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Mar 2014 · 943
Stepping Stone
The stepping stones of life are not beneath our feet.
But held in our hearts and minds.
Feb 2014 · 597
Be Bold
I step onto this path of broken glass and broken dreams.
Only to show the way for others.
The crackling cold words of utter failure at my back.
Leaving marks like a slave's disobedient back.
The cracks and pain push my every stride.
The laughter and sounds of defeat are milk to my bones.
This broken world will not cement me to its unchanging ways.
Aug 2012 · 529
Machine of Life
Pressing GO,
will make it move.
Pushing STOP,
will make it pause.
Pressing AT WAR,
will make it swing.
Pushing PEACE,
will make it negotiate.

But make it LOVE,
it will ****.
Aug 2012 · 1.1k
Stand Still
We want to be seen
We want to be heard
We want the world to see our dreams.

Take a step back
Observe the land
Take a step back
Observe the people

Break away from the world.
Swallow your fear, walk into the fog
As it engulfs you, don't run.
Let the fear settle in, then escape.
Jul 2012 · 590
Dance of Spirits
I extend my hand toward you.
The first few notes of the song begins.
You repeat the action.
I take hold of your hand,
Spin you towards me and the middle of it all.
Your eyes gleaming.
Your dress sparkling in the moonlight.
Your hair moving with grace through the wind.

Our eyes yet to unlock.
We begin our dance.
We entangle, we untangle.
We twist, we straighten.
We live.

Our legs become blurs in the night.
I, the moon setting the motions.
You, the ocean setting the rhythm and pace.
The music seems to fade all around us.
People stop dancing to watch.

The world was watching this gracefully dance.
Yin and Yang split between us.
Water and fire,
Co-existing together in motions.
The music slowly bled back in.

I pull you towards me one last time.
The moon shining the way
As you come.
Our exhausted bodies,
breathe in rhythm.
Our dance was done.
Nov 2011 · 972
Life at a stand still,
People gazing through broken eyes.
As the world hasten its pace.

But do not fear,
All that is safe is dear.

Exposing itself with daunting demeaner.
Do not forget the goal.
Do not lose your self control.

We stand together,
Hand in hand.
My first poem in MONTHS
May 2011 · 608
As I...
As I sit
To the right, I see a flaming ball continue its journey.
To the left, I see the darkness ready to put us to sleep.
In front, I see humans going about their lives.
From behind, I hear the call.

As I walk.
To the right, I see contraptions with wheels buzz on by.
To the left, I structures of behemoth size.
In front, I see my love with open hands.
From behind, I hear my lover's man.
Mar 2011 · 833
I'm Stricken with Sadness
I'm Sad.
Why I'm I sad?
I don't know why, I guess.
Or I'm I falling behind my facade of lies?
Is it because I feel used by family and friends?
Where my ideas and opinion are cascaded to the depths of hell?
Everyone says my heart gold and pure.
Yet they walk all over me.
The urge to yell and scream anger,
bellows within me.
Then Guilt.
Yes the ever persistent Guilt, empowers the facade.
Perhaps its the death of 8 true friends in 3 years?
Maybe the fact I haven't seen best friends in months?
Perhaps never again seeing my Grandmother,
The woman that knew me best.
I know what I must do an yet,
I stride away from it with fear.
This facade I hide behind,
eats at my soul every minute.
I am sad because the thought of closing my eyes forever,
Was joyous.
I am sad because I don't stand up for myself.
I am sad because I have yet to follow my dreams, and
to make my own waves in life.
I am sad because the world has indulged itself in violence.
Mainly, I'm sad because I have yet to do anything about my sadness.
I'm lost, confused, and scared.
Mar 2011 · 542
Lonely Thoughts
Standing on the porch,
Hand in hand.
We looked out onto the World.
Realizing how much time is left.
Her touch began to feel distance.
Her eyes gazed from afar.
Her body drifted from me.
Her kiss felt icy.
Her smile.
Ah her smile,
How could I forget?
I guess that too has deserted me.
I miss her, why is death so cruel? :(
Feb 2011 · 749
Poetic State of Mind (PSoM)
The fine link of mind to pen.
As words form onto the page,
Spilling from every corners of your brain.
The moment pen touches paper,
You enter a twisted dimension.
Heavenly, and
Cheerful dimensions.

