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I'm a rocker
I'm a talker
I'm a walk the walker

I'm a gamer
I'm a player
I'm a rule breaker

I'm a smile faker
I'm a mover and
I'm a shaker

I'm a questioner
I'm a challenger
I'm a game changer

I'm a grain of sand
I'm a past summer of tan
I'm a small helping hand

I'm a shower grammy winner
I'm a everyday sinner
I'm a life beginner

I'm a needer
I'm a pleader
I'm a leader

I'm a living room pj dancer
I'm a wiki search answer
I'm a hallway happy prancer

I am free
I am she
**I am me
Golden pulse grew on the shore,
Ferns along the hill,
And the red cliff roses bore
Bees to drink their fill;

Bees that from the meadows bring
Wine of melilot,
Honey-sups on golden wing
To the garden grot.

But to me, neglected flower,
Phaon will not see,
Passion brings no crowning hour,
Honey nor the bee.
 Mar 2013 Ren Martin
K Beau
At what height is appropriate
To strain, sift
I must be doing this wrong

You are beautiful
But you are
For show

I dreamt of temptation
A storm

You are

I dreamt so vivid
When I woke up you weren't there
I was still
I am alone with you.
A fire burns in the distance,
It lights our faces
As before in the empty cinema,
Where we arrived, at some beginning,
To watch a foreign film. Our eyes,
In new utterance, murmuring subtitles,  
What words could never speak,
The tips of seats, rows of air
And the moony screen,
A tableau of feathers and cloud,
Two of us, alone, as one,
Rapt in the spread of wings.

Later, alone we dine in the Café  
Campagne. Our conversation  
Deafens a burgeoning crowd,
Coffee was nectar, our words  
Were whispering petals.
Dearest Blodeuwedd, I saw the sweetest  
Sorrow on your face, the green ocean
In your eyes, I was cleansed  
By your tears.  I have always
Known you.

Across the border on the far island,
You stepped into the waters with me
And when you disrobed you lit the stars
And the stars and my eyes kissed your skin,
Your slender legs, columns, tilting
Toward heaven, in the age of Helen,
Touched the water and the sky,
I saw the milky way that night.

Síneánn, I am your Pablo,
We are two white birds sailing
Over the foam of the sea.
Solvent to my stone, you are the hinge
To my casement world.  Rain petal
Voice, lithe, alabaster woman,
I am lost in your Sargasso eyes,
I hold your skin, my Selkie,
Sweet Niamh, I have lived  
One hundred years this week.

It is warm in the distance,
In the country of the sun,
We end at the house in Umbria,
In the autumn, there is no word
Siberia, my light Rosaleen.
Now is harvest time.  
At the great table we feast  
With family and friends  
And I am not alone with you.
Blodeuwedd is the Welsh Goddess of spring created from flowers.  In the late Christianized myth, She was created by the great magicians Math and Gwydion to be Lleu's mate, in response to a curse pronounced by his mother that he would never have a wife from any race then on the Earth. They fashioned Blodeuwedd from flowers and breathed life into Her.  In Welsh, blodeuwedd, meaning "Flower-face", is a name for the owl.

She represents temporary beauty and the bright blooming that must come full circle through death: She is the promise of autumn visible in spring.

Pronunciation: bluh DIE weth ("th" as in "weather")  Alternate spellings: Blodeuedd, Blodewedd.

Selkies (also known as silkies or selchies) are mythological creatures found in Faroese,Icelandic, Irish, and Scottish folklore. The word derives from earlier Scots selich, (from Old English seolh meaning seal). Selkies are said to live as seals in the sea but shed their skin to become human on land. The legend apparently originated on the Orkney and Shetland Islands and is very similar to those of swan maidens.
King of the jungle, tall and proud.
My luxurious mane, soft and sound.
Warrior preparing for battle.
Hear my roar, mighty and loud.

Mediocrity, chains of mindless cattle.
Better to die than follow the crowd.
I stand ready; they dumbfound.
Blink of an eye, their world crumbles.

Flight of the lone to the Alone
Watch me as I stand my ground.
 Mar 2013 Ren Martin
Jon Welch
We welcome the girl,
alone it would seem,
like a seed in the updraught,
whole worlds lie beneath.

Here is the girl,
A mind pregnant with dreams,
as she crosses the bridges,
connecting the streams.

There lands a girl,
ghouls taunt, ghouls tease,
"let go of this love, girl,
be rid of these dreams."

Come see the girl,
speaking tounges through machines,
white draped over candy,
embracing the terminal dream.

Heres lies the girl,
most wouldn't believe,
the ghouls taunts a mere whisper now,
dream easy, love freely... my sweet.
 Mar 2013 Ren Martin
Anon C
The Earth cried that day
the day her mother fell to slumber
ne'er again to wake
one resounding crash, boughs intertwined in perfect array
her colors fading, losing their deep hues of umber
the world over shuddered with such a quake
for the fairies had forgotten their way

*Dance for the trees and not the tithes
thus fell our Mother
The Tree of Life
 Mar 2013 Ren Martin
Jake Warne
Some glad morning when I die,
I know you'll be right by my side
we've been through Heaven, been through Hell
you'll tell the stories you love so well

But when it rained it poured
and tell me, what were we fighting for?
If innocence and ignorance were both one in the same
we should have been okay

When shadows of this life have gone
I won't be here to sing my song
but you'll still hear me in your dreams
I might sound tired, but at least I'm free

When it rained it poured
and tell me, what we're we living for?
If innocence and ignorance were both one in the same
we would have been okay

I know that love takes compromise
and I know there's truth behind most lies
but I've seen people turn their eyes
from things they need to see

I may be young, but not sixteen
I've seen how cruel life can be
and I've seen strangers on their knees
praying that their souls are free

When it rains it pours
and tell me, what are we dying for?
if innocence and ignorance are both one in the same
we should have been okay

When it rains it pours
and tell me, what are we dying for?
If anything goes left unsaid, I'll take it to the grave
because it doesn't mean a thing.
A song I recently wrote; an inner discussion about love, pain, and the meaning in both. Hear the song itself here...
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