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R A Sanders Oct 2012
We always fight,
It's just what we do,
We aren't the same people,
Sometime we aren't even compatible,
I hate the way you use the toothpaste,
You don't like the music I listen to,
If I had a chance at some perfect guy,
Who did everything like me,
Who always comforted me,
Who's always sweet,
I'd still pick you.
What's the fun in perfect,
That means everything's the same,
You keep me on my toes,
In a way that no one else ever has.
I hate your temper,
You hate mine,
But I love you,
And we'll be alright,
Because at the end of the day,
I'm happy you're mine.
R A Sanders Oct 2012
Your words hurt just as much as your actions,
I don't know what you're trying to do,
All this love I have for you,
You just want to break it in two,
Do you even care if I hurt?
I'd never hurt you,
If I'm really not what you want,
Then just say we're through,
Really, must you torture me like you do?
I've never asked anything of you,
I've just loved you unconditionally,
Then you dare come to me,
Saying it's all a lie,
If I'm lying to you,
Why have I been here since the start?
R A Sanders Sep 2012
It was so easy back then,
I didn't have a care in the world,
I didn't care who I hurt,
I had no concern for who I broke,
The world shifted for me,
You put everything in perspective,
You changed everything.
It's really quite scary,
To feel this way,
For once I felt whole,
I knew I'd never be the same after that day,
You see, When you find that missing piece,
You want to glue that piece into your puzzle,
Because without you (my piece),
I'm just half a picture,
And no matter who tries to paint or draw,
No matter who tried to morph into the shape,
It just wasn't the same,
Not like you fitting,
Not like you being with me.

I don't think you fully understand,
How cold I was,
I didn't know how to love,
I didn't know how to accept love,
Somehow I changed,
I'm different now,
I don't care about another drink,
Any other man,
Because with you something's different,
I knew,
The whole time,
I knew,
When you spoke my name,
It wasn't you just calling to me,
It was a sign from the soul,
It was like a song to my heart,
No one had ever made it that close to my heart.

Most of the time I don't even know how you do it,
The way you nurture me when I need it,
The way you give the good,
The way you take the bad,
You're selfless when it comes to me,
You're not scared to hurt my feelings,
Yet, you never aim to hurt,
You're graceful and tact when you speak,
I would of gave up on me,
I would of left my pretty little *** in the dust,
But not you,
You're the knot on my rope,
I love you too much.
R A Sanders Sep 2012
Pounding is taking place in my head,
A constant pound that reminds me,
I'm over thinking this,
My heart is skipping beats,
My hands are shaking,
I don't normally act this way,
But I have to say,
To give yourself completely,
That's a fearless thing to do,
I'm trying to jump into this,
It's suppose to be easy,
I'm giving my heart to you,
Protect me please,
My everything's you.
R A Sanders Sep 2012
It's a hard road,
There's rocks and pebbles,
Sometimes we'll get our knees scratch,
Or even worse;
Sometimes we'll fall flat on our faces,
There's hills,
They feel like mountains,
There's rain,
There's storms,
But I love you more,
And I know our worth,
It's not easy,
But you're worth it.
R A Sanders Sep 2012
Do you remember anything from last night,
It was all a blur,
Maybe I did something right,
But wrong is what I do best,
I don't think you really know,
Just how lost I am,
I'm reaching for hands,
But there's never anything to grasp,
There's never a end.
R A Sanders Sep 2012
Another angry text,
Another night of yelling,
What are we doing anymore,
If you're that unhappy,
I'll show you to the door,
When you get half way out,
You always turn back..

I don't remember why,
but we're fighting again,
Usually I don't know why,
It turns to a contest,
Who can make the other hurt best,
We both end up wrecked,
Let's retire back to bed,
I can't do this anymore..
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