Words that collect themselves on pages,
Sometimes sending bone chilling messages to readers.
Even nice warm fussing feelings.
It moves people to great lengths.
To achieve things that are far from their minds.
It tears down walls of hatred,
And sends out waves of joy.

This art; Poetry.
Has withstood the test of time.
And will not hinder the slightest.
It is my Bible.
My Juliet.
My comfort on those dog days.
My second life line.

Is a state of mind,
That overwhelms even the strongest of wills.
You are the conductor of this orchestra of words.
Let your poetic symphony be heard.
Let it ripple through the hearts and minds.
Let it be the moon that sways the waters and the ill willed.

I will run through that grass filled dimension,
As the sun shines on to my face.
I will become the forger of sentences.
I will conduct the greatest classical score of words.
I will be eternally bound to this state of mind.
PSoM&AS; (will write the AS part sometime soon :D) is a small group that me and my friend started in college. Hopefully someday it will grow big, but right now I'm happy with what we do :) The last stanza is kinda our "pledge" to the group lol.
Feb 2011 · 839
Staring From Outside
Sitting in my favorite chair.
Sipping my honey filled tea,
Like an elegant glass of wine.
My unbalanced chair teetering,
Back and forth.
Giving an illusion of an old man,
Rocking back and forth.
A day of work; sweat and blood,
Was finally drifting away.
Relaxation was advent.

I decide to check the news.
Changing it from my beloved show; Cowboy Bebop.
What was being depicted,
Widen my eyes.
Not in horror or sadness.
But in surprise and shock.

I have been secretly follow this story.
To see it in video.
To see the actions taken.
To see the great land of pharoahs in revolution.
Bedazzled me.

Still sipping on my honey filled tea.
All I could do was to hope.
Hope these actions for change,
Do not be forgotten.
Hope that civil war doesn't ensue.
Too many have died already for the cause.

Of course hoping isn't much,
Physically I can only stare.
Stare as I sip on my elegant honey filled tea.
Just staring from the outside is all I can muster.
Feb 2011 · 717
Land of Solace
I seek the land of Solace.
Where the sea is blue, like my love's eyes.
It relaxes when boats sail.
Where trees are left to be.
So they product the necessity we indulge in.
And stand tall like guardians.
Where flowers conjure up a choir,
To greet the orange flaming ball that appears.
Where birds unsheathe their wings without fear.
Soaring freely as intended to.
Where blue skies dominate the land.
Clouds bring rain only to renew the land.
Where people of all kinds,
Laugh, dance, love, and enjoy life.
Where music reins supreme.

This is where I flee to.
This is where fate takes me.
I ask you my love.
Join me and forever,
Forget your woes.
Where I wish to be :)
Feb 2011 · 650
Reins and Strings
Reins grasp me unannounced,
It pulls relentless at my body and soul.
Insanity revealed itself.
Trapped in mind, ready to explode.
Like a placed grenade, thought to be a dud.

Cascading myself back to the hellhole called Earth.
The strings of sanity,
Were hanging from its one remaining thread.
Where did I go astray?
This abyss of gray and white.
Of abstract colors, has become my home.
The Stranger was still dazed and confused.
Yet he managed to shake off the feelings.
"May we have the palaver thee seeks?" He said without parting his lips.
"Aye I will speak, thee will hear."
The Stranger nods, and relaxes within the mud cage.

The palaver lasted from mid day to sunset.
Finally, the Stranger was able to ask questions.

"Why does Death want Hate destroyed?" Was his first question.
"Just because I don the name Death, one should not assume my alignment is evil.
Death should not come at the expense of hate.
You humans swing hate around like a sword.
That is why me and Life caged him here so he can wither in silence."

"Why not **** him yourself?" Was the second question.
"I did not create him nor did our father Essence, humans did.
Hate is the humans doing."
"That will be all."
"Good, a piece of advice Stranger.
Sorrow and Resentment will doom you."

