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 Dec 2013 ML
 Dec 2013 ML
When the sun sets for me,
and it rises in my home.
 Dec 2013 ML
Dane Perczak
I heard poet's have to
be the world's observers
So here I am
Trying to be a good poet
Observing things.

I walk

Through the park
Picturing the poetry
of my surroundings

The day is whatever
Flowers, Bees, Wheelbarrows
Sure, that's all fine
I will leave it for others
to express with their words

I keep walking

I see a man
mowing the grass
Humbly dressed in an
Orange vest
wiping off his life dreams
with the sleeves of his shirt
Grass sticks to his forehead

I keep walking

An older man
but not old
sits alone at a park bench
His face is buried
into the infinite
comforting darkness
of his hands
Tears break free from the cracks

I keep walking

I see a woman
She is not with me
She is happy

I keep walking

I see a kid
playing baseball
He looks sharply at his parents
every second
Dad is on his cell phone
Mom sleeps on her lit cigarette in the minivan
At least they showed up

I keep walking

Down by the lake
I see my reflection
I see myself
A good poet observes things

The reflection is in my bathroom mirror
There was no park
I didn't actually observe these things
I lay flat on my back
My skin sweats against the tile
I grasp the empty
Orange bottle
close to my chest
I try to observe more things
before it's too late
So I can be a good poet
So I can be remembered

I observe the flickering lightbulb that
I should have changed
I observe the towels that
she hated
and don't match the shower curtain
I observe my cold sweat
mixing with the warmth of my tears
A good poet observes things
The light bulb burns out
 Dec 2013 ML
 Dec 2013 ML
i  envy your pillow
for it lets you
rest your head on it
while i couldn't

i envy your cup,
for it kisses your lips
tasting yours,
while i just stare at it,

i envy your blanket
it covers your skin
it touches every bit of you
while i couldn't

i envy your clothes
it touches your skin
every corner of it
every flaw
while i'm sitting here
typing this
 Nov 2013 ML
Pooja Shah
You look broken- hearted, teary eyed at the covers of a magazine,
With eyes wide, you exclaim, "Oh my! I will never be such a beauty Queen!
"Oh that pretty face! I would **** to be her!" ,you begin to wish,
A second later, you let out a sad sigh, rating yourself a mere *******.

But why is it, that your own reflection , you hate?
Is it because of what you see everywhere, a beauty that is fake?
Did you forget, oh my pretty little ,insecure thing,
That you are His creation, a beautiful state of being?

Are you insecure about the whites and reds that ,
covers any 'beautiful' 'perfect' women's face?
Then, what is your say about that genuine smile,
that needs no make up, and improves your grace?

Are you scared , because people throw accusing glares at you,
The ones that accuse you, of being a person of words few?
Then, wouldn't you like to answer them with your eyes,
pretty as always as they are, for they even speak out volumes?

You sob to yourself because you are not the 'Size Zero' type,
and because it is the latest trend, too much of which is a hype?
But, what about those noble hands, and a loving heart,
That you are gifted with, for love is what they impart?

It is true that, beauty does count for something in life,
But, why to achieve something superficial, should there be a strife?
All you need in life, oh my pretty little, insecure thing,
is the inner beauty, that spreads love, my beautiful state of being!
It is now the call of the hour that we get over the illusion of perfection , and delve deeper into our soul to discover the inner beauty of if, the radiance of it, and shine through it. Only then, we will be able to look or feel beautiful, in a true sense! :)
 Oct 2013 ML
sleep again
 Oct 2013 ML
Travellers, we make our nests where we land


may dreams stay wherever you are; Close your eyes and go home
 Oct 2013 ML
The words I wrote can hurt me.
She wrote to forget,
I read and remember.

Old almond gifts can make eyes tear
when we try and turn them into onions.
 Jul 2013 ML
 Jul 2013 ML
We made magic, dear;
The gift of your little day
turned into a little year.

Silent drums are loud
Celebrations of the mind,
Water, sliding chairs.
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