for us. Some of you may not agree with that, and that's okay. It's important that me and Emily believe it. Regardless of which room I'm in(except the bath), she is there, as she is now, asleep on the foot of the bed as I write. My home isn't empty.... anymore.

copyright: richard riddle-11-11-2015

When my wife, Karen, passed away, the "angel" we had, Scheppes, stayed with me until she was twenty. Brie does not take her place, for she has her own place, and is doing quite well as a "Guardian Angel", in training!
Feb 2017 · 825
"Tree of Life"
Richard Riddle Feb 2017
from September, 2016

Your "Tree of Life" has many 'leaves'.......
not all are family...and friends

It's that person
   to whom you just said "Hi"....
While walking down the street

It's the driver of the car
   you let back out of that parking space...
and returned a wave as it was driven away

It's the homeless person
    to whom you gave a couple of dollars
without having been asked

It's that elderly person
    you let in front of you
in the check-out line at the grocery

It's those to whom you gave a smile
    those, whose name... you will never know
And may never......see again......

It's those acts of un-selfishness
     that seem to be 'minor' in scope.....
But, those addressed-

These are the 'leaves'
      that are on your....

*'Tree of Life'

Keep yours"watered", everyday

r. riddle 09-25-2016
Feb 2017 · 1.1k
" Out From the Mist"
Richard Riddle Feb 2017
from October, 2016

Ragged cliffs loom o'er the shore-
as waves punish the rocks below -
is their roar..........

A fleece, a blanket, of mist...and fog,
muffles the 'pleas'
From the 'sailing ships'.....
moored in the salty seas

Out from the mist...
alone.........she comes-
"A battle waits.... to be won"
says this maiden.....from Avalon

With arms outspread--
and opened palms.......
She 'chants'...for the sea to lie "still.... and calm"...
says the maiden.......from Avalon

"Oh God of Nature....of  all men -
I beseech thee..........
To shield these men of  gallantry".....
'Chants'...the maiden from Avalon

As she speaks.....
the waves subside.....silent, is their roar
The solar longer hides....
As the brave doth come ashore.

Is it magic, myth, or simply......lore?
perhaps, a tale not told before-
But....... when all was said, and done......
"Blessed be the maiden".....

"From Avalon"*

r.riddle- 10-29-2016
Jan 2017 · 851
Dependable - Old Friend
Richard Riddle Jan 2017
He's old-

Has seen
many places -
many countries

If only he could talk-

Opinions would be bountiful
recalling adventures - delightful

My literary friend-
my notebook

r.riddle 01-30-2017
Jan 2017 · 892
It Just Happens (repost)
Richard Riddle Jan 2017
I never know when its going to happen-
waking up in the middle of the night and not seeing you,
or feeling you..... next to me .......

"She fell asleep again on the sofa", I say to myself-
Quietly, I get up, walk toward the living room-
it is then I realize, again, that you had left this mortal earth-

Nine years ago.

Love never dies, does it?

copyright: richard riddle Febuary 06, 2015
Complications from cancer, January 29, 2008. I will repost this piece every January.
Richard Riddle Jan 2017
"Life in a Cubicle" (formerly "Untitled"revised 10-8-2013)

I feel the darkness-
the profundity of it's power
enwraps my soul-
Yet, I can see-
I touch the dark.......

Silhouetted against the aura of human faith-
it surrounds me-
A myriad of words floats within the cubicle
that holds my sorrow--
And the darkness grows darker......

The darkness, giving birth to the voices-
in the distance..... afraid........ sensing fright-
But only God knows for sure*-


copyright r.riddle October 08, 2013
Jan 2017 · 829
There was a Time
Richard Riddle Jan 2017
It was September, 1967, when the young coed from Texas Tech University entered the television studio at KCBD TV, Channel 11 in Lubock, Texas. Blonde hair with a reddish tint, "Strawberry Blonde", the stylists call it, accompanied by sparkling blue eyes and and a diminutive smile that accented her personality.
She was there looking to find a part-time job. That summer she had worked as an intern in the promotion department at a television station in Dallas, and was  majoring in journalism at the university. A mutual friend with whom she worked in Dallas, had put her in touch with me. I worked as an 'on air' director, and was getting the studio reset for the six o'clock news following a commercial taping session. Although the station had no job openings at the time, a series of events began to take shape.
That chance meeting changed my life, and I recall it as if it happened yesterday. I was twenty five, she, twenty. Two months later, In November, 1967, we married. Forty years and two months later, following cancer surgery, Karen passed away, but not until giving us a fantastic son, wonderful daughter-in-law, and now, two grandchildren, who have redefined the phrase,"growing like weeds."
The holiday period has always been a time for reflections, some good, some 'not so good.' Can't be helped, human nature. But, as the sages say, "Life goes on", and it has been good to me in many ways.

"Thank you, Lord, for helping me along the way."

r.riddle: January 01, 2017
Dec 2016 · 686
Thought for the Day L(50)
Richard Riddle Dec 2016
a repost*

When reading the obituaries in the newspaper, and seeing the name of a person whom I had known for a long time, with whom I went to high school , did business, worked beside, etc. I say to myself, "I just moved up a rung on the ladder." I just hope it's a very tall ladder!

copyright: richard riddle-June 17, 2015
Dec 2016 · 547
"Travel'n Carnival"
Richard Riddle Dec 2016
from August, 2016

A clear, crystal orb-
rests alone,
In the center of the table..

