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R A Sanders Dec 2012
Where are the lines drawn in the sand,
All these boundaries were washed away with the tide,
And we're paddling out at sea,
Just trying to stay a float,
We're to afraid to go to the shore,
We're to afraid to stop kicking our feet,
The waves pull us back and forth,
We think we can handle it,
But in our minds somewhere,
We know we can't,
We know we're going to drown,
All because we couldn't make up our minds.
R A Sanders Dec 2012
Please don't touch the Christmas tree,
Leave all my things in the boxes,
I can hardly bare to look at the door,
I made choices,
I did things because I thought you'd be happy,
I learned quickly that I could never make you that way,
And although the fact shook me to my core,
I thought maybe we could just coexist,
We don't have to agree,
Maybe just stop the arguing,
But then you went and ripped me out of my home,
That was a heavy blow,
A lot to swallow,
I guess parts of me thought I could make the best of this,
As much as you think I don't try,
I did,
I don't know why when life changed for you,
It had to change so much for me to,
Sometimes I don't think you realize how much I gave up,
I know your ready to go,
I swear I won't even try to stop you,
It won't do any good anyway,
I just want you to notice once in a while,
That I'm really hurting,
I just want you to notice,
How much your plans are going to cost,
And for once I want you to see me falling,
And catch me in time.
R A Sanders Dec 2012
Hey it's me again,
I heard you knock,
I'm letting you in,
Try not to be to shocked or floored,
I'm just trying to find what's living for,
And if it's me and you talking positively,
I'll just say I haven't found it yet,
But I doubt I'll find it at all,
I've never been good at finding the lost,
I'll leave that one up to God,
Because Lord knows I'm not good enough to do this on my own,
That's why I don't even try,
I dig holes so deep,
That the The Great Wall of China is just a jump into the dark,
I guess what I'm getting around to say is,
I'm not interested,
Have a nice day.
R A Sanders Nov 2012
You're sitting on a stool,
Nearest to the door,
Slurring words about the past,
Saying how you were so *******,
How you said a lot of things, that you wouldn't take back,
You drink cheap beer and liquor,
It's the only thing that keeps you alive,
I wonder if you ever wish I was there,
I'm just a ghost now,
Haunting every memory,
Somewhere between drunk and sober,
I hang around there,
You stumble out into the parking lot,
Pass out beside the cars,
You hardly know where you are,
But that's how you like to be,
And I just wonder if you ever think of me,
If you ever thought I was good enough of a reason to stop it,
But I'm gone with the wind,
While I was leaving, you were sitting here,
With one hand on the bottle,
One foot in the grave,
At a bar with black walls,
And while a drink was calling your name,
I called "Daddy come back here."
R A Sanders Nov 2012
We're screaming,
Drunken and reeling back to where we were before,
I just want to let you know now,
That I didn't mean a thing I said,
My words poured out,
And before I knew what I was doing,
I saw that I was the one doing the hurting this time,
The years are rolling by now,
And I'm trying to catch up,
But I always stumble,
You were always so good at getting back up,
I don't have my helping hand this time,
I guess that happens one you keep on hand wrapped around the bottle,
The whiskey doesn't like to stay here,
And it's all my fault,
I know why.
R A Sanders Nov 2012
Debris filled the air,
With smoke and fire.
My mind became a blank slate;
My heart was beating so fast.
We stood back,
Standing right next to each other
And we watched the broken building crumble,
Watched brick by brick as they fell to the earth,
There was a moment of silence among the crowd,
For we didn’t know whether to cry or rejoice,
That we slid by this time.
R A Sanders Nov 2012
Let me tell you a little story,
About a girl called me,
Who had a broken heart,
That nobody could see,
But she felt it,
So she smiled through it,
Because she didn't want other people to feel it to,
Sometimes a frown is just as contagious as a smile,
Or that was what she thought,
So everyday she fell apart a little more,
All alone,
With people all around,
And nobody saw the pain that shown through her eyes,
Even though it came across so clear,
At the start of every smile,
Her eyes began to water,
And no one had a clue,
How lost she truly was,
Or how bad she really felt,
How every night she laid awake,
Thinking to herself about the past that haunted her,
And no one ever woke her up.
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