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 Aug 2013 realitywreckage
Insecurities are out to play.

They break me to an extent.

drives me to the edge most days,
it's not something that I can't figure out,
just leaves me speechless.

the amount of doubt,
in my head and heart,
my blood veins feel like,
they're going to,
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Aug 2013 realitywreckage
Overthinking drains me
Makes me lose my mind
Can't talk to friends or family
Because I'd feel unkind
My head is dizzy
From all these thoughts
Makes me all crazy
Drowning in forbidden tears
Overthinking is deadly
It makes a heart bleed
From all the pressure
From all the stress
Makes me want to heal
But I can't so I write
To cope with all this
Because it *****
To hide all this pain
So I show fake smiles
To hide the hurt again
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Aug 2013 realitywreckage
temporary feeling of blue
numbness as I think of you
different feelings all at once
wondering if I should take a chance
to talk to you but I'm scared to
in case you hate me
kinda like how I hated
loving you

best and worst girl
I ever met or knew
I hate the fact
I ever found you
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Aug 2013 realitywreckage
You know, for a girl with
Such a wild imagination,
She argues with
Logic, far too often.

She's pretty pessimistic
For a girl with sunshine eyes
The darkness makes her tick
And a soul that's full of lies

Sometimes she gets so morbid
I scare my friends away
She's fascinated by blood
I like it better that way

An enigma in her randomness
She is a song that holds no words
Staring down life's rabbit holes
Both the blessing and the curse

Time is always standing still
The sunshine never lasts
She dances to her own drum
Waiting for the one who understands

The voices that softly whisper
From the outside in, to the inside out
Putting reason out of mind
Adding an inkling of doubt

The boy who sees her light
And can hear her dancing beat
As they explore the darkness
Fighting voices of deceit
At the rate we're going, Mike Hauser and I could write our own poetry book ;) check out his work! He's a fantastic poet.
I'm tired of breathing the same air as you.
This energy contaminates my vibe.

I'm tired of speaking to a ghost.
Your presence is invisible.

I'm tired of wearing masks to hide myself.
I'm ashamed of my unseen scars.

I'm tired of being alone in my darkness.
I can't converse with humans.

I'm tired of walking for nothing.
My bones became too weak.

I lost you because of my mistakes.
I lost me because I tried to change.
You lost me because I'm not the same.
We lost us because we were too tortured.
I woke up this morning;
hesitant in which mask i should wear today;
looking at the long row of knock-off characters,
i thought maybe i should make yet another fake persona
One for the record books
One in which everyone would want to wear
To paint this mask i would use everyone's same ideas.
At this place- there are a lot of same painted masks.  
It seems everyone is taking something from someone,
Not stealing- but pilfering through the closet-full of masks
Those thieves don't know what's coming

— The End —