She 'chants', this Gypsy woman,
as her gnarled hands
caressing its silk-smooth surface..

A mist forms
within the glass,
a cloud... that holds the future...
and the past

An image begins to materialize
and there, before my very eyes
Sits a man.......
contentment on his face.............

He is asleep... an arm....
folded across his chest-
And on his hand, a simple ring-
with a cross etched on its crest

"My father?"

"Closer", I look-
as the mist recedes-
'Tis' not my father!".....

For 'he' "me!"*

r riddle 08-14-2016

Traveling Carnivals most always have a gypsy fortune teller, especially those that travel the circuits of small towns and rural communities.
Richard Riddle Dec 2016
reposted for my granddaughter, Emily Riddle, in memory of my wife, Karen Riddle.*

I just couldn't do without
my grandma's heart necklace -
It was a gift to me, although
she passed away when I was little.

It also holds all of my mad,
sad, and happy memories,
just like it is a part of me.
I wear it on very special occasions,
since it is so unique.

When I wear it close to my heart-
it makes me feel special.
That's why I would always
feel happy, or at least, a little joyful,
when I hold it to my chest-
to pretend my grandma is
still alive.

She was very important to me-
We did so much together,
and I miss her,
and the special times we shared.

I can feel her with me
when I wear it, or hold it,
close to me.

Without this prized possession,
all of my feelings
would be lost,
with my grandma, in the sky.

My heart necklace
means the world to me,
and I wouldn't change
anything about it.

People say
"jewelry is made
to look beautiful."

Well, I say,
It was made to be a
"Memory Holder!!"

copyright-Emily Riddle- October 15, 2013

My granddaughter Emily, wrote this essay as a class assignment for her 3rd Grade class. Originally in full page, essay form, I divided it into stanzas, and added some punctuation. Although there are some misspellings(two), I chose not to correct them, but to leave the content as it was written, in order to preserve the sincerity, and the innocence, with which it was written. Thank you, so much, Emily Riddle. (She is about to turn 13.) Love you, so much!!
Dec 2016 · 711
Richard Riddle Dec 2016
It was an era in which we needed ......."heroes!" Those years preceding, during, and after WW II. The movie going public clamored for them.....and we got them! Those "cliffhanger" movie serials! 12 to 16 episodes, each averaging 12 to 15 minutes in length.Masked crusaders battling foreign agents....or..............the "mad scientist" who, in his laboratory, developed a contraption to melt mountains enabling him to rule the world....or just a crusader to protect the public from any villain bent to disrupt society as we knew it.
The science fiction heroes, Superman, Captain Marvel, Flash Gordon . Buck Rogers, "King" of the Rocketmen(there was only 'one) and  countless others.
All doomed to die, in some fashion, at the end of each episode, whether it being surrounded by villains, or in  a vehicle last seen rolling off the edge of a cliff with our hero trapped inside, unconscious and........ we thought. And we returned, each week, to see how such a fate was averted. And, we loved them.
They enriched our pride, putting our country"first",  proving that "good..........conquered evil. We felt good about ourselves and.......

We still.........................can.......'united'

(Where are you when we need you!)

r.riddle: 12-11-2016
Originally titled "AfterWW II", I changed it to "Cliffhangers." They began in the mid 1930's, although there were some in the "silent" movie years.
Richard Riddle Dec 2016
From October,2015

It  can happen anywhere, at anytime-
It isn't up to you-

In the car,
listening to the radio-
Having dinner with friends,
or alone-

At a baseball game,
bottom of the ninth-
Score tied-two outs,
bases loaded

Youth re-visited

A certain sound, song, phrase,
the aroma of freshly baked bread

All unleashing a memory cell
Lying dormant -
Long forgotten-
"What made me think of that?"
you ask yourself

For a door had opened.....
"before your eyes"
and you stepped into........

"The Attic of Forgotten Things."*

copyright:(Emended) richard riddle-October 20, 2015

Sometimes we forget...what our brain....has kept.
"I've got to lay off the coffee!!"
Dec 2016 · 1.1k
Just a "Day"
Richard Riddle Dec 2016
Richard Riddle:  12-07-1941 - Born with bombs "bursting in air, and on the ground" (literally), and I'm still around, irritating people . Well, a person has to do what they do best, don't they.
There will be no gala events, black-tie parties, proclamations issued, or "Keys to the City" awarded, etc. I will be with my son, daughter-in-law, two grandchildren, my cat "Brie", and a special person for whom I am so thankful to have come into my life at the right time. They are gifts that are given to me 365 days a year.
I am thankful for the friends I have at work, and for those who have stayed beside me over the years. I am also thankful for those who have since passed into another dimension, but whom I remember with great fondness.

"Thank you, everyone!!"
richard riddle

Thank you Eliot York for creating this magnificent site. It has been a "blessing" for me in many, many ways!
Richard Riddle Dec 2016
My wife, Karen, looked out onto the patio, "why do they always come to us?", speaking of mama and her kits, newcomers they were, but apparently enjoying the food and shelter of this "safe house". Just some, of the many, that had blessed us over the years  with their magic , showing up unannounced, cats, dogs, raccoons, possum, to name a few. Some stayed, some left.

