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 Oct 2013 Rachel
Michael Parish
The ancient tacoma grainery,
Stands in a corner of its own now.
Tne dark tunnell still has leggs when
she lets go.
The dock street rail yard fills up the city like a
loaf of hotnsteamy bread.
Farther down our ambitious tycoon
Stacks up condos, wheat pancakes,
Is his breakfast of choice.
They demolished the old elks club.
Which sprung across the street
like a walmart super store.
Blue and yellow is workers vest
perks and all.  Their members still
grase for golfballs off the ten million dollar tees.
There isnt much enjoyment, they'd rather drink.
Last month my two foot clarks walked through the sliding dorrs hospitality.
Wanting to see the high mountain of sucess,
I looked for organic oats.  
My minds to random.
I inch up to the screen and see the faces of migrant workers,
Hang like meat.
After six months in america half the under employed,
Are giving up.
Deported with their children.
My hope still goes out to the college students.
And their first morgage of inflamatory dough.
They all buy up every job still hoping for change.
No marrijuana in public,
Get away while the officers turn their backs,
With their guns to pepper a face.
In the taxing store.
Im afraid we smoked heavilly.
Love to the workers,
Love to their vests.
Everythings devoliping to quick.
My new bike slices by cars of ritz crackers.
Everthings been built to last.
There nothing left to buil on,
Only a few vacent lots that wait for tresspassers.
One man dives through a trash can and isnt scared.
He picks out a hamburger bun and eats his lunch.
 Oct 2013 Rachel
Harry J Baxter
The sun hasn't risen yet
the black hatchback opens up on the Lee Bridge
in the rear view mirror the city shrinks minuscule
as I forge forward at a steady pace of fifty
No matter where My destination is
the reason is always the same
like a thief in the night
trying to put some distance between me, myself, and I
daydreaming ceaselessly as traffic flows on every side
the front tire has a slow puncture
the door panel barely hanging on
in much need of an oil change
driving alone below the aspersions cast by unwanted eyes
as the rain slowly comes down to blind and cleanse
I never got to say half of the things I wanted
and I know that I won't write half of the words inside me
so I'm impatient
laying on the horn
and flipping old ladies on their way to church the bird
faces not seen enough to be memorized
hands not felt
laughter never shared
these things haunt me
holding their flickering candles to the bottom of my feet
Driven now
the sun hasn't come up yet
which is good
because before it does
I have some things that I need to do
 Oct 2013 Rachel
i wish,
i wish i could change the choices i have made,
right from childhood to adulthood,
i wish i could change the hands of time,
back to the time i knew nothing,
i wish i never made those wrong decisions,
that kept eating me up,
i wish i never met you,
i wish i never fell in love,
i wish every tears or mine ,
were tears of joy,
i wish right from time i knew right from wrong,
all along,
i wish i could change the world with my words,
making everyone know,
money is just a paper with printed figures,
i wish hatred never existed in our existance,
i wish distances didn't really mean a lot in relationships,
i wish people knew there's a better place above these walls,
i wish i didnt have to express my love,
when my heart beats only for you,
i wish memories were optional,
i wish for a better tomorrow.
 Oct 2013 Rachel
Michael Parish
A glaciers  ice melts,
The river releases fresh silt,
Here come the salmon.
 Oct 2013 Rachel
Jack Dalton
House on fire,
House on fire,
Role me a phat one.
Tonite the house ,
Tomorow nites up in smoke.
The walls were brown
Wall paper.  
Upinside here.
A white beard of smoke.
Goblin green walls,
Purple stains,
Scattered gold vains.
What a joke
We felt like smoked out
Hot patatoes,
I sat on my missing phone.
Coconut musics third encore.
Remember what you said.
I said sometimes say the truest things.
Remember what you said.
You become what you love.
He needs help.
He doesnt know,
What isnt his own.
Isnt my best friend,
Starting to bun out,
My bic lighter,
Is out.
My hands strike a match,
Is it so much to ask.
There were so many clicks.
Jump up or something
Else happened
To apear
Just to gorge
On your ptsd
Like the memory
of seing your last horror film.
You left angry,
And told us repeatingly.
I need help
tell us what we can do.
Help us tell you and
You can  show us
whose fault it was
I told you not to let anybody
do what they did.  
What is it worth
doing all over again.
All the reconziliation
Speeds off with ten dollars
In gas money.  
Did you know
What to do
after one interview
In a shrinks office.
Your inner thoughts
have to record
And for a few seconds
Every thing pushing
towards her garage.
Found a place upwards
in new hours slowly
able to erase the dust tic by tic.
Now we can start counting
Episodes you had.
Nowe we can understand what you have
And by december you will have the best christmas
Your peace on earth will be seeing a baby boy cry
When it snows.
They say that God lives very high;
  But if you look above the pines
You cannot see our God; and why?

And if you dig down in the mines,
  You never see Him in the gold,
Though from Him all that’s glory shines.

God is so good, He wears a fold
  Of heaven and earth across His face,
Like secrets kept, for love, untold.

But still I feel that His embrace
  Slides down by thrills, through all things made,
Through sight and sound of every place;

As if my tender mother laid
  On my shut lids her kisses’ pressure,
Half waking me at night, and said,
  “Who kissed you through the dark, dear guesser?”
Hey, kid I really like your work.  You could win a hundred bucks.

Oh, Andrea Button!  How sweet of you to notice.  
What do I do what do I do
what do I have to do.

Create an account, handsome.  Accept the terms, ****.  Post your best work, lover.  

So you’ll give me one hundred dollars for my soul, Miss Button?

"And you license to Tallmadge all patent, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights and proprietary rights in and to such Content for publication on the Service pursuant to these Terms of Service."

I said a chance to win, sucker.

Oh Andrea!  You devil.
I am a sucker...,
for fine print.
 Oct 2013 Rachel
Evee Colbolt
Eating away. Like the flesh you solemnly kiss. Through doubt if wanting acceptance wishing away.
Careful dear, what is carelessly labeled "love"  I might just destroy it.
******* and walk away as a stranger.
Make note not just subjected to games of satisfactory but been there and suffered through it.
In the trips of the fire like those of Hell. The losing and starting over. Again. Alone.
Dullend over time.
Nothing new. Just an idiosyncratic routine.
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