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Oct 2016 · 882
One night
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
One night
A nightingale whispered said
To a flower
There's a request
I wish to make me
To you
Oct 2016 · 279
A good star
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Blessed is everyone
Like you
Has a good star
Oct 2016 · 434
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Love is divinely
only way to become
And eternally be
Oct 2016 · 191
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
An old dark room
Full of silence
A guitar
On the wall
Sep 2016 · 1.0k
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
The Path

by The Buddha

Best of the paths is the eightfold,
best of the truths the four;
best of the virtues is freedom from attachment;
best of the people is the one who sees.
This is the path;
there is no other that leads to the purifying of insight.

Follow this path, and Mara will be confused.
If you follow this path, you will end your suffering.
This path was preached by me
when I became aware of the removal of the thorns.
You yourself must make the effort.
The perfected ones are only preachers.
Those who enter the path and practice meditation
are released from the ******* of Mara.

“All created things perish.”
Whoever realises this transcends pain;
this is the clear path.

“All created things are sorrow.”
Whoever realises this transcends pain;
this is the clear path.

“All forms are unreal.”
whoever realises this transcends pain;
this is the clear path.

Whoever does not rise when it is time to rise,
who, though young and strong, is lazy,
who is weak in will and thought,
that lazy and idle person will not find the path of wisdom.

Watching one’s speech, restraining well the mind,
let one not commit any wrong with one’s body.
Whoever keeps these three roads of action clear,
will make progress on the path taught by the wise.

Through meditation wisdom is gained;
through lack of meditation wisdom is lost.
Whoever knows this double path of progress and decline,
should place oneself so that wisdom will grow.

Cut down the forest of desires, not just a tree;
danger is in the forest.
When you have cut down the forest and its undergrowth,
then, mendicants, you will be free.

As long as the desire, however small,
of a man for women is not destroyed,
so long is his mind attached,
like a ******* calf is to its mother.

Cut out the love of self,
like an autumn lotus, with your hand.
Cherish the path of peace.
Nirvana has been shown by the Buddha.

“Here I shall live in the rain,
here in winter and summer.”
Thus thinks the fool, not thinking of death.
Death comes and carries off that person
who is satisfied with one’s children and flocks,
whose mind is distracted,
like a flood carries off a sleeping village.

Sons are no help, nor a father, nor relations;
for one who is seized by death, there is no safety in family.
Understanding the meaning of this, the wise and just person
should quickly clear the path that leads to nirvana.
Sep 2016 · 155
Haiku ( 5)
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Hello my lovely hut
Is enough thatched i see
Blue morning glories
Sep 2016 · 114
Haiku ( 4)
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
For a lovelorn teenager
Let us arrange these flowers
Because is no sake now
Sep 2016 · 181
Haiku ( 3 )
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Stand up still nightfall
Listen, Listen,from far away
The songfest of the frogs
Sep 2016 · 200
Haiku ( 2)
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Mountain tulip petals
Falling , Falling , Falling now
Like a waterfall song
Sep 2016 · 183
Haiku ( 1 )
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
In the new cities around
Full of cherry blossom trees
Strangers are like friends
Sep 2016 · 163
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
In some faces
There's even a mask
for inveiglement
Sep 2016 · 120
Hope ( 5)
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
I send
Many flowers
For every broken heart
Sep 2016 · 271
Hope (4 )
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
I block
The way
Of grief
With joy
Sep 2016 · 182
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Love has no color
No race
And  no gender
Sep 2016 · 336
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
A hope
Can raise
Our life
Sep 2016 · 213
A single star
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
A single star
Can guide
A great ship
Into sea,
Sep 2016 · 503
My friend
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
My friend
express every point
That you know
As long as your tongue
Has the power
To speak
Sep 2016 · 169
Empty mind
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Empty your mind
Be formless
Like water
Without template
Sep 2016 · 410
War and peace
Ramin Ara Sep 2016

...Author:  Leo Tolstoy

I saw
A book
Of crystal words
Sep 2016 · 180
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
One single tree
Can begin
A beautiful forest
Sep 2016 · 181
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
If you are
A trustworthy friend
Be true
By your pact
Sep 2016 · 170
Snapshot ( 12)
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
The sea
A boat
A lantern
And an old fisherman
Sep 2016 · 185
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Times know much more
Than you do
Why are you so pleased
That you know much ?
Sep 2016 · 122
The sun
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
If your light
Remove all these obscurities
You are the sun
Sep 2016 · 195
Bee ( 1)
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Think of nothing
but make honey
Sep 2016 · 179
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Can you feel
My love
Look into my eyes
Sep 2016 · 274
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Five syllable words of nature
Seven syllable words of wisdom
Five syllable words of cherry
Sep 2016 · 170
Snapshot ( 11)
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Under the rainbow
A green forest
And a African gazelle
Sep 2016 · 601
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
But .....
Sep 2016 · 236
Snapshot ( 10)
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Florence  Nightingale

A little lamp
A stormy night
And a   ministering  Angel
Sep 2016 · 170
Snapshot (9)
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
A beautiful lake
A  mother's  luck
And a few baby lucks
Sep 2016 · 235
A heart
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
A heart
That palpitates
By every grief
Can't stay happy
Sep 2016 · 453
Heron and fish
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
A heron said
To a  tiny fish
What do you do
With this salty sea
Sep 2016 · 115
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
I reduce my body
So as not
To diminish the spirit
Sep 2016 · 132
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Nor repentance
To drunken ones
Sep 2016 · 131
Morning and evening
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
My morning
Has no
Sep 2016 · 318
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Into  your eyes
Are a limpid face
Of a lilac
Sep 2016 · 219
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Every drop
That flows
At the brook
Is given
A special task
To perform
Sep 2016 · 275
Flower and thorn
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Why is a flower dignified
And a thorn abject
Sep 2016 · 138
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
No one become perfect
The great deeds
Sep 2016 · 383
I love you
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
I can't tell you why ?
Just how much
I love you
I have never been good
By words
But today
I wrote this poem
for you
I love you
Sep 2016 · 163
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
I have always been generous
Without expectation
Because my nature is rich
And my friendship is sincere
Sep 2016 · 302
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
An odorant flower
Has a brisk market
Sep 2016 · 235
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Come, Come ,Come
Of old dark ruin room
and look
To stars
Sep 2016 · 222
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Your eyes are illuminated
With the red visage
Of flowers
And thus such waiting is not
Without benefit
Sep 2016 · 194
After winter
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
I strew flowers
With the arrival
Of spring
Sep 2016 · 261
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
poetry is
An image
by words
Sep 2016 · 103
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
An image
Is a picture
Of words
Sep 2016 · 164
Snapshot (8)
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
A few small fishes
Two pelicans
Sep 2016 · 157
Ramin Ara Sep 2016
Knowledge serves me
As my wings
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