You see, it is our firm belief, that God's closed fist, with index finger extended and pointing downward, looming over our rooftop, wherever we happened to be, is a "guiding star"for them, and only the animals are capable of seeing it, telling them to "go here, for your safety, shelter, and food".

God has many such fingers, in every city, town, state, province, and country on this earth. Why, I would bet that right now, he has a cat(s) asleep on his lap, their way of saying, "thank you, Lord, for helping all of us."

(Make a visit to your local ASPCA Shelter-Adopt an "Angel!)
copyright May 18-2014 richard riddle
Richard Riddle Dec 2016
(a repost for everyone who lives in rural areas)*

It's an old, run-down, brick building-
with some pickup trucks, and a John Deere tractor-parked in front-
It has been there for many years-
with many memories in its 'font.

Why, that building knew your folks, children,
watched generations come thru the door-
It waved good-bye to new recruits
as they left to go to war.

It became a sort of, "meet and greet"
Where folks would come , take a seat-
the coffee urn, filled to the brim
for those waiting to get a trim.
(and for anyone else who wandered in)

And the stories! Oh Lord, the stories!
One would start with an anecdote-
another followed with a joke-
then another, each trying to top the other.

Folks would laugh so hard, you'd think they were die'n-
for there was no way to know
Who was telling a truth,
and who was lie'n-
(a determination that never could be made)

A great way to end the week!

The building had no signs, because everyone knew what it was,
so why spend the money to tell folks something they already knew.
Then, one day, this appeared on the door:

"Welcome Stranger! Come in and see!"
"The One and Only Barbershop"
"Where the BS flows like the River Nile, and the coffee's always free!"
(Open on Saturdays 7-3)
Closed Mon-Fri

copyright: richard riddle January 27, 2015

My father, for 20 years, was a game warden for the State of Texas. I  would often ride with him on weekends throughout his 6 county district, stopping at many of these small, rural, unincorporated communities. It was, as we say, "a real hoot!" A photo of that old bldg. is on my banner.
Richard Riddle Dec 2016
(a repost)

In late 1888, a Wells Fargo stage
Was relieved of its freight-
A strongbox, taken from its hold,
held thousands of dollars in coins of gold.

The brigands had a master plan,
To bury that box,
sit, and wait-
Then dig it up at a later date.

They found a spot on rock-hard ground-
Where it would lie, safe and sound,
So they sank it in a three foot hole-
to hide that box with coins of gold.

But what they didn’t realize,
that in the distance, sat a pair of eyes-
That had watched the whole event unfold-
and watched, as they buried that chest with gold.

Late that night, under a pale, lantern, light-
a shovel's blade split those rocks-
and the hole was relieved-
of that strongbox.

William Nelson Riddle, owned that property-
And he lived with a basic philosophy-
“Since it was found, on my ground-
I guess it belongs to me.”

“Nelson” died in ’28, at age of 85-
He never said what happened to,
Or if, that chest survived-
And the "Legend of Riddle’s Gold"came alive.

As time passed, the story grew-
each year, a bit more grand-
That Nelson took that strongbox-
And hid it  elsewhere on his land

Greed is one of the “seven sins”-
"Everybody loses, and nobody wins"-
But the “want” for gold is a mighty strong thirst-
So his kin set out for a “family search.”

At morning’s dawn, the kinfolk came-
To search for gold, fortune, and fame-
They came with shovels, spades, and hoes-
And some “TNT”, so the story goes.

With disregard for propriety,
they descended upon the property-
Without a map, without a plan-
They spread out to search his land.  

Now, the rabbits and the coyotes,
and the gophers(one or two)-
Gathered on a little knoll,
To have a better view.

They knew what was going to happen-
It was just a matter of time-
When the dew had disappeared,
And the morning sun had reached it’s prime

They dug a hole here, and dug over there-
The morning sun was getting hot-
and everywhere they looked –
Was for naught.

Now, it isn't very clear
as who said what, to who-
But it must have been insult'n-
to start that ballyhoo.

There was push'n and shove'n
and calling names galore!
Yell'n and cuss'n
using words you ain't heard before!

And that was just the men-folk-
the women got in it too-
screaming heard, from north to south-
Those words should never come from a ladies mouth.

Fists being swung, shovels slung!
dust was kicked up in a ball-
nothing could be more entertaining-
than watching a family free-for-all!

Then suddenly, it came to a stop !
as quick as it began-
They gathered up all their gear-
and departed Nelson's land.

This is where the story ends-
all I know is what I'm told,
From my daddy, for he'd been sitting,
atop that little knoll.

(This is how I would like to have it end)

Somewhere in the "high above"-
at a table, two people sat-
One, wearing suit and tie-
and Nelson, with his beard and hat.

"Nelson, a lot of folks have you to thank,
for bringing that strongbox to the bank-
you saved a lot of folks their homes and farms."

