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Renae Oct 2017
He was set in his ways
knew just who
& what he wanted

He wanted her, but
she wasn't quite sure
So she stuck around
for the fun
A few months in she
Started to fall

Well that's the way
Love begins after all..

The chase

After a while he
let her grow on him
even though inside
He swore he would be
The bachelor debonair
Everyone knew him to be

Til the day he die
Come what may
He'd never be tied down
Or made to stay

She wanted love
she needed it
She saw he also wanted
More than this

So they fell in love
Shut the rest out

Turn the page
8 years down the line
two more added
to the family tree
the first 2 years
were wonderful
Her dream come true
The next 8
We're all downhill

The hardest times came
Their love
so frail
She couldn't fight
She couldn't keep it together
She wasn't strong enough
I guess it wasn't forever

Through the years
She died a thousand deaths
There was nothing left
Her heart turned to stone
Joy left her eyes
She quickly learned
She was always all alone

He had already moved on
before they ever were apart
Without a second thought
He had found new life
He had broke her heart
Renae Oct 2017
Do not dig please
Leave it
burried deep
Layers upon layers
scars so thick
Creating a wall
Guarranteed to hide
Comfortably numb
it's alright
Love is here
Where loyalty is mine
even though outside
It may seem I'm
Renae Oct 2017
Sometimes I think running away
Sounds like a dream come true

Minds thickly clouded with memories feel unworthy
Asking silly things
Falling on unlistening ears
just ready
To spill it back
out through other holes
in other spaces
in unwanted ways

No it's better mute
It's safe that way
Nobody hurt
Nobody blamed

Nobody hears the screaming...

But if they did anyway I would only want to run again

As if anyone could change
The elephant in the room
makes it my elephant
And I guess
That's comfort enough

So I'll keep it to myself
Renae Oct 2017
surrounded by
The ones
Who know you
Who believe in
For me
All the opposite
Is true
Renae Oct 2017
Nothing gained nothing lost
Guess it wasn't what I thought
Should I be surprised at all?
Truth is I'm just not
Not shocked
Shock value seems to be all you got
Enough with the whole facade
I'm done with the have nots
Spinning by
Like after thoughts
Wishing you knew what I got
Renae Sep 2017
Too many hearts have been...

Like pieces of a puzzle scattered
To the wind
Too many shattered
It's a mad disaster
feelings ripped to shreds
left in tatters....
Too many times
families nearly erased
Once beautiful memories

Swept away in a wave

Or burnt to the ground

What used to be alive
lays desolate now
like a pile of ashes
in a giant mound...

Too many hearts have been
Renae Aug 2017
An award
Graduating with honors
A steady salaried income
A title
COO of the company
The biggest, luxuriest condo
A prestigious position
All definitions
Societies perception
If you ask me
I'd disagree
To me it's about progression
How's your homelife?
Stress level?
Are you comfortable in your skin?
How's your confidence?
Didn't anyone tell you?
Happiness comes from within.
Success is you
Your story, your strengths
Your talents, your family, your friends
If I ask you, would you be proud of who you are?
Titles and money
mean nothing in the end.
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