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 Oct 2013 Rachel
Jack Dalton
We drank and became aware.
After a sneaky shot of whiskey.
The hispanic reminded myself.
The ingnorent Michael of sidharthas plan.
If he came now and toaday.
Could the sidhartha buddha search his own.
There are circumstanses to understand.
Sidhartha sidhartha.  I read about the river.
Govinda found your nieve friend.
The man who would be disiple for the world.
Sidhartha would find somone elses journey.
Which in the making was his own creation.
In a epic adventure what's worth the struggle.
Its to easy and simple giving in.
Our sidhartha understood the noble Idea.
Which is make patience before accepting and believing what you have to.
In his unshaken morals he would become the buddha.  
A soul every person needs to read about.
If they want fufillment in life.
 Oct 2013 Rachel
Michael Parish
The rags to riches,
You know what's burried in the face,
The waiters ambitious nature,
A cooks heratige,
My friends are millionaires.
One day ill listen and
Learn about the secret
The rags to riches,
One day the cook will
want me to know,
and so will the waiter,
I always wanted a......
Do you think I can......
I know.......
One day my friends will open up
like a embarrased oyster.  

What ever feels akward for week.
Goes away like a bad haircut.
I hope the bad hair cut never grows out.
Every face is bare and naked,
Tender eneouph to give kisses
the kisses that are couageous.
Ill never forget the times outside
my friends and I spent smuthering
eachother in lipstick.  Thats what friends do
Friends kiss eachother when the days are helpless.
Tell me more about being a rapper.
Tell me more about your resturant.
Tell me more about being a laywer.
Ill kiss you and say the dreams never leave.
Ill kiss them all and say the dreams never leave.
 Oct 2013 Rachel
Stephanie Rice
I thought you would miss me
That the sound of my voice
Would be haunting you for a listen.
I thought you'd wanna see me
That every second without me
Would feel like a world without color
I thought you would cry, maybe just a little but
Your eyes still sparkled, the way they always did
Yet I thought you would miss me.
I thought you'd still love me
But the truth is you never did
I was a pick me up in the whirlwind
That is your life
Just a pretty face with prettier words
That could love you enough for you
To pretend to love yourself

— The End —