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Oct 2016 · 229
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
If you are alert enough
Do something
For someone's heart
So that your own heart
Can secure its wishes
Oct 2016 · 212
Wind & Rain
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Under the twinkle
Of a fading star
Wind & Rain
They whisper together
Oct 2016 · 446
Flower bud
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Our thunderbolt
Is the oppression
Of the  hailstone
Oct 2016 · 316
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
There are lots
Of dark clouds
In the sky
Snow and ice thawing
At all levels
And a flock
Of crows
Oct 2016 · 248
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Don't leave today's task
For tomorrow

کار امروزو به فردا ننداز
Oct 2016 · 204
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Gnostics seek  knowledge
And action together
They observe first
Then they learn
Oct 2016 · 305
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Every hunter
Eventually become prey
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
تا نباشی قطره . دریا چون شوی
تا نه ای گم گشته . پیدا چون شوی

If you refuse to be a drop
You can't become a deep sea
And if you aren't lost
You won't be found
Oct 2016 · 299
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
You may act
As our rose-bush
And grow for our sake
Oct 2016 · 208
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
All lamps
Should fear
All wolves
As a lesson
Oct 2016 · 214
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Whatever you offer the world
It offer back to you
Oct 2016 · 197
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Try to cultivate your heart
To grow green
Oct 2016 · 251
A clean thought
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Is because
A clean heart bears
A clean thought
Oct 2016 · 280
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Happy is a farmer
in the village
Of hope
Oct 2016 · 199
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
The fable of the world it's evident
And needing no explanation
Oct 2016 · 423
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
The way of life
Is sometimes winning
And sometimes losing
Oct 2016 · 168
If you
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
If you manage
to make your heart patient
You will see
Everything is easy
Not as hard
Oct 2016 · 175
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
You are wasting life
In loneliness
Why ?
Oct 2016 · 195
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Every day
Fruits were singing
Under the sun
Oct 2016 · 141
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
You can reap
What you have sown
Oct 2016 · 202
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Your effort
Is the builder
And happiness
Is your building
Oct 2016 · 257
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
The mother's lap
Is the first teacher
Of a child
Oct 2016 · 227
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
To build up
a ruined heart
Is far better than raising
a palace
Oct 2016 · 129
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Give me
all hopefulness
in the world
Oct 2016 · 181
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
I have offered
At the meadow
My blossoms
For years
Oct 2016 · 166
O little bird
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
O little bird
Come out of the nest
And learn how to fly
Oct 2016 · 112
Spring and Autumn
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
The pen of life
Has written
On every bud
That every spring
Is followed
By an autumn
Oct 2016 · 238
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Many come
With despair
Went away
With hope
Oct 2016 · 137
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
She is an expert
At heart repair
Oct 2016 · 142
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
I shall be pleased
To lend you my heart
Oct 2016 · 138
The sea
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
For a fish
what better place is there
But the sea
Oct 2016 · 189
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
There we can talk
Of today
For , No one is aware
Of tomorrow
Oct 2016 · 340
A little hope
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
A little hope
Is needed
Like a ray
Of sun shining
Oct 2016 · 1.2k
Clover and tulip
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
I wonder
Why a clover
Is inferior
Of a red tulip
Oct 2016 · 194
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Blessed is the architect
Who designed
This fine building
Oct 2016 · 200
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
A real monism
Can change
all the world
Oct 2016 · 181
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Is like an hourglass
Oct 2016 · 126
Nice face
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Your face
Your nice
Oct 2016 · 496
A smile
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
A smile of beauty
Is an universal language
Oct 2016 · 142
Why ( 2)
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Why should there be so many autumn's
By flowers
In the garden
Of life
Oct 2016 · 157
My People
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
My People
The night is beautiful,
So the faces of my people.

The stars are beautiful,
So the eyes of my people.

Beautiful, also, is the sun.
Beautiful, also, are the souls of my people

by Langston Hughes
Oct 2016 · 254
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
One night
The eyelash said
To the pupil
Of eyes
Why do you vainly try
So much
To please people
Oct 2016 · 281
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
I have never received
A mother's kiss
It's only tears
That kiss my face
Oct 2016 · 152
Bride and her mother
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
The bride
Of life
Finds adornment
From me
Now you can offer
Your suit through me
Oct 2016 · 131
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
When love isn't madness
It's not love
Oct 2016 · 200
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
On the day
Of calamity
No One
patience by wisdom
Oct 2016 · 185
A fish
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
A fish
Has no fear
Of floods
Oct 2016 · 166
Bee ( 2 )
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
A bee
Has no time
for sorrow
Oct 2016 · 231
Link of light
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
This brightness
And purity
Is not due to myself
This light is the reflection
Of the sun glory
Oct 2016 · 159
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
From the beginning
We are worried
About our performance
Why ?
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