The mud erodes away, at Deaths command.
Death disperses into the air.
The Stranger gathers himself, and continues onward.
The advice played within his mind as he walked.
His mind filed the advice away.
He needed to reach the Door, nothing else mattered.
The Figure gained speed.
The Beaten Path continued to shallow him.
The Stranger did not know which would **** him first.
He relaxed, and accepted his fate.
Mud encompassed his head, the Figure was inches away.

Life gave way from his body.
His head went limp, he fainted.
The Figure stopped the mud, and sighed.
The Stranger awoke, as the sun shined on him from the east.
This Figure did not have the predominate human features;
No ears,
No mouth,
No nose,
No hair, and
No pupils.
But eyes stared blankly at him.

Death, was amused that he didn't faint.
Then the laughter came when, the Stranger figured out who he was.
The laughter filled his head, echoing through his body.
"Yes, Death is thee name and fame."
Jan 2011 · 806
Stream of Change
Floating upon a never ending stream.
It guides me to a destination I could never dream.
Thoughts of change are woven into place.
Tied to nothing, not even a base.

Other streams criss-cross my path.
Streams of thoughts and dreams.
Streams of hate and love.
Streams of happiness and sorrow.
All flowing to their endpoints.

Could of. Would of. Should of.
Ridden the Stream of Dreams.
But change was what I needed.
When will it reach its endpoint, I don't know.
I'll ride until I reach that endpoint, that change.
What can I say, some change would be nice :)
Jan 2011 · 572
Eternal: Knowing
Screams of insanity pierced his mind,
And rivets through his body.
The handgun, which he held with a death grip, Found the floor.
The mirror.
Did not reflect him.
It showed the chairs, tables, even the gun.
But the person who stood inches away,
Could not be seen.

Panic and uncertainty moved him.
He needed to flee.
He wanted to flee.
To escape this hellhole called home.
Without realization, he picked up the rose he loathed.
Grabbed his spring coat and fled.
He wanted to know.
He needed to know.

The screams of insanity still raged in him.
Jan 2011 · 601
The Prisoner #3
1,000 years have passed and gone.
Seasons have turned.
Civilizations, have been wiped out.
Generations, have seen their share of life.

There is one helpless soul.
Which even Sleeps' cousin doesn't smile upon.
With each breath life left him.
The Prisoner, still perched on the wall after 1,000 years.

He rose his head the slightest.
Stared pass the iron bars that caged him.
Into the hallway.
The candles still burned.

Fog started to drift towards his cage.
It rose 6 feet into the air.
The smell of sulfur filled his cage.
The fog shaped itself as a door, she walked out.

A golden eyed beauty stepped forth.
In a all black dress, with golden trims.
"He comes this eve."
A smile etched across his face.
#3 Ties in The Stranger.
Jan 2011 · 2.2k
Venting >.>
I'm African and I'm proud.
Hip hop is not the only genre I listen to.
Classic rock, classical music, jazz/blues, country, metal, and even disney musical scores.
I **** at basketball, can careless about sport.
Can run fast as hell ;)
If a **** or KKK member called me a ******.
I'll shake his/her hand, say hello.
End with the ever pleasant;
"Have a good day."

I'll run 6 miles day. (was 12)
I'll walk to each sunset.
I'm a nerd first, poet second, reader third.
I'll say no to cigs, drugs etc.
I'll laugh at every **** thing that's funny to me.
I'm a kid at heart.
I'll help the weak.
I'll Feed the poor.
I'm going to marry who I want.
I'll be the nicest **** person I can be.
I'll take care my mom when I'm older.
I'm not going to join the Society of the Norm.
Venting :)
Jan 2011 · 647
Walking 'Till Sunrise
This night, 4 of the am to be precise.
I laid in my lonely bed.
With my laptop replaying my "sleeping music".
Which ranged from great pianist to jazz to rock.

It wasn't a nightmare or my phone ringing.
I simply woke up, stared blankly at the ceiling.
Deciding on what I would do.
I rose out of bed and walked.

