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 Jul 2015 Rebecca Kohlmeyer
It was late-
The type of late that makes you forget everything
And make you feel anything.
When everything swirls around you
And truths invade.

The truth I came to realize?
I truly love you.
You are worth it all.
Tired of singing the blues
By lana del rey
Did you see the moths dancing?
Getting too close to the flame
See them as they burn and fall
Attracted by the bright light
Until the heat clipped their wings

That is like the life we have to lead
Always tempted by the prettiest things
To never understand the danger
Until the time becomes way too late
Finding ourselves falling into obscurity

This is the power of a blood run sun
Admiring the beauty as it shines
But gaze too long and you lose your sight
Then the beauty shall long be lost
So like the poor moth, you will fall
Copyright © Chris Smith 2009

— The End —