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Renard Jackson Mar 2020
Opposed inter courses with crashed images suffer
Bags brittleness stash secretly a million mumbles
Opinionated receiving-ly I'd proclamations
Laugh isf despise becclure unfamiliar faces
Gave my decency add to my atrocity
Gotta kick in my colonoscopy
Renard Jackson Mar 2020
Her I am again in a spiral-down-face fall
Looking up to expectations although it's not a good look
To be grateful another day I wake to carry on my sorrows
Is a blessing to come to an conclusion and figure it all out
In a reverse mortgage payments are not due
Obligated to keep an upholstery on my life
Hard to pick up the pieces when you broken already
Speaking out only to be heard in the ears of the readers
Either my words to be written out instead expressed in a vocal manner
Changing to another pattern or changing the voice of the verb (from active to passive or vice versa) will break the parallelism.
I have to stay focus... It's about how you look at thing not.. You know....
Renard Jackson Mar 2020
Hey I am unimpressed with, purposely just restless
Delusional making a death wish, likely for an investment
More than I expected, doubting, feeling resentment
Trust me, I'm relentless I wanna see it through
Heading in the wrong direction distracted from a thing or two
A burden is weighing ******* me, I can't stand it
Let's alone be a man and continue what I planned
With no support I can't sustain this, so confused no words I gather could explain this
Learning allot though, depression, starting within sanking like a pothole.
Don't forget your problem and own up to what you do. You are your own fault.
Renard Jackson Jan 2019
Hide the emotion
Drink and drink some more
Ignore remedy sway with the music
Laughs with intentions insert of gestures
Deployed minds think alike
Cluster in one spot refuse to be touch by another
Noises, voices, crackling flash power
Unfamiliar bystander implying good greeting
Annoyance, distraught, fatigue
Promises, lies, and sinning
Unclaritiy to yourself respectfully you request the best.
Renard Jackson Dec 2018
Sitting dazed in assumption
Out in the open position for attraction
Marking time with notes of deaeration
Following the hands that past time
Paused only to stands still
Alone in a life on stand by
You only enhanced time seeking to expect
Short days and long nights
Staying where I am cause I delay action
until something else happens........
"Should I or should I not"
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