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 Jan 2014 unnamed
She was pretty.
Scratch that.
She was beautiful.
Scratch that too.

She was more beautiful,
Than a sunrise on a winter morning.
Or a rainfall on an autumn day
Where the leaves dance in the wind
And fill the sky with life.
More beautiful than a flower
That breaks through the cracks
Of a concrete garden
And brings color to the air.
She was more beautiful,
Than any poem that's ever been written.

She was beautiful.
Scratch that.
She still is.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
©Sebastian @
 Jan 2014 unnamed
Hayley Simpson
William Shakespeare said "When I saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew," and this happens to us every morning.

I put my lips to your chest, so I know what your breath feels like.

So when I mason jar my lungs and tell you to take it somewhere I have never been, somewhere far, far away, and you open it up in Utah, I'll recognize the whisper of "I love you" under the 2000 miles it traveled back to me.

And I'll wish it was you, so I could hold you into my arms and sink you into my lungs.

"Love," I'll say, *"Keep the jar. You'll need it every time I look at you."
Written (2012)

Author: Utah is so beautiful it takes everyones breath away. I wrote this poem in Utah when I stayed with my girlfriend and her mother.
The people that come into our lives
do so for a reason
It may only be for a day or a month
or may just be for a season

But when two paths cross, no matter how brief
There's a lesson somewhere to be learned
It may be just that we're on the wrong path
and there's a corner that needs to be turned

It may be to teach us that we can still fly
and soar in the heavens above
or it may be a brief and torrid affair
to show us that we can still love

And maybe my words are speaking to you
and I'm part of some message you need
To show you the signs that surround you
so between the lines you can read.
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
 Jan 2014 unnamed
Suzanne Penn
I too...
wake up sometimes
longing to touch you
to taste
and excite you
I want to wake you up
with soft lingering kisses
and tender rhythmic touches
I want to slide my tongue
deeply within you
playfully persistent
until your back arches
and your breath catches
I want your spirit to soar...
before your eyes
are even open
I want to give to you
the passion
joy and love
that you have hungered for...
I want you
to begin each day...
 Jan 2014 unnamed
Sam Conrad
If I could go back
I would take the sorrow
From the soul of that
Fourteen year old girl

If I could go back
I'd get to know her better
Tell her she's important
That she's beautiful

If I could go back
I would look at her
And I would assure her
To believe that I'm right

If I could go back
I would erase her hurt
So that in the future
She would hurt less

If I could go back
I would let her know
She isn't worthless
And that she never was
I wish those two years I wasted with someone else, could have been spent with you.
I liked you too. I just never had the confidence to tell you. I know I told you one night when we were together, but it's true. That crush you had...

I wish I'd been with you.

I still love you...
 Jan 2014 unnamed
 Jan 2014 unnamed
If only I could go back in time,
And tell that little 5 year old girl,
To take the other path.
To turn away from that girl,
And walk away.
Be normal.
Force herself to do what every other girl did.
Take the path of an easy and ok life,
Not the hard and happy one.

I'd tell that girl to run,
Run as far as she could,
Into the arms of the little neighbor boy who liked her,
Instead of making googly eyes at the cute blonde girl.

But I cant,
And I didn't.

I took the path of rainbows,
And protest signs.
 Jan 2014 unnamed
t Time
 Jan 2014 unnamed
The momentum of time is about the same as my heart rate
The more it is acknowledged the slower it lingers
But this is not so with you

The times you were near
Hair follicles against my collar bones
Crooked thumbs caressing my spine
Legs intertwined

The times you were near
Illuminating the dark spaces in my mind
Your essence makes my mind sing
My happiness

The times you were near
Breath rising my skin
You are the scent of tranquility & leisure

Won't you crawl under a clock with me?
We can rest our heads between 6 and nine
Ignite our spines,
Expand our minds,

We have all the time in the world
But as my love claims
"Time is irrelevant"
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