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R A Sanders Nov 2012
I used to cry myself to sleep every night,
While you were only God knows where,
I grasped the sheets,
Cried into my pillow,
And one of the things that hurt the most,
Was knowing,
You weren't thinking about me.
I thought maybe,
Just maybe,
One day I'd be good enough of you,
But you expect perfection,
And that was something I couldn't reach.
I've been the wandering sort lately,
Waiting for the day I'll just wander right into you,
Maybe I'm just wishful thinking,
Or maybe I'm a glutton for punishment,
But I think it comes down to,
Wanting what you can't have,
And you slip through my fingers every time.
R A Sanders Nov 2012
I'm alone again tonight,
You said you'd be home,
But again, you weren't,
I should of expected it.
I tend to spend a lot of time alone lately,
You're never where you say you are,
And you're always saying how you'll take care of me,
But you really haven't lately.
I've started writing a lot again,
Usually about your love and how I lost it,
Or maybe how I never got it,
The webs are still to tangled to tell,
I'll just let you know that it kills me,
I can't even sleep,
I'm just haunted by bad dreams,
I try not to tell you though,
You're always so stressed,
And I'm always to blame,
There's always something I did,
Or something I didn't do,
It's a terrible way to be,
Just living to please,
So I'm here again,
At your hands and feet,
I'm waiting for something good to happen.
But when it's going right you leave,
So I'm beating you to the punch this time,
I'm in my car taking the highway out,
I left a letter on the kitchen table,
saying *"I'm sorry, I had to get out"
R A Sanders Nov 2012
I don't know how,
Or why,
But I fell in love with him slow,
It was out of the ordinary for me,
For I am somewhat reckless,
And everything about him felt to close for comfort,
But everything he was is what I wanted,
So I stood back and watched him,
For once I waited,
I made him wait,
All his moves were smooth,
With his every word I felt myself inch towards him,
The anticipation before the fall, was almost as good as the fall itself,
Maybe there's something about what you want but can't have,
To make you want it more,
I don't regret,
A moment I wasted,
All while he was chasing,
Now we're free falling,
Never to touch the ground,
It's a wonderful storm reside in.
R A Sanders Nov 2012
I met him at a bad time, it was so cold, and it was so dark, and the worse part was I was just as cold and dark as the world around me was. The streets were all painted black and gray, and I was just a speck of white walking on my way, then out from one of my deepest thoughts I looked up and saw a ray of light, something small that shined, walking straight to me, and that was the moment I thought; that maybe life wasn’t quite what I began to think it was. Everything began to confuse me; every thought, every word; it puzzled me to the point that I couldn’t even speak about it.
I’ve learned through a list of bad things, that everything good must fade. Somewhere in some book that was written by some terrible man says that they must, because if they didn’t then we’d never be grateful for anything, but they didn’t understand that we aren’t going to anyway, we’re  selfish by nature, especially me. The ray of light was right in front of me, I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t even look up; the better parts of me where ashamed of the creature I was slowly becoming. The light reveled himself as Ransom; I didn’t dare look him in the face. Just standing by his side he warmed me, he shifted everything to the point that made me look up, it was such a different experience that sent me to brand new spaces, and for some reason I couldn’t even mutter the word “Thanks”. I was frozen, and he was just smiling and shining, and I didn’t even know how to say “Thanks”.
R A Sanders Nov 2012
If you don't mind,
And you don't take it personally,
Next time we see each other,
Could we just ignore each other.
If it was up to me,
We would still be together,
But the past memories when you brush by,
They take me away,
So if you don't mind,
Don't say "Hey",
Or look at me with those deep blue eyes,
Trying to start a conversation,
About how we keep going on with our lives,
But we both know,
That this separation is painful,
And this speaking isn't making it better,
Time always pulls us back together,
So that's it,
Can we just be strangers again.
R A Sanders Nov 2012
It's been three weeks,
I'm an antidepressant away from being okay with this,
I'm just numbing the pain,
I'm tired of feeling this way,
The worst part is, you just don't understand,
You think I'm being dramatic,
But that didn't keep me from wanting to jump in front of a train,
It's whatever though,
I just want to go,
And you'll never know until I'm gone,
That you actually gave a ****.
R A Sanders Nov 2012
I met you at a bad time,
In a bad economy,
With heels that were to high,
And the weather was cold.
I didn't mean to get to know you,
I didn't mean to ever fall in love,
One of us was already hurt,
I didn't mean to make that number two.
I don't know how to ask you to forgive me,
For everything I did,
The list goes on and on,
To running away from everything you gave me,
To our last fight on the drive home,
I don't think there's any way possible that I could find another you,
Or anyone that could make me feel the way you do,
I don't know why I ended it all,
I don't have a reason that will make you feel better,
I do love you,
My love for you is the only thing that keeps me alive,
Maybe I just wasn't ready,
I just had so much trouble believing in your feelings,
Now I'm here alone,
And all I want to do is to call you,
But I know you won't pick up,
I didn't mean any of it,
Forgive me,
Come home.
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