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1.2k · Nov 2015
my brighten days
i love the sun
its always fun

when its out

i have all my might
in the light
812 · Jul 2016
extended love
i extended my love
to a sunflower

u have my depart heart.

what you do
is up to you.

u can leave me feeling blue
or see me throught

to fine that im one of a kind.

my lifes path maybe be uncertain
but ateast i could be your crimson

so lets take a chance and see where things go.

life is short  
but even sader without u.

lets see how far things will go
your pretty as sliver
on a dime

your ways on fire
for that i admire

i would bring you flowers
every hour

for this i might be crazy
but your my dazzy

i  would nurse you back to heath
or bury you in my wealth

your aways kind
you  blow my mind

your my best fine
your sweeter than wine

your prefect at thowing a dart
into my heart

your last breath
would be my death
521 · Nov 2015
pushing your limits
im becomeing weak
but only of a shear

i have no fear
even when i make others tear

as i seem to fade
but not of age

i go into the light
with all my might

its a delight
Things may not be easy to get through right now
but they will get better

When it rains
it pours.

But when it's sunny
It's beautiful

No matter how hard it rains or
how much the sun shines,

your not in control.
But only you can choose

how it makes your days.
God may close a pathway

but there always another door.

he's the cure
say faithful

u have a heart of gold
behold there's better things to come.

just holded on
what hurts us makes us stronger!

-maded by richard reinhardt
feel free to send this to others who had family members past away.just keep my name on the bottom on it
437 · Jun 2016
kindly saddly blinded
your kind
but saddly blinded.

you could rewinded
we could redesigned mankind

when its sunny
i feel awesomely

but only with you.
433 · Apr 2016
to my darken heart
to my blackheart
my sweetheart.

im falling apart.

as it begans to flake
i seem less awake.

i feel dark.

my death is only of a step
of a breath!

all i need is of a spark
421 · Nov 2015
your hot like fire
your admire by me!

your one of a kind
a awsome finded!
its hard to fine a freind.
when your dreams are moveing like leaves in the wind.

there is no wilder course
such as a lonely iron horse

there's no crazyer footpath
till you feel my falling wrath.

my feelings are like water
curous this dagger of fracture.

takeout my beaten pass my broken heart
departed from the impart of my sweetheart.

you will have one of humankinds
masterminds of one!
390 · Apr 2016
raceing despite death
i drift these gravel roads
till i run into crossroads.

i pick each path
as if im a psychopath.

drifting my feelings away
till i lay to stay.

every road is like a coded.
everyday im reminded

day or night
im drifting without a fright

despite the midnight
i fly-by-night

i do me

before i crash
in a flash.

as im drifting
im hurting

there's only one way out
without a doubt

im going to strikeout
with a wipeout.

rided or die
it's going to be a carryout!
382 · Nov 2015
old persons poem
im fine
but sweet as fine wine

as i get older
i become sweeter

i have seen many years
and many tears

i have learn to overcome my fear
even when death is near

so how will you move on when my death is here?
382 · Nov 2015
my flying soul
as my life comes my near
others seem to fear

as my soul starts to fly
as im starting to die

as it becomes close
my soul starts to arose

i take my last breath
before my death

so to all the trails
i have  traveled farwell
361 · Jun 2016
Mystery Cracking Manson
i live in this wooden Manson
for that i know that will my bodys rest.

beneath this fireful death.
my death will remain a mystery

i hear no more creaks
i see no more.

as my body remains
my soul as high above.

so rest in peace my soul
till i set fire at my last.
coffee and tea
one dark one sweet

but though out the sea

i finely got my liscense
so lets go have a heart attack

or give me my crack
no lets drink coffee

but there's tea....
but the suarly sea

i got borned.figured make something crazy.
317 · Nov 2015
my love is level is unknow
im at my weakest
when your around

my weakness is at its peak
but only when your found
311 · Nov 2015
who im i?
i disspear into the night
with out a sight

im always at my peak
never weak!

i defend whats right
even to a fight!

i watch them take there last deep breath
before there death

i draw my power from the night
which gives me my might

know one is safe at night
stay off the streets so you dont see my sight!
302 · Jun 2016
Evil Me and Evil You
we bring class and brass
to this town hall of fame.

we claim this enflame wartime!
anytime its crime!

this crime spree.......
will end like are destiny.
293 · Nov 2015
my important mission
im runing these trails
everything seems to hail

i dont want to fail
if i do fair well

i run these halls of the night
without giveing a fight

i feel like i geting weak
i must try to be at my peak

i push though the pain
where there's gang

i make it to the end
where my body seems to bend

i take my last breath
before my death

my last words was within the dieing night as i make my fight
268 · Nov 2015
your the color's of the sky.
when i  see you i feel so high.

you show all your color's.
you talk to me like no other.

even when your feeing down
and feeling bowned.

i love your smile's.
everytime i see you i think wow.

i  send you flowers
every hour

i cant see how i can stand
when your around
264 · Nov 2015
my life
as i seem to age
my faint does not fade

i have seen it all
i seen others fall

just as nice as a dove
from above

i help them back up
246 · Nov 2015
winter sets in
as the rose are near
there comes the fear

that there death is near

winter has came
there fame has became lame

but only of a shear
243 · Jun 2016
A awakened
mankind is on a neadle
of the other side of realty

the truth is real
in the dazzle of the dreadful

the cheerful will always be faithful
we have seen the unreal

we are close to the end
my freind plz look up till he transcends

from heaven :]
238 · Nov 2015
the most harst winter
my hand are cold as ice
there shakeing like runing mice!

my hands are the color of the dark moon
as  it becomes dawn

as i fight the unatural
of the powefull nature

as i go into the wind
i take my last cold breath
evereyday i remember are memories

as it rains
i rain insided

you lifted me up
then left me as a dump.

you stole my heart
then left me in the dark.

i have risen
knowing now i fear nothing

my life is a kife.

the things i have seen
would change a normal person.

i push myself in life
till i become a kit

everyday is the same as the last
i masked my pain

as if its my last

— The End —