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RaNdOmPoEtRy Oct 2013
Why does life
Destroy all the good
But leave all the bad

Why does life
Take away the people that have meaning in this world
But leave all the ****** bags

Why does life
Put so much darkness in the world
That you can barely see the light

Life is a game
That only the lucky can win
Life isn't supposed to be easy
So we need to be strong

We need to show life
That we're just pieces in it's game
Yes, we will play but still lose
But this time, we won't give in
RaNdOmPoEtRy Oct 2013
They all laugh and point
Because of my second joint
Or cause I'm not at all tall
But it doesn't matter, cause I will not fall

I don't care about my size
Or even everybody's stupid lies
They all will holler and call
But I will not fall

I might have a few friends
But their true and to the end
Bad will not conquer all
I will not fall

I will not disappoint the ones I love
I will pay my attention to the stars above
I will not fall
I will stand tall
RaNdOmPoEtRy Oct 2013
I was born unafraid
Because right by my loving mother i laid
Tears of joy, cry's of cheer
I knew i had no reason to fear

Months later I learned to walk
Then I learned to talk
I fell, I fell hard to the ground
I just got back up, and again, walked around

Years later, came my first day of school
My ADHD made me look like a fool
But I still made some friends
We had the same style, same ideas, same trend

5th grade came and left in a dash
8th grade came by and left just as fast
But that summer, that summer was long but short
Making memories I regret, making memories that hurt

High school came way to quick
And then was done in a flick
I made some friends and lost some too
But hey, I graduated, who knew?

Next thing I know, it was my lucky day
When I looked in the mirror, all of my depression seemed to fade
I saw myself, in my beautiful white dress
Smiling, I knew I looked my best

Seemed like the next week, I gave birth to my first
Then my second, then third, then fourth, back then time was the worst
They all grew up and left in a burst
Leaving their white haired mother, as they take their course

To fast my babies, had children of their own
Then turned into grandparents, their children leaving their homes
"Time is the enemy," I thought "With no deny."
As it just soars and fly's by

Now I'm in my death bed
My arms so thin, they could break like lead
I wasn't scared of what lied ahead
To keep the fear out, I paid attention to my loved ones instead

I know, I know I am ready
My position grows still and steady
Memories struck me like a knife
I smiled thinking, this my happiness, this is my life
RaNdOmPoEtRy Oct 2013
Little crying child
Dry those tears, dear little friend
Become that girl, that's beautiful and wild
And let your sorrow come to end

Although the darkness has not yet gone
There's still light that hides within
Say goodbye to night and hello to dawn
And let your sorrow come to end

This week might of been a hurl
When you lost your only friend
But you can still let your hair hang down with beautiful curls
And let your sorrow come to end

Cause your not alone, I'm still here
So have your wounds finally be mend
Wipe away those crying tears
And let your sorrow come to end

So giggling child
Your tears have dried, my dearest little friend
Your so beautiful and mild
And your sorrow finally came to end
RaNdOmPoEtRy Oct 2013
When I look into his eyes, filled with love
Which did dazzle, like our heaven above
All of the stars, at this moment aline
I get lost in space, I get lost in time
I don't know what i did, to have a kiss
With the man of my dreams, that gives me bliss
RaNdOmPoEtRy Oct 2013
Do you dare to dream, under this midnight sky
Dream of love, dream to fly
Let your mind soar, leave your problems below
When you awake, will you let your mind glow
Will you dare to dream

When reality comes, will you let them try
To crush your dreams, tell you their just a lie
Will you stand up, and just say no
Do you dare to dream

Will you do the impossible, or just tie life's Ty
Let your spirit soar, will you let your mind go high
Will you sit down and stop, or will you get up and go
Will you prove us wrong, or will you join imagination's foe
Will you just give up, and tell your dreams goodbye
Or will you... dream to fly
RaNdOmPoEtRy Oct 2013
Here we are as the day's passing by
As I stand here and listen to your pathetic lies
"Baby, I didn't do that, honey I swear I didn't do this"
Funny how you act like I didn't see you two kiss

You might think when I say its over
That it's a bluff, and you can play me again, well take a clue
You can get rid of your lucky clover
Because there's no way in hell, that I'll be coming back to you

Day's pass by slowly, but your still begging for forgiveness
Years pass by daily, but you I have not missed
You still haven't given up
So here's a message hopefully it's enough

Slowly living life, with no hesitating
Because with you, there is no debating
Don't even think to try to plea
Because this is the end of you and me
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