Nelson, from his chair, arose-
standing *****, and proud-
Stroked his beard, then tweaked his nose,
smiled, and faded into the clouds.
(thanks folks for your patience)

Copyright September 16-2013 Richard Riddle

True story- sort of. Originally written in three parts.The holdup actually did occur, and witnessed by William Nelson Riddle.  Years later, believing he had hidden the strongbox elsewhere, relatives converged on the property to conduct a "massive" search. A story on this saga appeared in the San Diego Union newspaper on May 7, 1939. William Nelson Riddle is my great-grandfather and resided in Crowley, Johnson County, Tx.

Edit poem
Dec 2016 · 343
Richard Riddle Dec 2016
(My first posting on HP. Nor will I ever forget the comments from Sally and Pradip.  Occasionally, I like to repost it for the newcomers to the site.)

I wish to share a story
of when I nearly met my fate-
A tale of an adventure,
and a quest I had to make

A story of an abandoned mine-
A search for silver and gold-
Of prospectors, and the miners-
And the secrets they must hold

My father used to search for gold
in the mountains and their streams-
And found enough of the elusive stuff
to make my mother's wedding rings.

I thought that I would try my hand-
to see what I could find-
So I set out to seek the entrance
to an old, abandoned mine

I left for Arizona,
to Prescott, I wished to go -
Crossed the Rio Grande,
on thru New Mexico.

Finally got to Phoenix -
800 miles and count'n,
then north, up to Prescott,
Thumb Butte, and Granite Mountain.

I pitched my tent on Granite Creek,
with great anticipation-
Checked the notes from my father's quotes,
and began the exploration

With my father's tin pan packed in a bag-
and his pic-ax at my side-
I felt like a real "old timer",
with heaven as my guide.

I found the one I was looking for-
with a darkened cave as the entrance door-
And a handmade sign on a rotting board, said
"Welcome Friend, 1894."

Well, I picked and I chipped! and I chipped and I picked!
til the sores on my hands ran red-
When I felt some dirt drifting down on my shirt-
when some pebbles hit my head.

It only took a second-
for the ground to start to quake-
The dirt was falling faster,
and the walls began to shake.

I ran as fast as I knew how,
toward that entrance door-
When the last crosstimber broke in half,
and came crashing to the floor!

Now, I don't know how much time had passed-
since all of that began-
But felt as if I had been in a trance-
when someone took my hand.

I grabbed my shirt-tail, wiped my eyes-
tilt my head to see-
And saw a sun-dried, weathered face,
looking down on me!

He wore a wrinkled old hat,
an old flannel shirt-
Raggedy old pants, and a mile's
worth of dirt-

He had a beard of silver threads,
with a tinge of ginger root-
His hands were thick and calloused,
and their color matched his boots.

He gave me a jug of water
that came from the nearby creek
As I tilt the jug to take a drink-
he began to speak.

"Strange thing about abandoned mines-
they wish to be left alone,
To keep the souls of all of those-
who often called them home."

His voice began to tremble-
as he spoke those woeful words,
He seemed to be recalling
many things he'd seen and heard.

"It isn't greed that brought you here,
I can see that, in your eyes,
it's not just ore you're looking for-
But another kind of prize.

"You must go back to your domain,
and you'll find that treasure chest-
For it lies deep within your heart-
and in those folks you favor best.

I shut my eyes, said a prayer-
and asked if what I did was wrong?
When I finished, and said "amen",
that old man was gone.

I never asked him for his name-
or the place from whence he came-
Some things are better left in silence
and not to be explained.

I went back to take another look
and gather up my gear-
Tried to find that “Welcome” sign,
but, it too, had disappeared.

I stood in "awe and wonder,"
of the place that I had found-
And with my eyes, I realized,
I had trod on hallowed ground

Going home I pondered
o'er the words that old man said-
But did all that really happen,
or was it the "bumps" upon my head?

I got back home and cracked a smile-
as I strode up to the door-
And there, hung a handmade sign
on a rotting board, said-

"Welcome Home, 1894

copyright: r.riddle August 2011
copyright: revised July 28, 2013

I know, for a fact, that the third stanza is true. Everything else was created from "yarns" coming, not just from my father, but uncles as well. And I also threw in my two cents.
Dec 2016 · 591
Folklore and Fairy Tales
Richard Riddle Dec 2016
Reposted for  Sally, Sandy, and Stephanie. Three important ladies in my life.

Where is that inner child,
why did it depart-
And take with it the stories,
That were close unto your heart

From Mother Goose to Tennyson's
"Idyll's of the King",
folklore and fairy tales-
Of which the minstrels sing

Knights in shining armor,                  
atop their steeds of grace-
Protecting king and country
as they ride from place to place

There’s Jack and his stalk of beans,
“Lil Red and her hood-
Hansel, and his sister-
traips'n thru the wood

Rainbows and leprechauns,
elusive pots ‘o’ gold,
Oh, how many, many times have these
tales been told-

Fairies ‘neath the mushroom caps,
elves in their acorn hats,
Dancing 'neath the moon-ring light-
as fireflies flicker, to the “music
of the night”

And from the heavens, a horse appears-
adorned with wings of flight-
And from its head, a single horn-
the pure, and blessed, unicorn.

The minstrels, with their lutes and lyres-
amused the population-
But, could it be, these tales be true,
or just your imagination?

