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Renae Dec 2018
When I picture us
It is so real to me
I guess I'm in a state of mind
Of fantasy
Only better
in the kitchen baking
You walk up behind me
We tease and toss flower
And play in happy bliss
kiss and love and laugh
Like children
Carelessly playing together
Renae Dec 2018
Everything is rated
How you feel & what you say
Are you as cool as they think you should be?
Who are they?
What gives them the right to say how cool anything is anyway?
What is the definition of happy?
A hundred, a thousand like?, a million compliments?
5 stars, hundreds of hearts
Comfortable distance in the midst of it
Social connection or social death
I suppose they'll decide
It all depends on how you're rated
Just remember no one can see inside
Renae Nov 2018
He doesn't call
He doesn't try
He let go after all this time

Together they fall
Separated they fly

He thinks he's God's gift
God wouldn't make her cry

Or leave her guessing
He would dignify
No need to question
Not a doubt in sight
Renae Nov 2018
Like the thrashing sea
One moment calm
crashing the next
Rebellious as if I were 3
I won't listen to you but
You better listen to me
Stuck in my head
I'm sure that's not what I said
Yesterday I severed ties with my cut throat tongue
I didn't mean it I promise
I was just being stubborn
That's the way I learned to be
Stubborn me
Renae Nov 2018
If forever was here
I couldn't count
memories nor tears
All the nights
You were on my mind
even then it wouldn't equal the sum
My thoughts roll into one
Replaying in melodies
Dreams in a daze
You seemed so real
Holding me so dear
Whispering I was everything
Imagining tortures me
A love I won't receive
Over and over I can see
A million and one times
Renae Nov 2018
Engulfing me
Wrapped around my heart
Thick darkness of desire
I could not help but falter
Blind love a disease
Buries me in quicksand
Becoming one with the silence
I give up the struggle
Before my breath escapes
Renae Aug 2018
I believe in my heart
I believe in free will
In forgiveness & mercy
faith & conscience still
I believe love conquers
Above all
I believe a lot
Is bound to fall
Many will fail into thin air
Like the chaff, will disappear
I believe in what's written
Centuries in advance
Holding  prophetic value
Giving humans a chance
I believe that Jehovah
Cannot lie
I believe in what's true
Over what is a lie
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