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 May 2013 ML
Had I Known
 May 2013 ML
Your pale grass colored eyes flickered towards me in the passenger seat;
cigarette out the window
I stare at my ruby colored lips in the side view mirror
You drum your fingers on the wheel to Blue Bossonova
I remember the dream catcher hanging from the mirror catching my eye;
a majestic golden hue from the sunlight reflecting off of it.

We weren't supposed to be driving the car,
We both knew this, but we were rebels
So I had climbed out my window without my parents knowing
ripping my jeans in the process
just to be with you.

Had I known it would be the last time I'd touch you;
Had I known it would be the last time I'd kiss your lips
I would have stayed in my bed
The Shins blaring through my headphones
Thinking about all the things I'm going to do with you

Had I known it would be the last time seeing you smile
The last time hearing you breathe
Hearing you talk
     Touching your skin
I would have obeyed my parents rules for once.

Instead of staring at your pretty green eyes
I stare at the pretty headlights coming our way
I feel the car swerve to the left;
the dream catcher falling
The car spinning like a dradle in the air
It was like everything were in slowmotion
As I look over at you in horror
your pale green eyes flicker away from mine
closing as if to say
"I'm sorry."
The car comes to a hault.
You were motionless as we were upside down
Tears fall down my ****** cheeks
I scream at you to wake up;
but you wouldn't
Then I stopped wasting my breath
I stopped
Like your heart

Had I known it would be the last time I'd touch you;
Had I known it would be the last time I'd kiss your lips
I would have stayed in my bed
The Shins blaring in my headphones
because now I'm fantasying about all the things we could have done

About all the things we could have said
"You're paying for the electrical bill this time."
"I do."
Now I'm stuck listening to Blue Bossonova
blaring in my headphones
thinking about all the things I'd have to do without you

Had I known
 May 2013 ML
Ashley Wade Parker
i miss that light

                       i might die

buzz that I used to have.

it wasn’t the amphetamine high--

it was the empty stomach

i don’t have to eat


every meal skipped was power

as if we were otherworldly creatures

whose stomachs would only contain naughty water and faerie food.

we were hollowing out
and i loved it.

the lightness of my bones, the way my cheek bones were shining through

and my ribs were getting



to count.

& i miss that heart exploding dilated eyes

rush. not for the high

but for the simple matter that i was bird thin


not thin enough, but on my way.

i miss it, and it misses me.

i am strong enough…aren’t i?

i could do it again.

and this time—

                      i wont need the pills.

self loathing is fuel enough.

i want that power— every bite I don’t take is a boy who

told me i wasn’t good enough.

every skipped meal is a small triumph against myself.

i can do it.

it would be easy and no one would notice.

but i wont.
 May 2013 ML
Wolves and Lilies
I'll write a poem on your skin
With my lips, our love tattooed on every inch
At the back of your ear, your delicate nape
Your perfect spine and cheeks like wine

I'll breathe the words in your mouth
Let your soul read and keep my oath
Trace it in your waist and engrave the lines
Down to the lovely hidden shrine

Your eyes on my eyes, my warm hands on your hips
I can hear our poem inside your chest
The rhythm of our hearts will turn it into a song
And with your gentle kiss

*I'll write again.
 May 2013 ML
mark john junor
and there in the lace filled lights
there in the rose hips
and paper flowers
she built a world of her own
and a few friends
and she was a soft summer breeze
that always guided you home
she was a plate of cookies
and a soft feather comforter
wrapped round you like a hug

it was with her that i learned
how to make life a home
for more just yourself
but all those you love
that there are things more important
than appearances
than what some other person thinks
its the people who love you
thats who matter

all her yesterdays (the lace girl)
she fumbles with the dollars
that i spared up from from friends
and mumbles a thanks

her white dress
long faded to grey
but it still has its lace edge
just like her
i remember when i first met her...
in her pale shadows

of the room she shared with a cat
the lamp was covered with a lace cloth older than i am
the window leaked cold breezes
but they were defeated by her warm comforter
that she wraps round you as you enter her world
hug away all your darkest thoughts
leaving you to talk for
hours it seems on the meaning
of clouds shaped like bunny's
and bunny's made marshmallows
and what it meant to be 'chill'

do what is right for you and thouse you love
cherish the people you care for
and cherish every moment of laughter and joy with friends
and family
its what makes life worth living
edit: amended title
 May 2013 ML
Olivia Tierk
deprived of sleep
my thoughts they creep
to lands of far away
my eyelids slip
I lose my grip
and fall back in to dreaming
and in my sleep I am awake
a little noise this world will break
and everything is as it should be
the ones I love are near
and I can banish all my fear
in slumbering I am most serene
and so I slip back to my dream
 May 2013 ML
jeffrey conyers
I woke up.
And saw you.
The beauty of all of you.

I woke up.
And I thanked you.
Just for knowing you the way I do.

For every breath.
For every step.
I truly thank you.

For being with me.
For being within me.
I thank you.

I went to sleep with confidence.
That you would see me through the night.
Because it's all in your might.

I woke up.
With the same smile I had last night.

I thank you.
Yes, truly thank you.
For being apart of my life.

And letting me be apart of yours.
 May 2013 ML
Alvin Park
We saw shooting stars
outside the kitchen window.
You put the knife down
and we ran out to the porch.
The stars fell in swarms
as you sat down on the stairs.
I was overcome
by the beauty of your eyes
as they caught the stars
and you said to make a wish.
You shut your eyelids,
trusted the world with mutters.
Back in our bedroom
you asked "what did you wish for"
Your eyes still shining
and your head pressed against mine
I looked and I smiled
and I said "nothing".
 May 2013 ML
Kaysha Dorsey
Your image flows through my eyes, pours into my head, runs down my neck and fills up my chest

seeps down into my stomach, tingling



and after a while it evaporates, leaving a dull ache.
 May 2013 ML
A Thomas Hawkins
If you look for me 'mongst the headstones
I wont be hard to find
A simple cross will mark my spot
for those I left behind.

The simple cross is carved upon
and ancient piece of Oak
along with a simple message
that contains these words I spoke

"Shed not for me a single tear,
feel no sorrow for me,
for I shared my life with many trials,
now finally I'm free.

and do not mourn my passing,
from this world to beyond,
for as long as you remember me,
I will ne'er be truly gone."
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
 May 2013 ML
R.S. Thomas
 May 2013 ML
R.S. Thomas
Dear parents,
I forgive you my life,
Begotten in a drab town,
The intention was good;
Passing the street now,
I see still the remains of sunlight.

It was not the bone buckled;
You gave me enough food
To renew myself.
It was the mind's weight
Kept me bent, as I grew tall.

It was not your fault.
What should have gone on,
Arrow aimed from a tried bow
At a tried target, has turned back,
Wounding itself
With questions you had not asked.
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