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Foreigners are people somewhere else,
Natives are people at home;
If the place you’re at
Is your habitat,
You’re a foreigner, say in Rome.
But the scales of Justice balance true,
And *** leads into tat,
So the man who’s at home
When he stays in Rome
Is abroad when he’s where you’re at.

When we leave the limits of the land in which
Our birth certificates sat us,
It does not mean
Just a change of scene,
But also a change of status.
The Frenchman with his fetching beard,
The Scot with his kilt and sporran,
One moment he
May a native be,
And the next may find him foreign.

There’s many a difference quickly found
Between the different races,
But the only essential
Is living different places.
Yet such is the pride of prideful man,
From Austrians to Australians,
That wherever he is,
He regards as his,
And the natives there, as aliens.

Oh, I’ll be friends if you’ll be friends,
The foreigner tells the native,
And we’ll work together for our common ends
Like a preposition and a dative.
If our common ends seem mostly mine,
Why not, you ignorant foreigner?
And the native replies
And hence, my dears, the coroner.

So mind your manners when a native, please,
And doubly when you visit
And between us all
A rapport may fall
Ecstatically exquisite.
One simple thought, if you have it pat,
Will eliminate the coroner:
You may be a native in your habitat,
But to foreigners you’re just a foreigner.
To transform

I stare at the wild-eyed man in the mirror
his hair flops forward in defeat,
tired of the effort
tired of its mistaken identity

The clippers feel warm in my hand
my thoumb snaps the switch into place
and I feel the buzz run through me

I want this
to watch the locks fall
to stop being seen
as a vampire
and start to be seen as a person

Regarding the Buzz-cut**
I almost wish you had gone through with it.
Shaved your head,
removed the distracting locks.

Then maybe those who only saw
a figment of their imagination
would look past you

and I
who see your flaws
and victories
and bald beauty
could have you to myself
If you tore the mask from my face
The only thing you'll find
Is another mask
I'm never going to be the person
Everybody wants me to be
I'll never have the perfection
Society deems desirable
I'm just the kid trying to make a name for himself
Even if it's temporarily written in the sands
Of the most gorgeous of beaches
 Jul 2013 Remus Cynclair
For the sake of you and I,
I will forget and forgive.

For the sake of your health and mine,
I will hide my knives and my cancer sticks.

For the sake of our pain,
I’ll move to the sideline while you’re free like a bird.

For the sake of your happiness,
I’ll be six feet beneath the ground.
There are times when they croon
a little too loud and a little too soon
Like the rusty strings of a widowed piano
that prefers to be out of tune
There are times when they speak,
spilling compassion in a timbre too reedy
Through porous tongues and lacerated gums
that have since forgotten how to believe
There are times when they remind,
a handwritten exegesis of why leaves rot before they descend
Rubbing pencil and tablet together–
one made of flint
The other, of obsidian
I see them touching you
i pretend not to care
but im wishing i could too
this really isnt any fair

they look so happy to be so close
but my anger is getting out of hand
im starting to see them all as foes
even the ones who are my friends

my jealousy is driving me crazy
i cant hold back anymore
no one is around but its getting so noisy
and my heart is starting to feel sore
skin like

the same

subtly sweet
spiced with
the morning's cigarette

i recall it
more than i should
for my
own good

i am there again
toe to toe
skin to skin
******* it in

giving your Co2
a toxic ride
in my blood

watching your lips
to take
a big
in spite of themselves
Odysseus never understood why the gods were so intrigued by him. He was only one man in the folds of time, but there was something in him that glowed. He burned through the eyes, made them remember. Still, he prayed, they gave him storms and seductive ocean lyres to hold him down. They only wanted him to understand what he had in his center. But he was lost long before.

Twisting and turning
in your ship
fate won’t let you go
Written after finishing The Odyssey.
 Jul 2013 Remus Cynclair
When the faucet breaks
And the head is in the whirls
Your eyes are red from the cold
Slices of orange and pearls

Not in this am I holy
Nor in the street outside the window
Where thought is fast
And people many
No one has time for each other

Can I see through the walls of it?
Are they glass?
Am I here?
Is there simply not enough time for any of it?

How sorrowful a burden
To be plagued
With the need of proof of
A good, long life.

How short we come to where
We think we should be and
Where we actually
End Up

The cream is in the bottom of
The cup masked in sugar, in
Hard pressed facts as is the
News of the world that spins
Like an echo within a cave

Vaguely decipherable but still
A mystery still

Has the feeling ever hit
When you see yourself in the
And see who you really are?

The one you should be

Can be

Want to be

And the only act that disturbs
This moment
Is a footstep out of yourself

The magic in the world is
Cloaked in the infinity of
Sunlight shining on streets that
Were once dirt and dirt that was
Once covered in snow flaked grass

Soon to recover if we
Should ever choose
To abandon this place
For something better

Though talking through
These facets of formulaic
Fantasy make for dull Spring afternoons
Make for strolls through the questioning phase
Allows the mind to drift and wander when
Life itself is to drab to engage in

Silence with noise

Repetition without monotony

Heart break with heart

Tears without sobs

Death with life and life
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