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Renae Jan 2017
Who is the ancient of days
From before time
He made the giant sea swim with monsters
He caused the sun and moon to shine

Can you tell me?

I am searching because I know Him
From a book He wrote, that speaks
of science before scientists!
An incredible book that speaks of future events!

A book that is alive & sharper
than any two edged sword
This is a book
that tells of honest reward

A guide I use that helps me live
A clean life free of guilt and shame
The only book that's ever been accurate

Jehovah is the author's name
He is God Almighty
I search for Him through Jesus name
And somehow I know He finds me
Renae Jan 2017
I don't care about the ones
Who steal and take
I don't care about those
Who cause others pain

They **** the life out of happiness
Don't want to be part of that plan
They **** families and love and kindness
And fill the world with only bad

I hate those who love violence
Who twist words and make them wrong
I hate those who hurt innocence
For selfish power is all they long

Their hate is for what is good
Making it bitter
Taking what is right
Trying to make it wrong

I hate the darkness of this world
It is nothing to me
Nothing but a blackness
That is about to be gone
Renae Jan 2017
If I had a peacock list
Of Narcissists
As far as it could go
At the very end
A line would read
*Choose one to be your beau
Renae Dec 2016
I miss you, you know
Time lingers for no one
Strength subsides
Flesh is weak
Hands searching
for something sweet
Just for a moment
Until you fill up
My empty spaces
Renae Dec 2016
It isn't impossible for me
To shut it down
To be alone completely

Even in this crowded sea
I could die that way eventually
Only tears slide silently
Down my chin from rosey cheeks

You easily show me what would never be
You give me glimpses just to tease
So maybe I think I should die lonely
And no, it wouldn't bother me
Renae Dec 2016
Try as you may

One simply cannot wish

into existence

Something as wonderful

Something as simply divine

Filling every empty space

With ultimate excitement

Something as beautiful as

Something so pure

So true

Something that makes sense

Of everything

That something called

Renae Nov 2016
Explain you say?
I can't

It's too complicated
A human inclination
So desperate
So insecure

When suddenly
Like a storm
A gust of reality
Stirs up your home!
Members confused
Tossed like salad
Thrown away
Like the trash

Head's a mess
Heart's in distress
Heal from this?
It's too complex

He moved on so fast....
Who could blame him?

In my shoes
you would have
done the same

So who's to blame?

It ain't no thang
8 years pass
As if it didn't exist

Starting over
Laughs at me
As if I could forget

I can push it back
I can, It's just....
Like a heart attack

What can I say
I still feel the same

Complicated at best
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