Where I was going was unknown.
Why I was doing this unknown.
What I was going to do unknown.
All I could was walk

The night was still, but beautiful.
I felt as if I finally could have some peace.
Hell I could sleep on the grass if need be.
Then I saw the bench.

Sitting peacefully on the bench.
My mind wandered as it tended to.
Peaceful, and calm thoughts dominated.
A thought finally, slapped me hard.

My legs moved, my body followed.
Where I was going, to the hill.
What I was going to do, was to sit and watch.
Why I was doing this, to see the sunrise.

The world went silent.
Nature began turning its wheel.
Night was converting to day.
The orange ball uncovered itself to the world.
Sadly its the first time I have ever seen the sunrise in this state, and it was today! I usually watch the sunset.
The Stranger continues his mission.
Traversing from grasslands
To a forest filled with dead trees.
Walking upon a Beaten Path.
Critters going about their night
Grooming, and

The Stranger stares up at the Moon
It has reached it's peak.
Within moments he realizes the Moon
Seemed a bit different.
It donned a waxing crescent.
As if smiling to him.
Goosebumps appeared on his arms.
Creepy, he thought to himself.

The Stranger contiuned onward.
The night acompanyed him,
With every step and breath.
The cold was becaming ever more bitter.
He pulls the hood over his head.
Trees began singing their ghostly songs.
Critters seemed to be banished,
As if the Beaten Path forced them off.

The Stranger felt unease.
"Something isn't right here."
He mumbled to himself.
But his lips did not part.
In fact it was a bit diffcult to open.
Actually it wasn't even budging.
Then his eyes fell upon a figure.
He stopped dead in his tracks.

The figure moved closer and closer,
Faster and faster.
He wanted to say something.
He wanted to fight.
He wanted to run.
He wanted to finish his mission.

I will not be describing the Stranger much, most of it should be the reader filling in on what he looks like.
Jan 2011 · 541
Why Help?
From family to friends to co-workers.
I'm always asked the infamous questions.
Why help?
Why volunteer?
Why not finish your degree?
I don't do it out of pity, or
To add to my resumé.
To see the smile on their faces.
To let them know the world is not filled with evil.
To allow the children the so called
"American Dream"
That is the happiness I get.

They say I have never been homeless,
Or that poor.
And yet I have ridden that line.
I have even dipped my toes,
In that icy water.
I do not except to change the world
I do not except them to remember me
I just want people to know,
Some of us actually care.
Will I finish my degree?
Or will I keep roaming this world,
Doing what little I can?
Copyright Randy "PSoM" Wiafe.

And I don't mean that the people who don't volunteer, or who volunteer just to have it on their resumé, don't care. Many do and yet many can't do anything. Hopefully my 3 yr tour will be successful from New Orleans to Haiti(again) to Libya.

I thank Americorp and the Peacecorp for giving me this chance.
Jan 2011 · 2.3k
Why is it titled;
Will it be a poem that
Brings forth memories?
Or is it to instill
Sorrow and sadness?
Perhaps its to reflect.
To gaze into the poets mind.

No no,
It can't be.
Can it be to relate with us?
As we pass each other as drones.
Doing what we know;
Sleep, and
Does it traverse deeper then that?
Such an compelling word.
At times quite daunting.

Now back to the question at hand.
Its nothing.
Its not a poem for one to relate.
Not to omit feelings.
There was no purpose.
An yet I wrote and
You read until the end.
A poem of nothing.
Yes yes,
That is quite unforgettable.
I enjoy not doing work at work :D

copyrighted Randy "PSoM" Wiafe 2011
He stares silently up,
At starlit sky.
Taking in the twilight and arctic cold.
He looks past,
The king crowned lake.

Over the mountain range.
The Moon peaks above it.
Letting its power be known.
It sways the king crowned lake.

The Stranger in awe,
At the power and beauty.
The moon rose ever higher.
Dwarfing over the stars.

A tingling feeling swept over him.
A eerie blue light encompassed him.
He began to rise towards the moon
He floated above the king crowned lake.

Fright and the dreaded,
Feeling of heights
Were the initial feeling.
Now freedom swallowed each.

