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 Jun 2013 Rebecca Jean
Waiting is such an
thing to do
But I'll wait for an eternity
if I'm waiting
on you
Striving to be a good being
I care too much
But when I care to little
That's when you love me,
I do so much for you
Yet nothing comes back
You're poison
But danger has always called my name
I crave your fumes
The high,
The rush,
All because of
I've let go of many

But why do I still give you my all?
 Jun 2013 Rebecca Jean
Kitty Prr
My lover is silent.
But oh those sweet sentences that fill my mind.
The words he never spoke,
That fill his mouth from inside me.

My lover is no longer.
He touched me and left me,
As lovers do.
And now all I have are the strings I pull
On the lover in my mind.

Hello Lover, I remember you.
I remember every part of you.
I hold you, you won't get away that easy.
You are mine now.

You can control your silence.
You can't silence my mind.
I can't silence my mind,
It's my solace and my torment.

Goodnight Lover,
I will see you again in the morning,
Whether I want to or not.
Whether you want me to or not.

There you are.
 Jun 2013 Rebecca Jean
 Jun 2013 Rebecca Jean
If reality is better than our dreams;
then why is it so easy for you to fall asleep
and for me to stay awake?
Your blue eyes..
they still overpower me.
I try and look away,
I try and forget..
But you, you haunt me.
A moment in time..
frozen with every beat of whats left of my heart.
My life crumbles underneath me as the world flys by;
I sit alone in the darkness not wanting the light to come in.
Floating in a world of spiteful words and untold memories.
Everything seems to disappear with every breath I inhale.
Hours, I sit in my room, reliving each bad situation in my life.
I scream and no one can hear me,
only because its from the inside.
Seclusion and regret are things I think I am supposed to feel.
Ignored by my thoughts,
I'm spinning in an utter world of confusion as moving pictures race through my head,
they have no meaning
Biting my lip I shamefully look at my feet,
studying the floor in front of me.
Headphones blaring,
eyes stinging my salty tears collect into a pool resting on my pillow.
I try to shower it all away
with tears instead of raindrops.
I'm not closing my eyes tonight,
for I know those blue eyes will do it all over again.
this was also written several years ago
 Jun 2013 Rebecca Jean
She sits.
In the corner.
As she read through the love letters.
She never did.
Keeping them. She did regret.
        Not telling him.
That he was.
        More than perfect.
In her eyes, and he was truly.
        Worth It.
 Jun 2013 Rebecca Jean
                 Maybe he was a little.
                 That someone would find his.
                 While he was.
                 When he was actually.
                  And inside, he was more than.
Our souls are entwined

our dreams, one mind

to others, were blind

our love, the lasting kind
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