That inner child, it's still there
It hasn’t gone away-
It just needs to be awakened-
on perhaps, this very day*.

r.riddle December 18, 2010-Copyright
Dec 2016 · 373
The Poet's Train
Richard Riddle Dec 2016
Originally written and posted in December, 2014, I like to re-post it occasionally for all the new writers, poets, essayists, and, of course, any new 'readers'.*

On December 16, 2013, in my work titled "Thank You",  was the first time I used the term "Poet's Train" for all of the contributors to the HP site. For that is exactly what it is. It also reminds me of times that have passed.
My grandparents lived in Joshua, Texas, a small town not far from the city of Fort Worth. Their house was only about 100 yards, or less, from the railroad tracks. Every evening around six o'clock we would hear the faint moan of the first whistle. My brother and me, both little tykes(6-10), would run to the back porch, anticipating the subsequent whistles from a huge piece of machinery. As the whistle grew louder, we could see the column of smoke billowing from the coal-burning engine as it neared. All of a sudden, there it was. We weren't the only ones that stood and watched, for there is something magical about trains, that attract both young, and old.
Our biggest delight however, did not lie with the train itself, but waving to the passengers and engineers as it passed, seeing them wave back, blowing that whistle in gentle acknowledgement, as if saying, "Good to see you, thanks for coming, have a great day!"
So it is with the "Poet's Train." When a piece is posted the whistle blows, each piece becomes a boxcar. Each writer, a passenger; their computer, the engine, and every reader waving as it passes. Its length, infinite, with no caboose. It will come the next day, the next night, with new passengers, with new cargo. I love it. I really do!

copyright: richard riddle, December 19, 2014

Edit poem
Dec 2016 · 271
Richard Riddle Dec 2016
It's a life-long process-
Learning                                              ­                                                                 ­  
to judge others-

We shouldn't "shop" for friends.
We "earn them"

It's difficult..... hard to do
Takes time......................

Doesn't always work

It takes 'work' to keep the ones you have

r.riddle: 12-01-2016
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
No mortal being knows for sure what the future holds. We exist because of theories and  prophecy. Will we be here tomorrow, next week, month, year? God lets us live on a "day to day" basis. Some day................he will say, "Enough...... is enough!"
Nov 2016 · 419
It's Nearly 3am
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
Here I am, sitting on my..., excuse my chair, trying to come up with a suitable topic. Right now, that  appears to be doomed for failure. So, be that as it may, I decided to go back to the archives and pick a few that I hope you enjoyed, and hope you still will, much like the television network programming which inundates our homes with reruns this time of year. But, I will take this opportunity to wish all of you a "Happy Holiday Season, a Merry Christmas, and eventually, a Happy New Year!!"(which year that will be is unknown at this time.)

richard riddle: 11-27-2016
Nov 2016 · 735
Best Season of the Year
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
(from September, 2015)

An omen, a portent-
heralding the coming
of autumn and winter-
As Orion graces heaven's center stage

Mornings  become more crisp-
the aroma of fresh, hot coffee,
Permeating  from a cup on the patio table,
forces the senses to ask for more.

Fireplaces will send wisps of smoke
up their chimneys and over rooftops,
Adding to the exhilaration of knowing
that it's going to be a "good day."

If only the concrete could change colors-
as do the leaves.

copyright: richard riddle-September 11, 2015
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
By Emily Riddle-Age 9 (She will turn 13 on Feb 16, 2016)

Special: The dictionary describes an angel as a "thing or person, that means a lot to someone. Well, I describe an angel as my grandmother.

My grandmother is a wonderful person, and what she is best at
is caring about what I will become.
I am so glad to be in her life, and in her beautiful world.

She has a heart of gold, and is a "doctor to my soul."
She is the "nurse" that make my hurts disappear.
She is my "piggy bank of niceness."

When I would get a birthday, or Christmas gift, she would always say,
"If you don't like it, be sure to try it."
I would always listen to her, for everybody knows
"grandmothers are always right."

I think of her everyday, and feel that  I can do anything
when I'm around her. Just remember,
"Always be happy for what you have, and don't imagine a life without a grandmother."

They are worth a billion dollars.

copyright: emily riddle August 27,2014

Penned in 2013 by my granddaughter, Emily Riddle. Written for her Grandmother Linda, its worth more than a billion dollars.
Nov 2016 · 347
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
From December 2015

My eyes gaze in wonderment
At the night Autumn
As Orion appears..........
leading us to December

Traveling the  route.....nightly.....
East to West...

A "hunter"................ say the mystics

But, is he?

What is it, he is hunting?

He isn't!


The spirit.....of the...

"Christ Child".......................................

"Merry Christmas, everybody!"

copyright: richard riddle 12-16-2015
Nov 2016 · 345
A Point in Time
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
When I would call my parents and speak with my dad, the first thing I would ask him was , "Dad, how are you doing today?" He would invariably answer, "Not bad for someone who is closer to one hundred than to fifty". I've been "inching" towards a hundred for the past 25 years, when I said  "goodbye" to fifty, which will become more apparent in thirteen days. "Oh well, not much, if anything, can be done about it. However, it does serve as a platter of reflections heaped with "shoulda's, coulda's woulda's", and a large sideorder of  "shouldn't haves" and "lessons learned."
I find myself having lost interest in 'materialism." What once seemed
to be important, no longer 'is', if it ever 'was'.... in the first place. But, what I do have is absolutely "PRICELESS!" Although my wife Karen   is no longer on this mortal earth, she lives in our son, and in our grandchildren. They are my Christmas gifts every day, of every week, of every month, of every year, which is how it should be. My 'waning years' are for them.