Was the Moon showing its true power?
Was the Moon giving him freedom?
Was the Moon guiding him?
Was he merely just dreaming?

He's body began to rotate.
To the south of the king crowned lake,
Another light shined brightly, on the Door.
A smile etched onto his face.

His freedom.
His mission.
copyrighted Randy "PSoM" Wiafe 2011
Jan 2011 · 452
First Love
The Earth may sþop spinning...
The Sun may burn out...
The Seas may go dry...
But your name will never leave my heart.
copyrighted Randy "PSoM" Wiafe 2011
Love you Pearl
Jan 2011 · 560
Eternal: Death
He sits with the rose in hand.


He ponders.
He dwells.


To be with Ember once again.
To feel her in his arms.
He could see her again.
The rose floats to the floor.
He walks to the mirror.
He stands with the gun in hand.


He stares into the mirror.
Horror fills his eyes.


The mirror reflects the room.

copyrighted Randy "PSoM" Wiafe 2011
Jan 2011 · 563
March's March
There are dreams that grow stronger as time passes instead of disappearing.          
With the long lost smiles and the far away laughs.            
The tears that were shed and the fears that were faced.        
I remember when I didn't second guess myself when I said I love you.
I remember the taste of your kiss and the glow in your smile.
The way you looked at me when I walked in a room as if you never wanted me to leave.           
The way I could see your heart drop when I told you what I did.
The sound of the door slamming as mine did the same.                      
The fear in my reflection deciding what to do.
The crunching of the frozen snow under my feet as I ran from my reality.      
The fear in her voice when she finally heard mine over the phone
'where the hell are you?!'
The uncertainty in mine as I explained my plan and why I did it.                          
The embarrassment as I collapsed on the ground from the pain of my decision.
Dec 2010 · 864
As I sit at the bar
Chatting with friends
Discussing about;
The Past
The Present( if there was such a thing)
The Future

I drift away unconsciously
Among the many people here
It rings in my mind
As if to signal church has began
I let my mind wonder


What it would be like
To walk in someone elses shoes
To feel what they feel
To see what they see
To feel what they been through
To see what the past holds back
And what the future has released


Wanting to live among;
Other Americans, North and South
Other Africans


Being taught by
The many religions
Being bought up
In different way
To live among the rich
To live amongst the poor


The smiling
The happy
The sad
The depressed
The laughing
All the emotions
Pass through me
As if I was a walking ghost

To much beer?

copyrighted Randy "PSoM" Wiafe 2010
Dec 2010 · 576
To Speak
Contrary to popular belief,
My mouth does not,
Speak to what my mind,
Suggests in a whim.

It rolls around,
Among the many thoughts.
Takes its numbered ticket,
And waits among the others.

Only to be pushed back,
By other thoughts,
More important.
Until I saw you again.

Lost of breath.
Others egg me on,
To speak what I feel.

I cautiously take steps,
Towards you and your beauty.

To speak to you,
Was a dream come true.
We laugh.
We kiss.

To speak to you,
That all it takes.
Dec 2010 · 555
You must pick.
Which life to save.
My mind quakes before these words.
In an internal struggle,
To choose which to keep.
My arms merciless reach for a word.
Right stretches for You.
Left stretches for Her.
My body and spirit,
Cannot withstand the onslaught.
I must choose.
The abyss for me.
The abyss for her.
The abyss for us.
struggling with issues X_X
Dec 2010 · 3.6k
In 2007, I wrote my first poem.
Life 1
It held two questions.
Questions I have yet to have a answer for.
I'll date it.
I'll quote it.
On December, 14th 2010,
I ask it again.
"Why is there so many racist?"
"What did that race ever do to you?"

I never knew how to feel,
When I watched Roots or Schlinders List.
Until I meet them face to face.
The racist of course
Spewing the racist words they worshiped.
****** and Monkey, I was called.
With black skin and african qualities,
Will earn you those titles.

In my head I wonder;
Should I hate whites because of the KKK?
Should I hate Germans because of the Nazis?
Should I hate Russians because of Stalin?
Should I hate Muslims because of Osama?
Should I hate my fellow Africans because of the corruption that rips Africa apart?
These questions rattle my head.

