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Rai Nov 2018
When your positivity runs low
But your the person
Everyone else runs too
So no one ever expects you to break

That .....

When tears don’t stop falling
And  you’ve told yourself your not sure you can go on doing what is expected of you
But you feel as though your failing and so can’t give in

That ......

When you just need to talk it out
But they say if you have a problem
Do something about it
Go see a doctor
But your so scared of giving in
Don’t they realise how hard it was to speak out in the first place


When life feels so raw
you just want to hide Somwhere quiet
When your bones are broken
But so is your mind
When the pain just doesn’t stop
And your work load is crushing

That ......

This is the least bit positive I’ve ever felt
In my life
This is raw
This is hell
This is nasty

The only positive ......
Everything is temporary .....
And so too shall this pass .....

This ............
Feeling more sorry for myself than I can even explain .... that
Rai Nov 2018
Shadows bless the night
As we huddle tighter
Sharing a sacred journey
Adversity piles upon us at times
But our human nature screams
Survival at all costs
If I reached out my hand
Would you accept
If I humbled myself at your feet
Would you stay
Or would you run
Afraid and confused of your own reflection
Cotton candy
As sweet as spice
Exquisitely the spider weaves her
Majestic web
As we weave our stories with the threads of time illuminated in the heavens for those who have gone before us
Be it a simple question of time
Of misunderstandings
Or lost promises
We will return
In circles we spiral upwards
Holding onto the very thread that bore our bodies from dust and turned them into the stars I see within your eyes
You are my muse
You are all and everything
Without means words don’t flow
Feelings stay intombed
And my body will return to dust before it betrays you
Some poems are just woven into the fabric of who we are
Rai Nov 2018
This night betrays me
Slumber beckons and calls
But nethertheless
My eyes don’t fall to the tune of the night
Soon dawns chorus will hail a new day
And I will fall into a new tune
Wearily awakening to a new day
Rai Nov 2018
My words don’t always come out graceful and tamed
That’s when I usually get myself into trouble
Maybe a little rebellion is needed
Just now and again
Rai Nov 2018
Autumn leaves have laid their blanket
Upon the quiet ground
Winter beckons for sleep to come
Under the surface life is frozen in
Contemplation of a new cycle of life
As you surrender your past
Like the trees surrender last years growth
As you lay bare all your woes
As the leaves lye silently crisp waiting for someone to come and kick them high or crunch them beneath their feet
The workings of your soul are forgiving
The cold of winter holds you tight as
Your heart strings sleep and heal
For soon after the ideas in your mind eye and the stirrings in your heart
Like life waiting to spring through the ground in spring
So will you be reborn of yourself
Ever knowing
Ever remembering
Ever loving the earth you step on with silent steps
You are
I am
We are all
And we are everything that is beautiful
We are the cycle of nature imbodied within time and space
And once more in the full of summer
We shall shine
Rai Oct 2018
Loosing myself was a necessity
The journey back to self
That was a choice all of my own
Rai Oct 2018
She was in a hurry as she left home that day
Duvet lay crumpled on the floor where it fell as she rushed from her slumber
How could she have forgotten
This moment
The day she had waited for for so long never really believing it would happen
What a day for the alarm clock to give up the ghost
She knew she should of set the alarm on her phone
But hey
She walks down the street
A street that is embedded into her psychy
It’s been good here
The neighbours are more like family
She wondered if she would ever find a place like this again
The day was overcast but you could see a glimmer of light willing itself out from behind murky clouds
At the train station she was greeted by a rather stern face
She smiled anyway and went through the process of buying her ticket
Just at that moment she turned and caught a glimpse of him
She climbed the steps to the platform
He held out a hand
She would never go back this time
His eyes felt like home
His embrace felt like heaven
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