I ask for no more than that!!

r.riddle: 11-25-2016
Nov 2016 · 444
"Travel'n Carnival"
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
"reposted for a very special friend"

A clear, crystal orb-
resting alone-
In the center of the table..

She 'chants', this Gypsy woman,
as her gnarled hands
caressing its silk-smooth surface..

A mist forms
within the glass,
a cloud... that holds the future...
and the past...

An image begins to materialize
and there, before my very eyes
Sits a man.......
contentment on his face.............

He is asleep... an arm....
folded across his chest-
And on his hand, a simple ring-
with a cross etched on its crest

My father?"

"Closer", I look-
as the mist recedes-
'Tis' not my father!".....

For 'he' "me!"*

r riddle 08-14-2016

Traveling Carnivals most always have a gypsy fortune teller, especially those that travel the circuits of small towns and rural communities.
Nov 2016 · 980
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
(reposted for a very special friend)

Reaching........for her hand........
a tether,
between two hearts

"Come, and I will take thee
to a new land...
and only you
Will know it's name"

Where fireflies sparkle
as stars on an 'ebon' nite-
Where fairies dance,
as Luna sings....
Whilst' Unicorns feast
on the Heather"....

"Sleep... my lady, sleep"......
for the land of which I speak...
Awaits you* ..............

"In your dreams"

r.riddle: 08-05-2016
"Morpheus" is the Greek God of Dreams.
Nov 2016 · 684
Pets(particularly cats)
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
Do you really know how intelligent is your pet? "REALLY? It's eery at times, just downright scary.
Within two weeks after getting married, my wife, Karen, and I obtained a Siamese kitten, "Pudd'n." She was the self-appointed "Queen" and exalted ruler of our home. Correction, "our lives." Her realm lasted for 16 years, traveled with us, went to drive-in movies with us, all that kind of stuff. She was our first 'angel.'
But there was 'one' particular trait we never understood. One that had us nearly convinced that she was "not of this earth." She loved the television series, "The X-files." whenever Karen and I would sit down to watch the show and the music intro would begin, Pudd'n would come out from whichever bedroom she was in, jump upon the arm of the sofa and stay there like a statue and watch the entire episode. When it was over, she would return to the comfort of the bed. She never did this with other programs, just this one, week after week. and, the expression in her eyes while watching, let us believe that she actually understood the plot of the series.
I guess that the point of all this is, "Never underestimate what an animal is capable of "thinking, and doing." They'll surprise you time and time again. This is why the shelters are so important, and why everyone should have an "angel" in their home. Visit a shelter today.

richard riddle: 11-23-2016
Nov 2016 · 408
"The Holidays"
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
"Give me that!!, I saw it first."
"The hell you did, I saw it first!!"

"Ahhh, yes. Holiday cheer is underway!" "Black Friday" is upon us. The day after Thanksgiving, when shoppers arm themselves with credit cards, cash, and weapons, heralding the official start of the 2016 Christmas shopping season.  Arriving at deparment stores at 3am, foaming at the mouth to be first in line when doors open at 7, if not earlier.

"BUY THREE, GET ONE!," "50% OFF", another, and other such 'come-ons', are the battle cries. It gives the department stores an opportunity to get rid of the poor quality stuff they couldn't sell earlier. But, shoppers don't care as long as they think they're getting a bargain.

"Me?" Finished with most of it, but enough to keep me out of the mainstream.


r.riddle: 11-21-2016
Nov 2016 · 789
Days of Yore
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
The armies gathered on the vast expanse, poised for battle. Shields were raised, and the blades of their swords glistened in the morning sun. Led by the knights of  Arthur's table, they would be invincible, to fight for king and we thought. After all, it seemed like every country, mostly Normans and Saxons, wanted to kick Britain's ***.(and still do).

I was seven years old, as best I can remember. The 'vast expanse' was our backyard in that cul-de-sac in Corpus Christi, Texas, back in the 1940's. With 16 kids on that short block, it didn't take long to organize armies in order to re-enact the movie we saw earlier at the Saturday Morning Matinee at the then Ayers Theatre, whether it be about knights of the realm, or a Roy Rogers western.
Bless those days before televsion took its unyielding hold. A time when we could let our imaginations run rampant, making up our own scenarios, emulating our movie heroes, and there were many,  and most of all, "playing outside," something we don't see much of......... *anymore.

No one ever got hurt in those weekend battles. Of course, mom and dad, along with the other parents on that block kept the 'silent' watch on us, intervening only if they felt it was getting too loud or rough. I sit here, in my chair, recallng my dad saying, "At least, if we can hear them, we know where they are."

