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laoda Jan 2020
Have me when I am most free
The state which all minds dare wander
And not think of itself as unwanted
But a tranquil traveler of solitary.
To be wanted means to fear
of change, of the world's uncertainty,
to be unafraid was an ultimate form of purity.

I am myself,
I am us,
us, but all about our own reflection.
When we rip those fruit out we may
help each other but when we
taste that swelling flesh,
one to one's own pleasure.
I am not to please you more
than you please me
and you shall see yourself
as separated.

So be excited,
If sometimes I send you a letter
or strip out of my usual habitat,
the extreme independency
tear some curtain down,
While remarking,
"For your eyes only."
laoda Dec 2019
trigger warning: suicide

"Come downstairs, Billy. We got your outfit and your plushie.  We got your little bag too, honey. So come quick."
“I have a cold, mommy. I don’t want to go to church"
"Father and praying will fix you, Billy!"
Not true, he said, I pray and pray, 
but the illness gets worse 

And people shouted every time they spoke.
go to church
go to the clinic
go and fix, Billy.

So Billy moved his feet like walking down the stair.
Short, steady and away from the chair.
Billy went up, instead, as the church bell rang.
This is quite personal to share, dealing with identities and society. I think the story told itself. If you need to reach out for help, please do. Everyone copes differently so I wish you could find your own healthy way out.
laoda Dec 2019
Let me say,  I wonder if the clock ticks slow
Or we have lost track of the pace
I thought the time has traveled far
or did we accidentally race?
Why rush and bore audiences
just to quickly end the show?

Let the play goes on, and not so fast
I have not seen any drama
with a peak too soon,
that also for a long time lasts

Such greats actors, with skills hard to mimic
nevertheless, ****** sicken their admirers,
all started well received, yet repeated
quite the same errors
so keep your poetic rhythm,
And your wonderful confidence, but, never
too eager to show that you're an energetic player
old stuff
laoda Dec 2019
To bed with a Satan´s monster under,
From head to toe with a blanket covered 
And tangible limbs neatly folded
Lest your hand gently he holds
idk. Fun stuff I wrote for Creative Writing Class.
  Dec 2019 laoda
Kafka Joint
On every possible map,
In every possible town,
Sun is going up
And then it's going down.
  Dec 2019 laoda
Dear beautiful evergreen
rooted down in the field
strongly upholding itself
like it has an impenetrable shield

The one that has experienced blazing summers
and freezing winters
not only seen warfare
but watched it from the center
winds blew it west and east
but it never went left or right
had blood on its leaves
but never got into a fight

Dear beautiful evergreen
That stands there all yearlong
keep your roots rooted
and continue to be strong
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