So once again I ask.
"Why is there so many racist?"
"What did that race ever do to you?"

Randy Wiafe
December, 14 2010.
Dec 2010 · 576
Baby Girl? (Explicit)
Baby Girl
Whats your name?
You come to the club
With your own man
Just ditch him for me
We can dance the night away
Her body so nice
She grinds on me so gracefully
Her man looks at us
With his mouth wide open.
He says "God ******"
She Pops, Locks and Drops it
All on me
We walk it out
To the bedroom
We make sweeeeeeeet love
She was so tight
She screams just right
As I bust a nut
All over her face

I woke up early
To see her face
Baby girl you awake?
She raises her face
My face in horror
This ******* girl
Was a ******* man
**** shots, never again.

Was fun though ;)
LOL, I have to do something just stupid for my 50th poem :P ( My friends made me promise X.X)
Dec 2010 · 471
The Letter
I count the days until i see your smiling face
and wrap my hand around your waist.
You arent very far in distance,
but in time your an eternity away.
The memories of us seem so real and current, but im constantly proven they are a fallacy.
I talk to people about the way we used to be, and its always the same "why arent you together?"
As i tell them the truth i appear to remain unphased.
While i walk up the stairs holding myself up, that single tear that falls reveals it all.
My decisions and mistakes of the past haunt my present life.
The times i hear your voice brings a smile to my face even if only for a second.
Then the smile fades as i realize what i have given up.
You hear it in my voice and tell me not to lose hope.
I say i havent when in reality i know the hands of fate have already decided for us.
What i would give if i could see you even just for a short time as friends.
Every now and then your face haunts my dreams showing what i could have had.
You were my first love that i know.
Forever remember me...
Nov 2010 · 1.1k
Moves On
Cancer diagnosed
Millions of lives saved
A mother passed away
New medicine discovered
As the doctors/nurses move on

A new born enters the world
Divorce ensues
As a grandfather leaves the world
Wedding on the horizon
As a family moves on

AIDs/*** rampaging through Africa
Supplies and food delivered
Genocide rips a continent
A family partake in their first meal
As God moves on

New civilizations form
World wars destroy
People bought together
Rasicm breaks us apart
As people move on

Trees torn down
A bird takes its first flight
The world slowly dying
Extinct animals walk the earth
As the world moves

My eyes take it all in
My mind dwell on such subjects
My mouth questions the past and future
My soul stands still
When will I move on?
Inspired by stephen king, and my mind lol.
Nov 2010 · 647
In Darkness I Lay
Another night another dream
You stand before me within my grasp
My body trembles, wanting to embrace you
Slowly, I start to drift away
My lips quiver with you name upon them.

"Take my hand." you whisper.
My emotions explode through my body.
"Let me take you away."
My hands extend to reach you.
"To Broadway, to Greece, let's travel the world."
My hands and yours interlock.
"I keep my promises you'll see."
Nothing was left but my room and an imprint of your face.
Nov 2010 · 839
The Illusionist
He sits before the tv.
With its black and white images.
He watches in shock and awe.
What seems to be the greatest thing in the world.
Cars disappear.
Tigers appear.
A woman sawed in half.
Magical reappears.
"Such great feats." He mumbles.
"Such great talent"
Then an idea hits him.
He now knows what to do!
"Yes yes, an illusionist I must be!" He cries with excitement.
Down at the magician shop
He finds the beginners box...


Practice Practice Practice
Its all he has done.
Its time for him to show his skills.
A nearby restaurant has hired him.
So he can show his talent,
To belly swollen customers.
A card flips to the top of the deck,
Not even a clap nor a smile.
A coin bends before them,
Not even wonder filled their eyes.
With his spirit broken,
He tried to perform his last act.
The illusion fails.
The crowd boos and shouts.
"You will never be good."
"Get out, get out".


The bright lights.
Nearly blinding him.
People parade before him,
As never before.
An Illusionist dream.
He has finally reach his pinnacle.
Practice Practice Practice
It surely has been the trick.
The crowd wondering what great acts he will perform.
"I'll perform the greatest trick every to be done." He boosted before them.
"This is all just a dream."
"You'll  wake up at home."


