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Renae May 2017
I peered inside
For just a few moments
To see if I could find any depth

I found wisdom was non-existent
No truth resides, it's inept
all that remains

A small tickle of comfort
In empty headedness
Renae May 2017
Sometimes I think I want to write a book about my dog. All the strange and quirky things he does. How he loves to sniff the backs of my legs after I've had a hard long workout at the gym or how when I snap my fingers he runs into his hotel of a crate, so good, so obediently. I always give him a treat for that. So I lock the door behind me only when I reach the car I remember something, like I left my coffee on the counter... so its back inside I go, only to find my dog Romeo... barking and crying at me like I've been gone and left him for days.  Oh my simply complex little mini poodle, cut like a lion, my darling doggie. A personality larger than life and a bark like a bear with no teeth. ♡♡♡
Renae May 2017
Able to see everything
To act anywhere
(Proverbs 15:3; Hebrews 4:13)
A spirit person.
(John 4:24)
Invisible to you and me.
(John 1:18)
Visions recorded consistently
(Isaiah 6:1, 2; Revelation 4:2, 3, 8)

The spirit realm,
distinct from physical creation
A “dwelling place in the heavens.”
(1 Kings 8:30)
The Bible mentions an occasion
when spirit creatures
“entered to take their station”
God resides at a specific location.
—Job 1:6.

If God is not omnipresent, can he really care for me?

Yes. God cares deeply
—Psalm 34:18.
—Psalm 32:8.

Stars and other creative works
“declare the glory of God.”
(Psalm 19:1)
Telling us of
his power, wisdom, and love
Renae May 2017
Would you like to know the secret?
I have a secret to tell
It so simply makes sense yet
So many just haven't got a clue
On how to be happy
In this old world
First things first
Here's what you must do
Be the very best you
you've ever dreamed of
Treat everyone you meet
How you would treat yourself
Find the beauty in everything all around
Walk away from negatives or
Let the positive abound
Always remember love
Number one and always first
God's kingdom
that thought alone brings happiness
So be grateful for the undeserved gift
knowledge of the ransom
God's son
Learn the truth and spread it like fire
Let other know the exciting good news!
Jesus rides and is the answer
He has conquered this world!
Reversing the effects of sin
Equals true happiness
King of Kings!
Prince of peace!
Making all things new
Bringing love eternally
Nothing else comes close to this
Renae May 2017
Call em what you will
Nights by the fire
Underneath a blanket of stars
A circle of chairs
Sounds of song in the air
flickering fire lit smiles
Salt & sand in the distance
Ocean tides roll in
Take me back
to carefree
lightweight, good times
Renae May 2017
Desperate times call
for desperate measures
At least that's how the saying goes
Or something like
You never know what you can do
until you have nothing left
There's a few more like that
Something about **strength

being the only option
Or being your own best friend
loving yourself first
Understanding and forgiving
younger less wise years
Oh yes and understanding
those desperate tears
And realizing
You're not as desperate as (they)you
Nope, your far stronger than desperate
You've weathered so many storms
You look back and know
No matter what you go through
You can endure it
Rise up my dear
you are so strong
You're quite the opposite of desperate
Note to self
Renae May 2017
"Be assertive"
I heard back in my teens
I thought to myself
"What does that even mean?"
Assertive like aggressive
Not exactly my idea of class
Assertive like action
Take action like *"step ahead"

Yes that's more the idea
I have in my head
Assertive like "make things happen"
Like "the moment is now"
How will anything be what we want
If we don't know how?
So we assert our imagination
Creativity in peace
Assert persuasion
Messages with ease
If that is the case
Then I will agree
To be assertive then
Is to live out your dreams
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