Our shields and swords were mostly made from poster and cardboard, sometimes rolled up newspapers.

copyright: r.riddle 11-17-2016
Thanks to Arthur Pendragon, Sirs Lancelot and Galahad, Merlin, and to Guinevere, Prince Valiant, and Aleta, 'Queen of the Misty Isles'. And last, but not 'least', Vivien, the "Lady of the Lake."
Nov 2016 · 405
"Who Knows?"
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
From August, 2014*

My wife, Karen, and I were on our way home from running errands. It was lunchtime, and I stopped at a fast food restaurant to get some items to take home.
Standing outside, near the doorway, was a homeless person, obviously ready to ask for whatever he could get, money, food. As I approached the entry he said,"Excuse me sir, can you help me. I'm hungry, and they(manager) will not let me inside." Looking into his eyes, I saw the need, the fear, of being denied so many times. I asked him what he wanted, he told me, and I purchased it for him. I handed it to him as I returned to my vehicle, and in turn he said, "God bless you,thank you."
Leaving the parking lot, Karen said,"that was a nice gesture you just did for him", for she had been watching and listening to us. Driving a bit further, she turned to me and said, "How do you know he wasn't Jesus in disguise?"
                                                      ­    ? ? ?  
copyright-richard riddle August 04,2014
Nov 2016 · 898
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
From January-2015*

Brother: "I'm older than you, so I'm smarter than you!"
Sister: "Older, yes, smarter, no."
Brother: "Yes I am!"
Sister: "No you're not"
Brother: "Yes I am!"
Sister: "Okay, Okay. I apologize. I'm sorry I'm less stupid than you are."
Brother" That's better."

(its all about the phrasing)

copyright: Richard Riddle-January 05, 2015
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
(a non-partisan piece - the U S Presidential Election

The 'Ringmaster' approaches center stage. With mike in hand and toothy smile, it comes, "WE HAVE A WINNER!!" "TAH-DAH!!!"
Attorneys on both sides, all wearing new Nike track shoes, approach the mark, waiting for the 'pop' of the starting gun, ready to race to the Federal Courthouse to file hundreds of legal briefs challenging the legitimacy of the election results. Both sides accusing the other of 'voter fraud', and anything else they can throw into the blender.

"Sit back, folks, the finale is yet to come."

r. riddle: 11-08-16
*2016 U S Presidential Election
Nov 2016 · 359
Thought for the Day (70)
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
Quit looking for "shortcuts" in life:

Nov 2016 · 607
"Oh, Well!"
Richard Riddle Nov 2016
Hawwoween haf come and gone
Excoove me if you pweeve-
Wiff aw the weft ow'er candy-
The cowomel stwuck to my teeve!
Oct 2016 · 1.7k
" Out From the Mist"
Richard Riddle Oct 2016
Ragged cliffs loom o'er the shore-
as waves punish the rocks below -
is their roar..........

*A fleece, a blanket, of mist...and fog,
muffles the 'pleas'
From the 'sailing ships'.....
moored in the salty seas

Out from the mist...
alone.........she comes-
"A battle waits.... to be won"
says this maiden.....from Avalon

With arms outspread--
and opened palms.......
She 'chants'...for the sea to lie "still.... and calm"...
says the maiden.......from Avalon

"Oh God of Nature....of  all men -
I beseech thee..........
To shield these men of  gallantry".....
'Chants'...the maiden from Avalon

As she speaks.....
the waves subside.....silent, is their roar
The solar longer hides....
As the brave doth come ashore

Is it magic, myth, or simply......lore?
perhaps, a tale not told before-
But....... when all was said, and done......
"Blessed be the maiden"

"From Avalon"

r.riddle- 10-29-2016
Oct 2016 · 691
Show Me
Richard Riddle Oct 2016

The color of your skin, does not tell me
  what kind of person you are-
Your language, or accent, does not tell me
  what kind of person you are-
Your creed does not tell me,
  what kind of person you are-
It is you, that shows me, what kind of person you are!

copyright: richard riddle 04-08-2014
Oct 2016 · 708
Are You a Poet?
Richard Riddle Oct 2016
Stereotyping often portrays poets as being brooders, loners,psychotics, manic-depressives, addicts, or just plain "nuts." In other words (in terms of their peers), "normal people." They should be 'French', or know at least three French words, and be able to wear a striped, long sleeve pull-over, topped with a black beret(neck-scarf optional). Should be able to write stuff no one understands, yet readers will pretend they do as long as it reads and sounds 'intellectual'. Must be able to stomach the taste of Espresso, which must come from Starbucks, and enjoy the so-called 'Bohemian' life style. Must be able to sit comfortably with a set of bongo drums between their knees, and continue living in the 50's, the 'Beat Generation." "Maynard G. Krebbs" is their idol.
This is a satirical piece, and written strictly for "entertainment" purposes. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
Richard Riddle
Oct 2016 · 528
"Blind unto Herself"
Richard Riddle Oct 2016
Entering the room,
she does not see,
what the others see...
For she is...................

"Blind"........ unto herself"

Bringing light
to a darkened room
A presence...."Commanding"


Unsel­fish -

Confident -



"Blind".......unto herself"........