The little boy's eyes open from sleep.
"Practice Practice Practice." He proclaimed to himself.
That will be key, he thinks.
"Yes yes, an illusionist I must be!"

Final Shuffle

"Just follow your dreams and you will see."
"Just look at me, I'm in vegas."
He winks


Royal flush
Nov 2010 · 697
Love is... II
Love is unforeseen.
Love strikes at any moment undetected.
Love happens when trading back and forth poems.
Love happens as you cuddle.
Love happens when you are dancing.
Love happens as you laugh in unison.

Love happens;
As you "lean wit it, rock wit it".
As you hold the person most important to you.
As you look within their eyes,
and see another life.
As you meet them for the first time.
As your lips finally touch.

Love is;
The warmth within when you see his/her eyes.
The loneliness you feel when he/she leaves.
The chills down your spine when he/she is in pain or hurt.
The greatest connection one can cherish between another human being.

Love is never lost.
Whether death cuts in between.
Whether the world ends.
Whether the damage is unrepairable.
Whether time has separated you both.
Love is never lo...
Love is nev...
Love is...
the shuffle parts were inspired by stephen kings' dark tower series ^_^
Oct 2010 · 1.3k
Camping 'Till Sunrise
Hiking up the mountain.
To see the beauty of nature.
Critters of all shape and sizes.
Begin to encompass us.
Branches howling back and front.
As if telling our tale to others.
Hand in hand.
Stride by stride.
Our bodies in tune to perfection.

The trail begins to lose its rocky essence,
Now we must forge our own path.
Higher and higher we go.
Lower and lower the sun goes.
As it has guided us this far,
It must guide others now.

Camp is set.
The fire is ablaze.
To the west the sun retreats.
To the east a full moon rises.
As it motions the lake behind us,
Into a harmonic symphony.
Arm in arm.
Heart to heart.
We let the lake sing for us,
'Till the sunrise.
A poem to my love. I hope heaven is treating you right :)
Oct 2010 · 457
Broken Lights
Shattering before you,
One million lights.
Lights that contain life and death.
Lights that hold the keys to happiness.
Lights that shield away the darkness,
When no one else knows you exist.
You stand before one million lights.
All shattering before your feet.
Howling ghostly sounds when they hit.
Releasing white substances into the air.
A reflection is seen in one of the lights.
The truth has been revealed within.
Oct 2010 · 514
Life 5(final)
Laying down starring at the clouds
Thinking about her
That crazy night
Changed my view about her
That one question she asked me
Almost broke me
Doubts running through my head
Does she still love me?
She was calling
I was ignoring
Then she was about to break down
I finally realize why
She was really in love with me
Then I promised to keep my side of the bargain
My love for her greatly deepened
Promising her I'll never be like my father
She is the last chapter of my
to April RIP <3 you and miss you
Oct 2010 · 539
Life 4
Days passed by,
I tried to survive.
My life is in turmoil.
I just want to lay down and die.
The fights got worse.
My father left,
I got in a deeply depressed.
The role model in my life.
Left never to come back.
My mom downstairs down poured with tears.
I stand there eating up my tears.
I go to school trying to work with my peers.
But it was so hard.
I go outside looking up in the sky.
Dreaming about soaring away with my mom.
I've grown up, became more wise
I promised my mom
That I would never grow up
and be like my dad.
As I lay here in haiti, serving the peacecorp, my life flashes before me.
Aug 2010 · 1.6k
Helping Hands
One by one they fall.
Looking for a hand to break the fall.
Looking for one another.
Looking for away to escape the pain.
Children cry, weep, and mourn.
As they see their love ones on the ground.

In a distance so far away.
People gather.
People unite.
People look into their hearts.
They hear the cries, and the pleads.
The pleads will be answered, and the cries will be smiles.

