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 Mar 2013 Ren Martin
I remember the warmth
of so many suns.
I remember the taste
of red berries sweet.
I remember your arms,
like anchors in a sea
of storm-tossed sheets.

I remember spinning barefoot
on wild, summer grass.
I remember swinging high
into honeysuckle skies.
I remember the song
of simple, starlight nights
and the crescendo
of our *laughter.
 Mar 2013 Ren Martin
like paint
underneath my fingernails
that charcoal
which looks like

[I've washed my hands a

and still you linger.

like oil
never dries on skin
it smears
and smears
and smears and is
blended in

you linger.

that oil that won't leave my brush
it dries
crust over night
[a weekend]
you linger and

I can't paint anymore.
 Mar 2013 Ren Martin
Nick Burns
I can see in your eyes
what your mouth really means.
I'm focused and sure
and I don't feel a thing.

As my patience was worn,
with my heart on my sleeve,
you got me right at my throat
on the edge of your seat.

I can't run at this pace.
I don't move steadily.
My erratic behavior
may be the end of me.

So, save it.
Save it.
Save it, please.

Save it.
Save it.
Save it for me.

There's a line that we cross
when our eyes can not see
the differences lost
between you and me.

Where the vision was shared
with willingness to please,
there opened a hole
and the void swallowed me.

I can't keep up this time.
I shouldn't give up on me.
But, you gave me the chance;
let's destroy everything.

So, save it.
Save it.
Save it, please.

Save it.
Save it.
Save it for me.
you couldn't be less complicated
your love couldn't be more pure
nothing about you could be distilled

in you is the very essence of
     unconditional love
        unquestioning loyalty
           boundless joy
              instinctual compassion
                infectious enthusiasm

years of life and love shared
you wanted to be with me at my least loveable
you changed my heart

goodbye, good boy, I love you.
Yes, it's about a dog. After 2 years of abuse and neglect and some time served in a shelter, he had 15 good years with our family. Amazingly, he never ceased to show gratitude, as if being in our family was the greatest privilege he could have. It was ours.
 Mar 2013 Ren Martin
Chris Thomas
For the drone that flies
quickest, fastest, straight and true,
the queen bee cares not
 Mar 2013 Ren Martin
Chris Thomas
Thats right, I took it!
Take it back if you want to,
I'll wait as you try.
I like to laugh, just like you.
It's what makes me happy.
But when I see your inner shrew
It hits me where it hurts.

A comedy is meant for laughter.
Tragedy is for the sad.
But what happens when they switch places?
Do things get better or stay bad?

I read a book that made me laugh.
The ending was one of romance.
I want to cry because it's fact.
To have that ending, I have no chance.

And so laughter cures us all.
But when comedy makes you feel sad,
It's best to try to shrug it off.
Because thinking only makes you mad.
 Mar 2013 Ren Martin
In this mountaining valley we are one
So let us watch this birthing sun
It starts small but enthusiastic
It grows and consumes.

We feed it daily and admire its growth
How are you today my flower? we ask
I'm fukken great
          is its response

It grows more on some days
And it barely eats on others
Sometimes we don't feed it, our lives too busy
But our sun is always shining.

The beauty of it has caught attention
Our smiles known when we feed it
         those around us smile too
With this writing I prepare a meal,
         our love burns all the brighter.

— The End —