(You're going to be just fine!!)

r.riddle: 10-23-2016
If she reads this, she will know it is for her.
Oct 2016 · 470
Richard Riddle Oct 2016
Re: If ANY of you receive a 'chat' message from a friend or acquaintance informing you that they just received a check from the TEXACO GLOBAL FREEDOM PROMOTION(on Facebook), and saw your name on the "list of winners", and suggesting you contact them to see how much you have won, "STOP RIGHT THERE!!!"  It's a very sophisticated SCAM. The notice will be accompanied by a photo showing the presumed 'friend or acquaintance' accepting their award, adding credibility to the announcement. I received such a notice this morning, and the person who presumably sent it, knew nothing about it. It appears to have originated in Asia, possibly China.
Richard Riddle Oct 2016
It was summer, late 80's,  Lubbock, Texas, age prevents me from recallng the exact date and time. It was my father on the phone, asking if me and my wife, Karen, would like to go with him out to the airport to visit with my Uncle Jack(Major, USAF ret.). Jack called him and said that he and a 'friend' were flying in private plane to Houston, and would be stopping in Lubock and would be in around noon. Jack was the youngest of three brothers, and my favorite. Shortly before eleven, dad picked us up and off we went. I asked dad if he knew who was coming with him, and he said "no, have no idea."
Sitting in the coffee shop, looking out the windows, we saw this Cessna land, and taxi over to the gate. "There they are", dad said, with some anticipation. In a few minutes Jack and his 'friend' emerged. The 'friend" was tall, slender, grayish hair, crew cut. He looked familiar, that 'friend' as they entered the room, and then came the introductions.
His name was "Deke" Slayton. One of the original seven astronauts chosen by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) to participate in the original Mercury program in 1959,and was later the pilot of the docking module when they docked with the Soviet Soyuz capsule in 1975. He was a bomber pilot during WWII, and later became a test pilot. Jack was a glider pilot during the war, and upon retiring from the air force went to work for the FAA(Federal Aeronautics Administration) as Supv. Flight Control Operations, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They had known each other for a long time.
Needless to say, Karen and I nearly "slid out if our chairs", for it's not everyday when you find yourself having a casual cup of coffee and conversation with someone who considered such feats as, "just doing his job."
"You never know, who you're going to meet..... on any given day..... at any given time."
r.riddle: 10-16-2016
Oct 2016 · 655
"There Will Come a Time "
Richard Riddle Oct 2016
When a loved one crosses
into another dimension-
'Grief' takes command,
eventually giving way-

"to reflection"

We take down from that
dusty shelf, a box of memories-
Old photos from when we were children-
of our parents,
brothers, sisters,aunts, uncles, cousins.....friends

of trips taken, adventures dared, events attended-


Sadness...................turns to smiles

Our focus changes.......
to our children...grandchildren...
Which is how it should be...

For some day.....there will come a time,..................................

r.riddle: 10-13-2016
Grab your camera, take as many photos as you can of your children/grandchildren as they grow. You will never regret it.
Oct 2016 · 384
Richard Riddle Oct 2016
Like the  'Leaves of Autumn'

they fall

Leaving open spaces on barren limbs....
only to await new generations to take their place-
Such, are the "leaves"", on a..............

"Family Tree."*

r.riddle: October 09, 2016
I will miss you, brother...
Wiliam G. (Bill) Riddle
August 24,1938-September 19, 2016
Oct 2016 · 397
Best Season of the Year
Richard Riddle Oct 2016
a repost from September, 2015*

An omen, a portent-
heralding the coming
of autumn and winter-
As Orion graces heaven's center stage

Mornings  become more crisp-
the aroma of fresh, hot coffee,
Permeating  from a cup on the patio table,
forces the senses to ask for more.

Fireplaces will send wisps of smoke
up their chimneys and over rooftops,
Adding to the exhilaration of knowing
that it's going to be a "good day."

If only the concrete could change colors-
as do the leaves.

copyright: richard riddle-September 11, 2015
Sep 2016 · 2.9k
"Tree of Life"
Richard Riddle Sep 2016
Your "Tree of Life" has many 'leaves'.......
not all are family...and friends

It's that person
   to whom you just said "Hi"....
While walking down the street

It's the driver of the car
   you let back out of that parking space...
and returned a wave as it was driven away

It's the homeless person
    to whom you gave a couple of dollars
without having been asked

It's that elderly person
    you let in front of you
in the check-out line at the grocery

It's those to whom you gave a smile
    those, whose name... you will never know
And may never......see again......

It's those acts of un-selfishness
     that seem to be 'minor' in scope.....
But, those addressed-

These are the 'leaves'
      that are on your....

'Tree of Life'...

Keep yours"watered", everyday

r. riddle 09-25-2016
Richard Riddle Sep 2016
"Comforting", it is-
in its application"

"Calming", it is-
in its purpose"

is its message"

Whether applied to an infant babe in a crib....
or making the tears of a crying child disappear...

or, simply giving a hug to mom and dad.......

or, your children.......grandchildren.........

or, to a friend.......

Channeled thru you... from heaven..........

The "power".................of..............a *"touch"

r.riddle: 09-18-2016
*inspired by Pradip Chattopadhyay's "Distance"
Sep 2016 · 563
Thought for theDay LXIX(69)
Richard Riddle Sep 2016
The One Word that should be Stricken
                      (My Opinion)

I work for a company that has a contract with a major corporation with more than 1200 employees, which consists of  a diversified, ethnic population, none of whom I would ever consider to be a "minority."

"Minority", is a devisive word. It catagorizes, classifies, demeans, degrades,  and at its worse, creates and enhances prejudices.  If "All men(and women) are created equal", then the word "minority" should ride off into the sunset.
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