Medicine, food, clothes, and love.
Packed in containers.
Packed in boxes.
Packed in the hearts.
People that are rare sight to see.
They are all of us.
Jul 2010 · 571
Soldier Side
None know the dangers of war
None know feeling of combat
Only ones that do are soldiers of war
Citizens that join the military know the risk
A lot accept the risk
Some even want to die fighting for their country
Or has that glory for fighting for one's country gone?
No it hasn't
It will forever be in a soldier's heart
Some don't believe in their country's action
But they still do the job without asking questions
Soldiers stand tall
Soldiers stand proud
Soldiers let your voices be heard
Because you are the heroes and heroines
Of the so called greatest country in the world
Many will look up to you
Many will follow your lead
God bless you all.
Enspired by Eric S. I'm right behind you bro. :)
Air Force all the way
Jul 2010 · 538
Love is...
Love is pure
Love is from the soul
Love is felt by two
Love can't be broken

None have seen it
Many have felt it
Same don't believe in it
A few can describe it
Jul 2010 · 582
Life 3
As I sit down remembering the past.
As I sit here I break a tear.
A past full of lies from love ones.
A past full of regrets and remorseful actions.
A past I wouldn't want anyone to endure.
But it was the past that
Shaped and molded
Who I am to this date.
But if it wasn't for my one and only angel.
May not be among everyone today.
Jul 2010 · 539
This Girl
This Girl is amazing
This Girl is awesome
This Girl is strong
This Girl is funny
I could go on forever
But she already knows all this
There is something about her
I cant write it
I cant even grasp it
But its there and its strong
Because I can feel it when we touch
She knows I care about her
Because she is dear to me
If she is dear to me why hurt her?
I provoked something I shouldn't of
Now will I lose This Girl?
How would I get This Girl back?
All I can do is HOPE
That our friendship is still intact.
To me a friendship is stronger then a relationship
To risk such a friendship can be the hardest
A relationship can end in tears
A friendship never ends
My last and final plead
Can you still be my friend?
Jul 2010 · 535
Only Girl
She was the only girl that could make a gray day turn bright
Only girl that could reach your soul
Only girl that could affect all
Only girl that could play Dawn of War good :)
Only girl that couldnt see another human crying without helping
Only girl that could walk up to you and become your best friend
Only girl that could change who I was
Only girl that could love all humans
Only girl that I could change
Only girl that lead a GRAW 2 clan
Only girl that stare in death's eyes and laugh
Only girl that could of been an angel.
I still miss you Hanangel!

copyright Randy Wiafe 2010
Jul 2010 · 1.1k
Genetically enhanced
Spiritually enhanced
Grown up wiser
Grown up bolder
I'm the master of words
They roll off my tongue
Like avalanches off a mountain
So cold
It leaves you shaking
Icy death awaits you
I'll shake and break u
Take two
The silence awaits you
I've been reborn

Some people look down on what you do.
Some people see the niceness within you
Then they try to corrupt what you do
But you stand tall
Stand firm
Because you are reborn

A new day has begun
Once again you have risen
The past life in my head
But as my life motto
**** happens for reason
Dwelling on my past
Doesn't make my future any brighter
But forgetting your past
Doesn't make you any stronger
So what you do is
Is to learn from it
Open your eyes to the outside world
My girl has helped me
She has showed me that the
World isnt always cold
So I walk on the earth
Genetically revived
Spiritually revived
copyright Randy Wiafe 2010
Jun 2010 · 443
We, They, and You
We laugh
We cry
We hug
We sigh
We look for reason why we walk this earth.

They sing
They dance
They kiss
They mate
They look for a connection instead of love.

You wonder
You drift
You speak
You rabble
You look for a way to be heard.
Jun 2010 · 618
Dying Act
On a eerie and still night.
He stares up in the star lit sky.
With his star gazed eyes.
Hoping and wishing they will come this night.
A twinkle in the sky.
A cool blue breeze.
A stream of neon green dominates the star lit sky.
An array of colors bombard the earth.
Ambient sounds organizing and sorting colors.
His eyes expanding, joy and happiness found within.
They are here.
The colors swirl around him.
A make shift colored hand reaches out to him.
He reaches with his own.
A cloud of colors lift him to the star lit sky.

The spirit free in the air.
The body buried in the earth.
The mind still linking both.
As his lifeless body makes its last act.
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