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RaNdOmPoEtRy Oct 2013
He's my dream come true
If only he knew
On my cold winter day
He's my month of may
If only I had the guts
If only I had the strength to speak up
But what if i confess
And everything would become a mess
I don't want to change this friendship between us
I don't want to ruin our friendly trust
My love for him, is something he'll never know
Dang It! I'm sick of this friend zone
RaNdOmPoEtRy Oct 2013
Everyone here, seems so quiet
But inside hiding, there's always a riot
Waiting to come out and to burst in flame
But always kept tame
Some people just hide it in
While others with pride lift up their chin
In this room, filled with relief and stress
Some students slacking, as others do their best
The teacher walks in, shoulders start to tense
In this classroom.... there's nothing but silence
RaNdOmPoEtRy Oct 2013
Tell me why
You left with out even saying goodbye
Tell me why
You broke my heart and made me cry
Tell me why
You said that I was the only girl you would ever love... but there were more
Tell my why
You went and left my heart a tore
Tell me why
You acted like you cared
Tell me why
The first time we kissed, you weren't even there
Tell me why
You held me, you loved me, and then left me dead and ripped out my heart, and smashed it on the ground
Tell me why
You bonded with my family and when I asked you said it was all for you
Tell me why
You kissed my best friend with no hesitation
Tell me why
I was just a piece in your stupid little game
Tell me why
I wasted all my freaking tears on a **** like you  
Tell me why
You left me alone, you left empty hearted
Tell me why
I spent endless nights thinking that you would ever come back
Tell me why
Why you used me, making me love you
Tell me why
You brushed your finger tips against my lips countless of times with no feelings
Tell me why
You were my life, but i wasn't yours
Tell me why....
You were a lie
RaNdOmPoEtRy Oct 2013
No matter how life seems tough
Don't Give Up
Even when times seem rough
Don't Give Up
When it seems that you had enough
Don't Give Up
Remember that there's always prizes waiting
For the winners to finish their goal
Don't Give Up
Remember that you need to ride that bike up that tall tall hill
To see that breath taking view
Don't Give Up
No matter how hard people tease
No matter how much people taunt
Just keep on pushing forward
And Never Ever Give Up
RaNdOmPoEtRy Oct 2013
I know that we fight every night
And sometimes you don't acted very bright
But I want to fix this, like it was before
I don't want to do this anymore

I know what your trying to do
Trying to make me your number two
But let's just forget all these problems we made
And let all the bad things we say just fade

Just let me turn in the light
Love me with all your might
Love me as I love you down to the core
Just like you did before

Don't let me go, hold on to me tight
As our days fade into night
Let's fix this problem together
In your arms always and forever
RaNdOmPoEtRy Oct 2013
I'll climb every mountain, that's high
I'll swim across every ocean, with no deny
I'll survive the fall of the rocks, that are sharp
But nothing, will tear these feelings for you apart

I'll run across, the meadows wide
I'll climb every tree, that's high
And nothing will ever  hide
For what I feel inside

Your family can hate me all they want
But we can ignore their annoying taunts
Even til' death do us part
You will always have a special place in my heart
RaNdOmPoEtRy Oct 2013
I have to write, it's my addiction
I can't stop myself, with writing my fiction
It helps me feel a different way
As if all my mistakes have gone away

I can't stop myself, I love it to much
It makes me feel wanted, it makes me feel in touch
I just love to use my imagination
It makes me feel, as if I'm on vacation

Writings who I am
Without it i would feel ******
It's not really science fiction
I can't solve this addiction

Poetry, lyrics, stories and more
I love down to the core
It lets my mind fly, my spirit soar
Take it way, you leave my heart a tore

I will never stop
I will never let it drop
I will always love my fiction
Writing's my addiction
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