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 Apr 2014 Rachael
E. E. Cummings
i like my body when it is with your
body. It is so quite new a thing.
Muscles better and nerves more.
i like your body.  i like what it does,
i like its hows.  i like to feel the spine
of your body and its bones,and the trembling
-firm-smooth ness and which i will
again and again and again
kiss, i like kissing this and that of you,
i like, slowly stroking the,shocking fuzz
of your electric furr,and what-is-it comes
over parting flesh….And eyes big love-crumbs,

and possibly i like the thrill

of under me you so quite new
 Apr 2014 Rachael
 Apr 2014 Rachael
I am not afraid of darkness
Why should I be?
The brightest of all lights
Is shining within me.
 Aug 2013 Rachael
 Aug 2013 Rachael
That's what I am.
I am suffocated.

So many people
and my hands and legs
won't stop shaking.
I can't breathe
but I can't run.

Is this what it feels like?
To be so scared and afraid?
All you want to do is stay at home
forever and ever and ever...

No friends, no one.
Only me, only me...

I think I like it,
the suffocation and darkness
and this loneliness.
What's gonna happen to me?

I think I'm going crazy,
and that's absolutely fine with me.

 Aug 2013 Rachael
 Aug 2013 Rachael
Dear momma
All things I've ever wanted to say
I never did
And I'm sorry
Countless times I've wished
You were here
Once again
In the artist's apron
A paintbrush in your hand
"I'm going to paint a portrait of myself."
It was never completed
Like my words
I never did complete them
"I love you"
So hard to say
An unnatural force turned into a barrier
Choked me
Even till
When all oxygen left you
When it became past tense
Your lovely eyes turning soulless
Lips that couldn't utter anymore
The word mother
Was suddenly unrelatable
So many nights
I curled up and sobbed
Wishing I had said something
In everything
I'm waiting for that day again
For the day I'll be able to say
"I love you so much and I'm sorry."
 Aug 2013 Rachael
Mustafa Mars
boxed in with no place to go
stuck with the chaos that was spun out of nothing
my life has become a shadow of what once was
my being split into two
the light
trying to see the good in the world
feeling the love that was once abundant in me
showing mercy to others and
keeping hope alive
the shadow
a force of negativity
embracing the anger that was shelved away from everyone
punishing people for no reason
other than a sadistic joy
neither feels complete
both requiring an equal balance
just so they can feel fulfilled
both wanting the same thing
light wants to see what lies withing the darkness
but only illuminates
dispersing all shadows from its sight
shadow only wants to feel the warm embrace of the light
never wanting more than to warm its frozen heart
both want what can't be obtained
both want equilibrium
but cannot grasp it without the feeling of humanity
my subconscious mind cannot grasp their pain for long
attempting to block out their cries
trying to remain whole
but always feeling fractured
broken because of the life that has been lived
my mind tries to hold light and shadow together
waiting for someone who can fix what has been disconnected for a long time
 Aug 2013 Rachael
 Aug 2013 Rachael
If only you knew
How much I longed
To trace your body
With my finger
Stopping at your lips
And pushing mine
Against yours
Open my eyes
To find yours closed
And within that delight
hoped we were each other's love
The scent of you
That lingers every night
In my mind
Supplies me with such pain
And joy yet at the same time
I wanted to see you again
Wrap my arms around your body
My head pressed against your chest
Following the beat of your heart
I'll find myself
In love with you
You; yōō
And prayed so hard every night
That you felt the same
" I'm sorry"
Didn't quite make the cut
Not when I gave you every bit
Of my small heart
Telling you how beautiful
A person you are to me
How imperfect you are
a flawed human being
And how I get butterflies
Around when someone mentions your name
But all of these;
Must be kept a secret
No one else can know
Because you are my treasure
Buried deep within somewhere small

— The End —